Chapter 215

Yes, what is her wish?

My family situation has improved, I have a job I like, and everyone in my family is safe.

Her life can be said to be the envy of countless people.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Zhi didn't expect what he wished for.

"I'm very satisfied with my current life. I just want my family to be safe and the babies in the kindergarten to grow up healthily. I'm not greedy for anything else."

It's good to be content with the status quo.

By the time they arrived at the train station, the group of Zaizai in front had already boarded the train and walked away for a while.

They just started checking tickets and getting ready to board the train.

Having had the experience of riding a train for the first time, the Zaizai seemed to be very familiar with the journey this time, and they automatically divided into groups of two without Jiang Zhi’s need to say anything.


After arriving at the station, the cubs in the front group had been waiting at the door for a while.

Sitting on his suitcase, wearing the kindergarten uniform, attracted many tourists to watch.

"Oh! Are these kindergarten kids coming out to play? They're so cute!"

"Are those two teachers? Such handsome teachers!"

"Eh? Why do I think they look familiar? I seem to have seen them somewhere."


The two teachers sat on the suitcases, not listening to what was going on outside the window, looking down at the books in their hands.

Today is different from the last time I came here.

The number of people has at least doubled or tripled, and they obviously watched the news to watch the meteor shower.

As soon as Jiang Zhi stepped out of the platform, he saw them waiting at the door.


After two rounds, the accommodation this time was a little more relaxed.

There is no way that all Zaizai live in the same B&B and hotel.

We had no choice but to have five teachers lead a team each to live in the folk customs that had been decided by the five houses.

Jiang Zhi knew that the group assigned to them was all girls, so it would be easier for her to take them.

She took out four envelopes from her backpack and handed them to the four teachers.

"Each envelope contains two thousand yuan, for emergencies."

The five groups separated, and Jiang Zhi led the ten girls in front of him to the B&B where they lived.

The rooms are all double rooms, two Zaizai can sleep on the same bed, four Zaizai can live in one room, and the remaining two Zaizai will live with her.

The three rooms were a little far apart, so Jiang Zhi specially gathered the Zaizai in one room and told them how to use clothes hangers, anti-theft chains and cups to lock the door at night.

After all, she had only encountered this situation once. The cubs were still young and she couldn't let them encounter the same danger.

"You just lock the door like this when you go to bed at night. No matter who knocks at night, you are not allowed to open the door, and you are not allowed to sneak out to play late at night, you know?"

"Know it!"

Jiang Zhi sent the Zaizai back to their rooms one by one, and after making sure they all locked the doors, he took Mianmian and Shi Qi back to the house.

Each room is similar and decorated in a simple style. Looking out from the small balcony is where the five teachers went out to visit the night market that day.

"Old si, old si~ Mianmian smells a lot of delicious smell down there! Can you go down and play?"

Mianmian lay on the balcony railing and watched the people coming and going.

Although it was still early, the stalls had already been set up, and the flow of people increased, making it difficult for a car to pass.

A shrill whistle sounded from time to time.

Jiang Zhi felt that he had chosen the wrong hotel and hoped that it would not be so noisy when sleeping at night.

"Do you want to go play?"

"miss you!"

Jiang Zhi looked at the time: "Okay, let's clean up. Let's eat early today."


It's not easy to walk around in such a crowded street with ten Zai Zai, and it would be difficult to find a lost one.

I simply took the Zaizai to a small restaurant and asked for a private room.

"Everyone can order whatever they want to eat. Just stay in the box and don't move. The teacher will buy you milk tea, okay?"


The Zaizai obediently held the menus, and several of them read one.

"Mianmian, Shi Qi, you two keep an eye on everyone and tell them not to run around, do you know?"


Jiang Zhi then put on his mask and stood up to leave.

There is an Internet celebrity milk tea near this restaurant, which is very popular in group purchases and has rave reviews. She checked the guide before coming here and said that this Internet celebrity milk tea shop has a delicious Snow Top Milk Tea.

There was already a long queue in front of the store.

Jiang Zhi scanned the QR code and placed an order on his phone. He ordered ten cups of Snow Topping in one go, then found an empty seat to sit down and play with his phone for a while.

I clicked on WeChat, looked at the white sketch of the boy's profile picture, and subconsciously clicked on it to send him a message.

Jiang Zhi: [Hello, we have arrived at Muyuan. Can you send me the location of the address you mentioned? ]

The other party did not reply to her immediately.

