big dry son-in-law

Chapter 230: Blast you to death!

Chapter 230: Blast you to death!

"But knocking on the door won't work. The law does not punish everyone. After all, the family's energy is still very great. If this quarrel continues, it will only make the situation more serious." Li Yue said.

At this moment, Qin Mo came in with a box in his arms, "The law doesn't blame everyone, I will conquer them today!"

"Idiot, what are you doing holding the box?" Cheng Dabao asked.

"Stop talking nonsense and come here to help!" Qin Mo said, "Uncle Liu Gen, go prepare the carriage. If you are willing to follow, then follow. If not, just stay at my house!"

Li Yongmeng stepped forward to help Qin Mo carry the box, "Idiot, what's in this box?"

"You'll know then!"

Qin Mo didn't explain much, carried the box and got into the four-wheeled carriage.

Yang Liugen drove the car, "Master, where are you going?"

"Go to Dai Wei's house first, come one by one, no one can escape!"

"Okay!" Yang Liugen is also a bold master.

His young master was attacked and killed, and he had long been filled with anger.

Not to mention beating them, he would dare even to hit the palace!
In the car, everyone looked at the black iron ball in the box curiously, "Idiot, what is this?"

"This is a good thing!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "With it, it will be easy to open mountains and mine!"

Several people looked at each other, unable to imagine how these little things could be used for mining.

The more so, the more curious they become.

I can’t even wait to see how Qin Mo uses it!

Soon, the carriage stopped at the Changguo Duke's Mansion.

The servant hurried in and said, "Master, Qin Mo is here again!"

"Quickly, close the door and don't let him in!" Dai Wei said hurriedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, Dai Weizhen's head was buzzing, and there was even crying outside.

Followed by a series of loud noises echoing in Changguo Duke's Mansion!

"What, what on earth is going on?" Dai Wei was startled, and ran in followed by the housekeeper, crying: "Master, Qin Mo got a black ball from somewhere and threw it into our house, then The black ball exploded all of a sudden, and someone was killed.

Our wall and house were all blown down. It’s terrible! "

Dai Wei shuddered, even walls and houses could collapse. What on earth was this?

He was just about to go out and take a look when he heard Qin Mo's voice, "Dai Laogou, you have gone back on your word and want to kill me, so you can see what happens if you piss me off!"

Then a black ball was thrown into the main hall from outside.

Dai Wei instinctively felt danger, so Sayazi ran to the back hall.

As soon as he ran to the door, there was a loud noise from behind, which scared him out of his mind.

The housekeeper who was looking after him was already lying in a pool of blood!
What the hell is this? It’s terrible!

Dai Wei felt aggrieved and afraid, so he sent people to kill Qin Mo. He didn't know about it at all.

Originally, the Qin family had compromised, and everything was said well in today's meeting.

I thought this matter was over, but I didn't expect Qin Mo to be attacked and killed on the way.

However, he didn't have time to think too much and hurried to the cellar and hid.

When he came out, he found that the house was in a mess and many people were dead.

A large piece of the wall collapsed.

"Qin Mo, I'm not done with you!"

At this time, Li Yue and others were shocked by the iron ball in the box.

Such a small thing can be so powerful.

Even walls and houses can be blown down. No wonder Qin Mo said he can dig mountains and mine.

If this was thrown into the crowd, would anyone survive?Li Yue asked: "Idiot, what is the name of this thing? If this thing is used to attack or defend the city, it will definitely be a big killer!"

Qin Mo said: "This is called a grenade. It can indeed be used in combat, and it is so powerful that not a single blade of grass will grow within ten meters.

And it can be made even bigger, and the bigger it is, the more powerful it is. There is no wall in the world that can prevent it! "

Everyone took a breath in unison.

"Idiot, why didn't you use such a powerful thing before?"

"I originally planned to use it to mine, but I didn't want to use it to kill people!" Qin Mo said.

Everyone gave Qin Mo the middle finger. Qin Mo only wanted to use such a powerful weapon for mining. It was a waste of natural resources!

"Idiot, why don't you dedicate this killer weapon to your father?"

"Let's talk about this later!" Qin Mo snorted: "Let me give this tone first!"

"Idiot, can you let me throw two away for a while?" Cheng Dabao was eager to give it a try.

"Okay!" Qin Mo nodded.

"Brother, I also want to have some fun!"

"Everyone who meets you has a share. Next stop, the Cui family!"

If Qin Mo hadn't been forced to panic, he would have really been reluctant to use this trump card. Everyone has selfish motives.

He even thought darkly that if Li Yue had not fought with Li Xin, then Li Xin would definitely kill him.

When the time comes, he will use this trump card to help Li Yue seize the throne!

But this thing is a threat to anyone in a superior position.

Whether it is a threat or a great achievement depends on Qin Mo himself.

If you offer this thing, your cheap father-in-law will definitely smile from ear to ear.

Come on, now that you’ve taken it all out, let’s find a way to hold this thing in your hands.

He wants Dai Wei and others to kneel down and sing Conquer!
Continuous explosions sounded throughout the capital.

Cui Mansion, Lu Mansion, Zhao Guo Gong Mansion, Lu Guo Gong Mansion, and Liang Guo Gong Mansion all did not escape.

The explosion collapsed the door and wall of their house and knocked them upside down.

"Qin Mo, you and I are at odds with each other!" Gongsun Chong was so frightened that he ran away and started yelling.

Gongsun Wuji's face turned blue with fright. He had just looked carefully and saw that an iron ball fell into the pool in the yard, and all the fish in the pool were blown to death.

The house was also blown down.

If this was a human being, it wouldn't be blown to pieces.

"Qin Mo, I really didn't send people to kill you. You have to be rational and don't be impulsive.

If you kill me, you will also be in bad luck. You and your father will be buried with us! " Gongsun Wuji shouted loudly.

"Gongsun old dog, I've been putting up with you for a long time. This time I can't bear it anymore. Let me tell you, I'm really driving you to the edge and I'll blow you bastards to death.

If you don’t want to die, you should fucking admit your mistake to me. I don’t care if it’s the person you sent or not. Find the real culprit for me. Otherwise, this is just the first time. I will bomb you every day from now on. I want you to never have peace! "

With a harsh word, Qin Mo left with the people.

Standing among the ruins, Gongsun Wuji looked helpless.

This idiot got such a powerful weapon.

He also came from the military and knew the importance of this weapon. He wanted to file a complaint, but then he thought about it and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Dad, what are you still doing? Let's go to the palace and file a complaint!"


Gongsun Wuji sighed: "Do you want to endure another round of bombings?"

(End of this chapter)

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