big dry son-in-law

Chapter 634 Shilong’s Godson

Chapter 634 Shilong’s Godson
"The White Lotus Sect is a remnant of the previous dynasty. Your imperial grandfather and I have been encircling and suppressing it for nearly 20 years, but we still can't stop it." Li Shilong said: "The drought in the northwest is so severe that it is just a problem in two counties. It did not let the matter expand further. This It means you are doing a good job.

Chai Shao is very dedicated in providing disaster relief, and you are also good to the people. If public opinion becomes boiling, the White Lotus Sect will wave its arm, and those who respond will know how to respond. "

"This is all because my father is strategizing in the capital. I don't think I have any merit. On the contrary, I didn't do a good job, so that the White Lotus Sect has the soil to survive!" Li Yue went to the northwest and realized how poor that place was. , people with conscience will be moved.

Li Shilong stared at Li Yue's eyes, and saw that his eyes were sincere and he looked ashamed, and he felt very relieved. "Then the merits and demerits are equal!" Li Shilong said: "Now it's raining in the northwest, which has also alleviated the disaster. Follow-up Just leave it alone and let Chai Shao take charge of the disaster relief."

So far, no less than one million people have migrated to the northwest. Although they have left their hometowns, the work-for-relief program and the establishment of Bohai County have also provided them with a place to live.

This policy makes the people all over the world grateful.

In the Ming Dynasty, there was also a saying about the rule of Longjing.

Later, Li Shilong gave Li Yue a test on people's livelihood management, and Li Yue answered very well. The six months of experience had greatly improved Li Yue.

"Do you know why I summon you back to Beijing now?"

"I don't know!"

"Don't you know about your eldest son and your fourth son?"

"I know!" Li Yue was secretly vigilant, fearing that he would say the wrong thing.

"Then what do you think? If there is no reform, what will you do with them?"

"Father, if there is no reform, the eldest brother and the fourth brother will not be able to deal with it!" Li Yue said: "But as a brother, I will scold them and even fight them to the death."

His posture was very low, and he did not assume the role of the prince. Instead, he continued to answer as the king of Yue and as a younger brother.

This answer was not refreshing, but it made Li Shilong happy, "Do you want them to die?"

Li Yue shook his head, "No one wants their family to be like this. Brothers are like siblings. If any part is missing, it will be difficult to coordinate the limbs."

Li Shilong asked calmly: "If you become the prince, there will be ten ministers in front of you, five of them are treacherous ministers, sycophantic ministers, lucky ministers, favored ministers, and powerful ministers.

The other five are loyal ministers, mediocre ministers, capable ministers and Qing ministers.

How would you use these ten people? "

This is the way to teach and employ people.

Li Yue's heart was beating wildly. Is this really a question he can answer now?

From the initial indifference to the current importance, only Li Yue knew how difficult this process was.

He thought for a while and was about to answer, but then he thought about it and felt it was wrong.

He is just a prince, so what qualifications do he have to answer such a question?

The reform had just begun, and all adult princes were eligible to participate. He had prestige, and Li Shilong would not contradict himself at the beginning of the reform and make him the prince.

If it's a long story, doesn't that mean he has this idea?
Li Yue cupped his hands and said: "Father, I don't want to be the prince because I feel that I am not qualified enough. I have not fulfilled the duty of a son to my parents, and I have not made much contribution to my subordinates.

Now everyone knows that Daqian has ushered in the Longjing Reign. I hope that my father will live a long life and let the Longjing Reign continue.

As for the way of employing people, I am stupid, please give me some advice from my father! "

What Li Yue said was sincere, and Li Shilong felt very comfortable listening to it.

He said he didn't want to be a prince, but that was a lie, and he knew it.But sometimes, some words cannot be said, and even one's inner emotions cannot be expressed.

A king and a father are like a widower.

It's not that the emperor likes to be called a loner, nor is it that the emperor doesn't like to get close to others.

If he expresses his emotions, his experienced ministers will be able to figure out his thoughts.

There are bound to be a lot of sycophants.

Isolating oneself is actually for better governance and to show the special status.

It also makes those who come down in awe.

Li Yue already possesses some qualities.

Li Shilong said: "Then just listen!"

Li Yue hurriedly listened, feeling extremely excited. Hearing the king's father's way of employing people was something that only a prince could enjoy.

Even the prince may not be able to listen to the emperor's explanation of how to employ people like a class.

"Whether you are a loyal minister or a traitor, they are just pawns in your hands. What is loyalty and what is a traitor?"

Li Shilong smiled, "Suppose you just registered now and you find that there is no one available around you.

The loyal ministers in your eyes have reputation, status, and power. You want to issue a decree, but they unite to veto you. What should you do? "

Li Yue was stunned, "My son will be distressed!"

"Yes, if it were me, I would be troubled too!" Li Shilong put his hands behind his back, then you will definitely find a way to support your close friends. At this time, a bold, low-status, but ambitious official enters your sight, then you will definitely train him to compete with loyal ministers.

At that time, your thoughts aroused loyal ministers to join forces, and the loyal ministers in your eyes became traitors. "

Li Shilong paused, "But is the traitor really a traitor? Not necessarily, because he can help you do things, so he set up a trap to coax the loyal minister over, and after getting your authorization, he sent the loyal minister to prison for the crime of disrespect. Prison, then ask and behead.

This loyal and powerful minister eventually became a traitor. His death also shocked those people. You finally had dignity and the right to speak, and the traitor you supported with one hand became a knife.

But this traitor is too courageous and ambitious. You are afraid that he will become a powerful minister, so you support a deputy to restrain him.

This deputy is very good at pleasing you and knows all your preferences. You know, he is a favored minister, but he can control the knife.

But the knife was so sharp that the scabbard couldn't hold it.

Therefore, after receiving your instructions, this favored minister formed a clique in the court and found many people who were incompetent but had similar interests and liked to flatter others.

They like to find trouble with the knife whenever they have nothing to do, so the court becomes a battlefield between the two factions. You think of those mediocre and honest ministers who are loyal but have no ability, acting as middlemen to lubricate the two factions. "

Li Shilong looked at the shocked Li Yue and said, "Loyal ministers have become traitors, but traitors are loyal ministers in your heart, but you still restrict loyal ministers, so you have favored ministers and lucky ministers.

Yongchen and Qingchen are the chess pieces in your hand. When one party wins, you need to add chess pieces to achieve the balance of the court.

As long as he is not a traitor, he can be used by you.

This is the way to be superior, the way to be king! "

(End of this chapter)

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