Probably busy.

Jiang Zhi spent more than half an hour checking her phone before calling her number.

"Hello, what's the date?"

The clerk lowered his head to pack the bags without looking up at her.

The noisy atmosphere around him made Jiang Zhi's voice very quiet: "No. 0415."


Perhaps the surroundings were too noisy and the clerk couldn't hear clearly what she was saying or what he was saying, so the voice seemed a bit loud and a bit fierce.

Jiang Zhixin trembled slightly and repeated: "No. 0415, thank you."

But her voice was not loud by nature, and was quickly swallowed up by the noise around her.

There were a lot of orders, he was already busy, and the clerk in front of him showed impatience in his eyes.

"number 0415."

A cold and magnetic male voice sounded from her ears.

Jiang Zhi raised his head and met Lu Chi's unwavering eyes.

"It's you?"

Jiang Zhi looked surprised. She had just sent him a message, and now he appeared here?

"Why are you here? I just sent you a message."


Lu Chi took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a look: "I'm passing by and come in to buy a cup of milk tea."

I took a look at the message she sent: "We can't locate that place. I'll take you there in advance tomorrow."

"Okay then, thank you."

Jiang Zhi took ten cups of Snowtop Lilli from the clerk and said, "I brought my children to eat nearby. Do you want to come with me?"

Lu Chi took his own milk tea and shook his head: "No need."

Then turned to leave.

Jiang Zhi looked at his leaving figure and shook his head helplessly.

He really looks like the aloof senior in school.

But considering that Muyuan does not have 985 or 211, it should be impossible to be a top student, right?

Aloof seniors are fine too.

Carrying ten cups of snow caps, Lili returned to the box. The Zaizai had already ordered their favorite foods.

Jiang Zhi gave everyone a cup of Xue Ding Li Li.

"What did you all order? You didn't order too much, right? Don't waste food."

"No, each of us only ordered one dish." Mianmian, who was sitting next to her, took the menu and pointed out to her which dishes they had ordered.

Jiang Zhi took a look at the menu and called the waiter to add two soups and two dishes. "Everyone, let's eat quickly. After eating, we will go back to the hotel. Have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow we will not stay in the hotel and camp in the wild."



After dinner, they returned to the hotel. Mianmian and Shi Qi went to the bathroom and took a shower.

Mianmian instantly transformed back into her original red panda form and lay on Jiang Zhi's shoulder watching her work.

Shi Qi was also very clingy, getting into her arms and sitting on her lap.

Jiang Zhi looked quite helpless.

"It's so late, aren't you two tired?"

The point is, the two little guys are somewhat heavy.

"You're not tired, Mianmian is really looking forward to seeing the meteor shower soon!" Mianmian climbed up again and lay directly on top of Jiang Zhi's head.

This is not a problem at all for her who can grow bigger and smaller.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Shi Qi leaned into Jiang Zhi's arms and slowly shook her legs.

Jiang Zhi's typing hand paused slightly: "Do you two have a wish you want to realize?"

The two said in unison: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhi suddenly became interested: "Oh? Do you want to reveal it to the teacher quietly?"

Maybe Meteor Shower can't help them realize it, but she can help them realize it.

But the two little guys were not fooled at all.

"Old Si~ My wish won't work if I say it!"

"Yes, yes! Desires can only be buried in the heart and cannot be known to others!"

Jiang Zhi smiled helplessly, stretched out his hand and pinched Shi Qi's little nose gently, and scolded with a smile: "Two little people. Okay, go to bed quickly. If you sleep a little late, you won't be able to get up in the morning."

After being driven away by her for the second time, the two cubs got off her body obediently, got on the same bed, lay down on the same quilt, closed their eyes and went to sleep.

Jiang Zhi was busy until nearly twelve o'clock.

She closed the computer, stretched and stood up, and looked back.

The two Zaizai on the bed were already fast asleep, and the night market downstairs was still lively.

The wind blowing in front of him was a bit chilly, so Jiang Zhi closed the balcony door to prevent the two cubs on the bed from catching a cold.

Maybe I have been concentrating for too long and haven't been able to completely relax. My body is tired, but my spirit is exciting.

Jiang Zhi leaned on the balcony and sent a message to the group on a whim.

Jiang Zhi: [Are all the teachers asleep? ]

She thought that at this point, no teacher would be able to reply to her message. Just as she was about to put away her phone, it suddenly vibrated again.

