Concubine De told her that a military general like the champion could not defeat a civil servant.

"how do I say this?"

"He followed the prime minister's instructions and slowly withdrew from Shengjing. To the court, didn't he mean to abscond in fear of crime?"

Ke Yiqing was silent. This was indeed the case in the last life. Theft of military rations was an important secret of the military aircraft. Therefore, the imperial court sent Yan Ming to go with very high-sounding words. He said that if the other party could obey obediently, he would bring the person back. If he refused, he would be killed on the spot. Kill.

In the end, what Yan Ming brought back was the head of the champion.

"What you mean is that the Prime Minister did this on purpose? But why?"

Concubine De shook her head, "This is just my conjecture. Because of the theft of military rations, the Holy Emperor attaches great importance to food now, so..."

"The gates of Shengjing are strictly guarding against grain merchants. Not only that, but they also knew nothing about the cold epidemic and refused to report it. Are the higher-ups already aware of this matter?"

"Yes, it's normal for the prime minister to be afraid of being exposed, so he wants to abandon his soldiers to protect his commander."

It was a good deal to sacrifice a Champion Marquis to bring stability to himself and Xuan Ping Marquis. On the surface, the Queen's party lost another important minister, and it might continue to arouse the Emperor's suspicion of the Queen.

It's really like killing multiple people with one stone. The dead can't speak, just kill the champion.

The prime minister's goal is simple, to strengthen the deposed prince's power and clear the way for the deposed prince's return.

Simple, yet incredibly difficult to do.

Therefore, Ke Yiqing was not surprised at all that Concubine De was confused about the prime minister's behavior.

"It stands to reason that since the prime minister is so powerful and powerful, no matter who holds that position, he should not be able to touch him. Tell me, why does he still do this?"

"Your Majesty, isn't the reason why the prime minister did this the same as that of Marquis Xuanping?"

Concubine De sneered: "This is the first time I have discovered recently that my father is such a fool. This time the prime minister can abandon the champion, but what about next time? Whose turn will it be next time?!"

As the head of a large aristocratic family, the champion is naturally very confident, otherwise he would not have been able to rise to the top of the family in such a short period of time.

But he was also arrogant. His great success blinded him and made him unable to see the direction of the future.

In this regard, Ke Yiqing could only say a few words of comfort, saying that His Majesty did not dare to attack the aristocratic family easily, otherwise it would easily lead to counterattacks from other aristocratic families.

Having said that, both of them knew that the Holy Emperor was more worried about the instability of his throne than offending the family. If anyone dared to disturb this, he would be furious.

"Years ago, my wife also felt that these things were strange. She secretly investigated but there was no sign of the prime minister."

Concubine De smiled bitterly: "Outsiders only think that our Marquis Mansion is greedy for money, so it manipulates the political power and refuses to let grain merchants enter the city. Who knows, but it is just a scapegoat!"

"With my empress here, I will be able to ensure that the Marquis Mansion weathers the storm safely."

This is not an unfounded compliment. In the previous life, until the eleventh prince ascended the throne, Xuanpinghou did not fall. It was just that when Ke Yiqing saw him, the man who had always been strong and healthy seemed to have suddenly become old and never seen again. He once looked so high-spirited.

It seems that Concubine De exposed the true face of the prime minister for him. When his dream was shattered, his anger disappeared.

Unlike her, Concubine De was still worried, "This prime minister is really ambitious, and I am not sure what he wants to do."

"Your Majesty is extremely intelligent. Just get rid of these people with sinister intentions."

"That's what you said."

But when Ke Yiqing left, he was not at ease in his heart. Judging from the information given by De Fei, the guilt of the champion was confirmed, and the prime minister also planned to kill someone without any evidence.

Does Yan Ming know about this?What's his role here?
"Are you here?" The beauty on the couch frowned, as if she had many things to worry about.

Yan Ming was completely unaware. He laughed and said, "Guess what good things I brought you this time?"

