At this time, Chandela, the governor of Chanzhou, was extremely frightened. He was unable to resist the Jin army's attack on the city. The Jin army was so powerful that he had no way to relieve the siege.

" to the general, there is an envoy from the Kingdom of Jin outside the city asking to see you."

A detective broke into the commander's tent and reported.

Wang Zaixing's eyes narrowed, "Messenger from the Kingdom of Jin? What are you doing here?"

"Say...said I'm here to persuade you to surrender."

"Persuade to surrender?"

Wang Zaixing sneered, "Do they think the Song Dynasty can be conquered so easily? Tell them that if they want to persuade them to surrender, let them trade a city for my Wang Zaixing's life!"


Tan Ma took the order and left.

Not long after, the Jin envoy outside the city was beheaded from his horse, and his head was hung high on the top of the city.

After Wanyan Zongfu heard the news, he was furious and ordered an all-out attack on the city.

But who will the king bring up again? He was the elite of the elite Western Army of the Song Dynasty. How could his combat effectiveness be comparable to that of ordinary people?
Although the troops were insufficient, they could still repel the Jin army.

Upon seeing this, Wanyan Zongfu knew that a hard attack was not the answer, so he changed his strategy and built fortifications outside Chanzhou City in preparation for a protracted war.

The Jin army had 30 troops, while Wang Zaixing only had more than 2 troops. The disparity in strength was huge.

Coupled with the lack of food and grass and the lack of reinforcements, morale was slowly declining.

On this day, another spy came to report.

" to the general that a large army has arrived outside the city, carrying a banner with the word 'Zhao', claiming that it is here at the invitation of General Wang."

"The banner with the character Zhao? In response to General Wang's appointment?"

After Wang Zaixing was stunned for a moment, his face showed joy, "Quick! Follow me out of the city and have a look!"

After leaving the city, Wang Zaixing saw an army of [-] men, led by none other than King Xin Zhao Zhen.

"King Xin! Why are you here?"

Zhao Zhen walked over with a smile, "Wei County is in emergency, and the emperor asked me to lead [-] troops to support you."

"Great! With this [-]-strong army, I am no longer afraid of Wanyan Zongfu!"

Wang Zaixing was as excited as a child.

Zhao Zhen waved her hand, "Sister Huang has already defeated the Jin army twice. This is Wanyan Zongfu's third attack on the Song Dynasty. He cannot afford to lose! So we will win this battle!"

"Yes! We will win this battle!"

Wang Zaixing and Zhao Zhen walked side by side and entered Chanzhou City.

After entering the city, Zhao Zhen pulled out the captured artillery. "This kind of artillery is very powerful. It can kill a large number of golden soldiers at once."

Wang Zaixing was overjoyed after hearing this, "Great! With this kind of artillery, we can hit the Jin army hard!"

The two discussed for a long time and decided that Zhao Zhen would lead his army out of the city to raid the grain and grass camp behind the Jin army, while Wang Zaixing would lead his army to attack the Jin army head-on.

That night, the Wuma Shanzhai army led by Zhao Zhen quietly left the city and attacked the Jin Army's grain and grass camp.

There were not many defenders in the Liangcao Battalion, and with the sudden attack by the elite cavalry led by Zhao Zhen, they were quickly defeated.

Zhao Zhen ordered a fire to be set on fire, burning all the food and grass of the Jin army.

At the same time, Wang Zaixing also led an army to attack from the front.

After the Jin army learned that the grain and grass had been burned, they were immediately in chaos. They were chased by the coalition forces of Wang Zaixing and Zhao Zhen, causing heavy casualties.

Wanyan Zongfu was furious,
Ordered an all-out attack on Chanzhou City.

However, the Chanzhou City at this time is no longer the previous Chanzhou City.

Zhao Zhen brought an army of [-] people, as well as a large number of artillery and muskets. When the Jin Army's siege troops just approached the city wall, artillery and firecrackers began to fire wildly. The dense firepower network prevented the Jin Army from getting close to the city wall.

