Chapter 145 Yan Ming’s Jealousy

When Yan Ming arrived, what he saw was a scene that made his eyes spit fire.

Ke Yiqing was being held in the arms of Na Yu Changsheng, disheveled, and beside him was a man in strange uniform.

"How is this going?"

"Someone wanted to harm me, but fortunately His Royal Highness arrived in time and rescued me."

She struggled to get up, but her coat was scratched by Prince Dule. Yu Changsheng took off his coat and handed it to her.

"In the harsh winter, madam, please don't catch cold."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Who is this guy?"

This place was remote and dark. Ke Yiqing didn't see Yan Ming's face clearly. He just felt that his tone was particularly low and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"He is a Turkic prince. You arrived late, so you probably didn't see him."

"Why is he here?"

She calmed down and told the two of them one by one what had just happened, except that she concealed the incident of the palace maid burning paper money that she had seen earlier.

Yu Changsheng said: "I see, if you want to find the real culprit, bumping into Madam's maid may be a breakthrough."

"Yes, but it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Prince Durer will probably wake up soon."

As she spoke, she stepped forward and sprinkled some powder.

Yan Ming squinted his eyes and looked carefully, "Are you poisoning him?"

"I just want to seal it."

This place is remote and there are no outsiders coming and going. If you don't want to live up to the facts, the first step is to make sure that Prince Durer doesn't go out and do anything.

Not long after, the person who fainted on the ground screamed in pain, and it took a while before he faintly woke up.

"Why is it you?"

Just now he clearly remembered that he was holding Ke Yiqing alone, so why did he turn around and see two more men?They all look bad?
"Prince Dule, what just happened?"

He said angrily: "What else could it be? It's just you and me..."

A cold dagger was slapped on his face, and the delicate flower-like woman in front of him said softly, "Prince, have you thought carefully about what you said?"

Thinking of the severe pain in his body when he had just passed out and woke up, Duler turned pale.

"Did you poison me?"

"Prince Durer is really smart."

At this point, he actually showed admiration, "I never thought there could be a woman like you in Daqi. If you were in our Turks, I would definitely marry you!"

Ke Yiqing rolled his eyes, "Do you understand the situation?"

"Poison me? Aren't you afraid of my Turkic warriors?!"

"Then you have to go back with your life."

Du Le softened and said, "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Tonight, you drank too much and fell down after getting lost outside. You didn't see me at all, right?"

Surrendering to her power, the prince finally gritted his teeth and said yes.

"Okay, it's settled. You lie here for a while and then go in through the side door in a quarter of an hour."

"Why should I enter through the side door?"

"Because I want to go in through the front door." As she said that, she put the hairpin she pulled out back on, but unfortunately her coat was torn, so it was probably still a clue.

But Dürer solved it here. Whoever holds on to this will be suspected of harming her.

Things have already happened, and we can only do the least harm.

It's better to come back disheveled than to be falsely accused of sleeping with a man.

After sorting this out, Ke Yiqing turned around and saluted Yu Changsheng again.

"If His Royal Highness was not there today, Yiqing would probably..." She really didn't expect to meet him, but luckily she met him...

But what she didn't notice was that all the complex expressions on her face fell into Yan Ming's eyes.

Yu Changsheng bowed: "I am lucky to be able to help my wife."

Even so, the favor was still owed. Ke Yiqing did not intend to stay for a long time and hurriedly handed the coat back to him, "I'm sorry for staining His Highness's coat. It's just that the situation is urgent and I'm afraid I can't clean it before returning it."

"No problem."

After saying this, Ke Yiqing planned to go back. I think Yujin and the others were already waiting impatiently.

"I'll go back with you."

"Don't make any trouble for me."

Just kidding, I went back with Yan Ming and I was still disheveled. Were all the people at the banquet really stupid?

After she left, she didn't know that the two men who were left behind got into a dispute with Prince Nadule.

Dürer first said: "Then what should I do? Just stay here. Where is the antidote?"

Yan Ming said sadly: "Antidote? You'd better faint first."

After saying this, he knocked the person unconscious again.

Yu Changsheng sighed, "Master Yan, Prince Dule is a foreign guest after all, and he is innocently implicated in this matter. Why is it like this?"

"His Royal Highness is truly a gentleman. Didn't you knock someone unconscious the first time with a heavy hand?"

"Circumstances dictate."

Forced by circumstances?These four words rolled between Yan Ming's lips and tongue. He really didn't expect that Yu Changsheng, who had always shown himself to be weak and weak, could also have such handsome and good skills?

Three times, five times and two times, even Prince Durer was taken down from time to time.

You know, this Prince Durer is a Turk who is brave and good at fighting, and he can also be called a master.

"His Royal Highness is hiding his secrets. I was wrong before."

"Chang Sheng doesn't understand what Master Yan means. I think the eldest princess has been waiting for me for a long time, so I took my leave first."

When the other party passed by, Yan Ming said: "If it's not yours, don't think about it."

Yu Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, "Same words are given to Master Yan."

He walked awkwardly, and even though his coat was dirty, it did not affect his excellent temperament at all.

Yan Ming was filled with anger, but he was not in a hurry to leave. He was still busy finding out the person behind the scenes.

Before going back, Ke Yiqing went to the lake and took a photo to make sure there was nothing strange on his face before going in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered, Cao Guiji caught the conversation.

"Hey, what's going on, Mrs. Ke? How come your clothes are ruined after going out?"

She smiled softly, "The scenery in the palace was too charming. When Yiqing saw a plum blossom blooming so beautifully, she couldn't help but reach out to pick it, so she tore her shirt."

"Oh, I thought Mrs. Ke was doing widow's work." After speaking, she chuckled, with naked malice and ridicule in her eyes.

These words were so unpleasant that even the Queen Mother cast a look.

Where did this idiot come from, are you rushing to die?Ke Yiqing was about to make a move, but heard Chu Yun come out to smooth things over.

"What did Sister Cao say? Mrs. Ke is pregnant, so it's normal for her to feel unwell. There were so many people at the New Year's banquet, and Prince Dule went out for a long time without seeing him?"

Liuli beside her also said: "Yes, yes, the slave looks at the two of them as if they went out together."

"Liyue, shut up!"

As these three people sang and drank, the attitude of the audience suddenly became subtle.

Why does it sound like Mrs. Ke is having an affair with Prince Dule?

Ke Yiqing had already prepared for this. If she dared to come back, she naturally expected what would happen.

Chu Yun, it is indeed you.

(End of this chapter)

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