Ever since Ke Yiqing entered the palace, everything he had eaten and eaten had followed the palace concubine's rules. While he was very particular about money, it was also often boring and boring. For this reason, he always brought a lot every time he came here.

It's either some strange conversation book, some folk snacks, or some rare things from outside the world.

Even the Queen Mother reprimanded him many times for fear of spoiling it for her great-grandson.

But Yan Ming still enjoys it.

"Tell me, is it a candy man or a Hu Fei cake?"

"None of them." He smiled mysteriously and took out a package of things tightly wrapped in oil paper from behind.

"This is the Bazhen cake made by Aunt Xue herself. She said you like to eat it, so I brought it to you specially." When she heard that it was made by Aunt Xue, she was very touched and twisted a few pieces. Take it and eat it.

"It really is made by Aunt Xue herself, and it still tastes like this."

Yan Ming was happy when he saw that she loved to eat. The living Yama, as outsiders said, was now like an ordinary handsome young man, smiling happily at his sweetheart.

It's a pity that he paid all his true feelings to a woman who is rational.

After Ke Yiqing finished eating the cakes and the feeling was over, he asked about business.

"I heard about Champion Hou."

The expression on Yan Ming's face froze, but he said calmly: "Oh, you have heard of it?"

"So you already knew about this?"

"Of course, the newly appointed Minister of Justice also handed over some documents to me and asked about them."

This bitch has known about it for a long time, but he still kept it secret from her?

She suppressed her anger and said in a good voice: "I heard that the champion Hou was absconding in fear of crime. The imperial court decided to take action against the Hou family. They just don't know how to deal with the eldest princess and the crown prince."

"You were indeed born for Yu Chang."

Yan Ming paused while eating the pastry and glanced to the side, not knowing what he was thinking.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has helped me a lot, but I really can't do nothing to save him."

"Is it really that simple?"

"What do you mean?"

Yan Ming sneered: "Are you out of concern for your kindness, or are you interested in him?!"

Ke Yiqing felt that he was unreasonable, "If I was interested in him, why would I still be with you?"

"That's because you were forced to agree!"

The uneasiness and suspicion that had always existed all erupted at this moment.

Yes, the beginning of the two of them was not a good one. She was originally offered to her by her mother-in-law. Later she agreed to be with him, but it was half-promised. In the middle, the two had many falling outs. When they were playing Cuju, she remanded Yu Changsheng to win. , using a piece of jewelry that I cherish very much...

At the last annual dinner, when he rushed to rescue someone, the two hugged each other again.

How could he not think more about this?

Ke Yiqing looked at him and felt that he was really ill. "What are you talking about? The relationship between His Royal Highness and me is not what you think."

"If that's true, then why has he confessed his love to you so many times?!"

As he spoke, he dropped the red agate skewer hidden in his arms on the ground, "See for yourself."

She took a closer look, and it looked familiar. After carefully recalling it, she finally remembered it in the corner, oh, wasn't this the bargaining chip she had bet on before?Why are you here?

"I heard that even if the nobles win, they don't look down on these women's things. Most of them return to their original owners, so I said..."

She was still wondering at the beginning why her onyx skewer had not been sent back. It turned out to be with the suffering master.

Yan Ming said bitterly: "The evidence is solid, what else do you want to say?"

"Yes, I did take him into custody, what happened?"

These words were just an introduction to his madness. Seeing Yan Ming's eyes turning red again, Xia He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to say anything, but Ke Yiqing was still painting Dankou lazily.

It was given to her by Concubine De, saying it would be harmless to the fetus. Recently, she had nothing to do, so she applied it and took it off, took it off and applied it again, bored but never tired of it.

It's not that she's big-hearted, but that she knows Yan Ming too well. If she tries to argue with him right now, I'm afraid this lunatic will completely hate Shang Yu Changsheng.

In any case, this was not the ending she wanted to see.

For someone like Yu Changsheng, she hoped that he would live a safe and eternal life just like her name. (End of chapter)

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