Wang Zaixing led the elite of the Western Army to fight out of the city, and together with Zhao Zhen's five-horse army, launched a fierce attack on the Jin Army.

The Jin army was defeated, and Wanyan Zongfu had to lead the remaining army to retreat.

In the Battle of Chanzhou, the Song Dynasty Allied Forces achieved a brilliant victory.

In this battle, the Jin army suffered more than [-] casualties, while the Song coalition suffered only more than [-] casualties.

On the way to escape, Wanyan Zongfu was captured by Wang Zaixing himself and became a prisoner of the Song Dynasty.

When the news came back to Kaifeng City, Zhao Ji was overjoyed and ordered a heavy reward for Wang Zaixing and Zhao Zhen, and escorted Wanyan Zongfu back to the capital. He wanted to personally interrogate the Jin general.

Zhao Zhen continued to lead the army to deal with the Jin army in the Wei County area to prevent the Jin army from attacking again.

At the same time, Zhao Ji ordered two veteran generals, Li Gang and Zongze, to lead their armies to support them.

For a time, the situation in the Song Dynasty was very good.

However, at this moment, Yelu Yanxi, who was far away in the Liao Kingdom, learned the news. He ordered Yelu Dashi to lead an army of 20 to attack the Song Dynasty.

Yelu Dashi was the emperor of Western Liao and the nephew of Yelu Yanxi. He had long wanted to invade the Song Dynasty, but he never found the opportunity.

After learning that the Song Dynasty had won the Battle of Chanzhou this time, he immediately found an excuse to invade the Song Dynasty.

There has always been friction between the Liao Kingdom and the Song Dynasty. Now it is the best opportunity for the Liao Kingdom to attack the Song Dynasty when the Song Dynasty has just defeated the Jin Army.

So Yelu Dashi led an army of 20 people from Xiliao and went southward with overwhelming momentum.

Soon, they occupied a large area of ​​territory in the northwest of the Song Dynasty.

At this time, the Song Dynasty court was celebrating the victory in the Battle of Chanzhou, and did not expect that the Liao Dynasty would attack at this time.

When the news came back to Kaifeng City, Zhao Ji was shocked, "This... what should we do? Now we have won the victory over the Jin Kingdom, but now the Liao Kingdom is coming..."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhen sneered, "Liao Kingdom? Haven't they already split? Why is there another Yelu Dashi now?"

"The emperor's brother doesn't know that Yelu Dashi is the emperor of Western Liao and Yelu Yanxi's nephew. He has always wanted to invade the Song Dynasty, but he has never found the opportunity."

Zhao Zhen frowned after hearing this, "In that case, let's ignore the Jin Kingdom and deal with the Liao Kingdom first."

"But we don't have enough troops now!"

"We can ask for help from the generals in various places and ask them to bring troops to support us."

Zhao Ji nodded after hearing this, "Okay! Let's do this first!"

So Zhao Ji sent letters asking for help to the generals in various places.

After receiving the letter, the garrison generals from various places immediately led their armies to come to support.

Soon, several armies gathered near the capital.

At the same time, Yelu Dashi was also burning, killing, and looting all over the territory of the Song Dynasty, committing all kinds of evil.

His actions aroused the anger of the people of the Song Dynasty. Rebels from various places rose up in rebellion and launched a desperate struggle with the Liao army.

Although the Liao army was powerful in combat, they also paid a heavy price due to the stubborn resistance of the people of the Song Dynasty.

At this time, Zhao Ji ordered Yue Fei to lead the Yue family army to come to support.

Yue Fei was one of the most famous generals in the Southern Song Dynasty. The Yue family army he led was famous for its strict discipline and bravery in combat.

When Yue Fei led his army to the battlefield, he saw a chaotic scene, with fighting everywhere and people displaced.

Yue Fei was so angry that he ordered a decisive battle with the Liao army.

Under the command of Yue Fei, the Yue Army and the Liao Army launched a fierce battle.

Yue Fei took the lead and led his soldiers to charge into the battle, quickly repelling the Liao army.

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