Sheng Yi: [Not yet. ]

Xu Ran: [Not yet. ]

Reed Oceanus: [Not yet, what’s wrong with Teacher Jiang? ]

Shen Xian: [Not yet. ]

Unexpectedly, not only was she awake, but the other four teachers were also awake.

Jiang Zhi: [Are all the children asleep? ]

Sheng Yi: [Not yet. ]

After he posted this sentence, he added a photo below.

The photo showed that they seemed to be at a barbecue stall, eating barbecue, drinking drinks, and completely enjoying the rhythm of nightlife.


Jiang Zhi's mouth twitched.

Teacher Sheng is so unreliable. How could he keep such a small child up all night?

The other three teachers all replied that they were asleep.

It seems that the only teacher who is unreliable is Teacher Sheng.

Shenyi then sent a short video.

In the video, the kids are all having a great time, barbecuing one after another, even better than the adults.

Seeing them playing like this, Jiang Zhi felt embarrassed to spoil their fun.

I can only be kind to Aite in the group and ask him not to drag the children to play too late and go back early.


When we arrived at the appointed place early the next morning, as expected, only the team led by Teacher Sheng Yi was late.

Looking at the pair of cubs rubbing their eyes and belatedly arriving, they obviously looked like they hadn't woken up yet.

I can't even imagine how long they played last night.

Jiang Zhi helplessly held his forehead.

It seems that Teacher Shenyi cannot be allowed to lead a team by himself in the future. Sooner or later, the Zazai's work and rest habits will be ruined.


Lu Chi wore a white shirt today, with the two buttons open, revealing his fair and delicate collarbones, and a pair of black casual pants, which were clean and refreshing, just like refreshing lemonade in summer.

Jiang Zhi called his name: "We are all here, so I will trouble you today."

Lu Chi nodded without saying anything and took the group of them on the bus.

After taking a few stops and getting off, we walked straight up the mountain.

The further you go up the mountain, the fewer people there are and the denser the woods become.

Jiang Zhi looked around, basically unable to tell the difference between east, west and north.

If you are not a local, it is really easy to get lost here.

I finally reached the top of the mountain and looked down. It was actually not that high. I could see large tracts of cattle and sheep, towns in the distance, and an unobstructed view of the sky above.

It is indeed a perfect place to watch meteor showers.

"Then I'll go back first. If you leave in two days, send me a message and I'll pick you up."

"Okay, thank you."

Lu Chi turned around to leave, but Jiang Zhi called out: "Wait a moment."

He stopped and looked back at her.

Jiang Zhi knelt down and took out a box of Quqi and a bag of snacks from the suitcase and handed them to him: "I made these myself, just treat them as a thank you gift."

Lu Chi lowered his eyes and took it.

"Thank you."

After he left, everyone chose a place, set up their tents, and set up their pots.

Those who gather firewood gather firewood, and those who cook rice cook the rice.

Everything is so familiar.

But after camping once, no one had to worry about it the second time. They knew what to do.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Zhi felt quite pleased.

When camping in the wild, the most convenient thing is to eat hot pot.

Jiang Zhi specially brought several packets of tomato-flavored hot pot base and went over one pot at a time to help them cook the soup base.

After all, the tomato-flavored hot pot base can be saved for cooking porridge the next morning.

"Don't make the fire too strong, and don't use too much force when fanning. Be careful of ashes getting into the pot."

Some Zaizai have storage bags or storage bracelets, and insulated boxes containing frozen food are placed in their storage bags.

It won't break yet.


After eating and drinking, Jiang Zhi carefully took out her valuable astronomical telescope, set it up, and tried to take a look at the cattle and sheep below.

It seems that one can clearly count the hairs on their bodies.

This is the astronomical telescope she bought especially for this meteor shower.

Just wanted to observe the meteor shower more clearly.

I saw several shooting stars in the open area last time and they all left such a deep impression.

I believe this meteor shower will definitely be more spectacular.

By the evening of Saturday, countless tents had begun to be set up on the grass below, and they were so densely packed that they could not be seen to the end.

Everyone watched the news and wanted to see the shock of the meteor shower.

After all, this kind of spectacle is really rare.

The Zaizai also finished their meal early and moved a small bench to sit in front of the tent and looked up at the sky.

Looking forward to the arrival of this meteor shower.

(End of this chapter)

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