The New Year is approaching, and there has been no movement from the Queen Mother. Ke Yiqing has already made preparations for the internal banquet.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Holy Emperor issued an imperial edict, saying that this year's inner banquet would be held together with the outer court banquet to show the emperor's great favor. After hearing what Yan Ming said, many ministers cried bitterly on the spot, and were so moved that the Holy Emperor treated them as such. For the dearest relatives and friends.

"Those old guys are no worse than actors when it comes to acting."

"Oh, it seems that Lord Yan often goes to Fengyue places. Otherwise, how would he know the skills of the singer and dancer?"

He choked when he heard this and quickly patted the pastry crumbs out of his hand.

"I'm sorry. My God, I've never been to that kind of place since I was with you."

"So you've been there?"

Yan Ming swore, "I was dragged along by others when I was dealing with them before, but I definitely didn't do anything to feel sorry for you."

Ke Yiqing snorted twice with satisfaction. Yes, he was still sleeping well.

But she didn't intend to let him go so easily.

"When the internal and external banquets are held together, I guess you will be able to see your former self, right?"

This was a free proposition, and Yan Ming chose to fool around with it.

"Don't pretend to be stupid. Didn't you go find her yesterday?"

"How do you know?"

Ke Yiqing rolled her eyes. Chengqian Palace and Cining Palace were on the same road. She would be surprised if this bitch didn't go along the way.

"Tell me, what did you discover this time?"

"A lot indeed."

Thinking of what he saw and heard last night, Yan Ming felt a little heavy.

It turned out that last night he pretended to leave first, and after Chu Yun and her maids had rested, he secretly returned. This time, he really discovered a lot of things.

When he drugged the maids and eunuchs of Chengqian Palace before, he was afraid that he could not control the amount and it would be bad for the child, so he deliberately did not drug Chu Yun's son.

When he rushed back to see, the child was indeed awake and was angry because all the maids around him were asleep.

"At first I just thought it was a normal child throwing a tantrum, but it just got too angry, but later on..."

"What's going to happen later?"

Later, the little prince yelled angrily at a sleeping palace maid, and kicked and pulled her. Finally, seeing that she still didn't wake up, he took the candle.

"The palace maid's eyelids were opened by him and poured with heated candle oil."

Ke Yiqing's heart skipped two beats. Although he had known that the prince was extremely violent, hearing it with his own ears gave him a different feeling.

Yan Ming continued with a stern face: "At that time, the palace maid was awakened by the pain, and her eyes were bleeding, but the prince still did not go around her."

Not only did they grab things and smash them, they also cursed and told people to die.

"What was Chu Yun's reaction?"

The palace maid's screams were so shrill, it was impossible for Chu Yun not to hear them.

"She ran to take a look, then left the child to her maid and went to sleep."

The truth was far from that simple. He could clearly see Chu Yun's expression at that time. He was clearly accustomed to it and even very impatient.

This shows that she had known about her son's behavior for a long time, and not only did she not stop it, but she scolded the mistreated palace maid.

Ke Yiqing knew this without asking, so she didn't study it in detail.

"As the saying goes, you look older at the age of three. What do you think of this incident?"

Yan Ming opened his mouth, "Maybe... maybe he can change for the better."

"Totally stupid."

With Chu Yun's biological mother's upbringing, who can change this child's temperament?

She vaguely knew that Chu Yun, Yan Ming, and the Prime Minister had some common interests, and they should have promised each other something. Perhaps each of them had something that could kill the other.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Yan Ming to go all the way to the dark side until now.

As for what the agreement between the three was, she didn't know. "Why are you sighing?"

Ke Yiqing smiled bitterly and said, "You don't trust me, so I sigh."

Yan Ming remained silent. This matter was equivalent to an untouchable inconvenience to him. He was unwilling to reveal his obscure and gloomy past and life experience to others.

But what if the other party is Ke Yiqing?
After hesitating for a moment, he said: "It's getting late, so I'll go back first. I've already escorted the children outside the city to the capital. Don't worry."

"Yan Ming." She called to stop him.

"What's the matter?"

"You said that the Holy Master held the inner banquet and the outer banquet together. Why is this?"

"How can I, a foreign minister, know his thoughts?"

She smiled sweetly, "Last year I heard that Lord Yan attended the inner banquet as an exception. I thought you knew something about it?"

Yan Ming almost ran away.

I just don't know whether he is avoiding this problem or trying to escape his shameful life experience.

Yu Jin didn't know what to say: "Madam and Master Yan, what kind of riddle are you talking about? How come this slave can't understand?"

"It's okay. Those who should understand will understand."

She touched a jade pendant, but her heart kept sinking. If Yan Ming still insisted on helping Chu Yun after seeing Chu Yun's true face, what should she do?
What should the child in her womb do?
The Queen Mother forced her to stay in the palace and even ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare her clothes for next spring. She did not say when she would go back.

Does this mean that you want to keep this child in the palace?
She had suspicions before entering the palace, and Yan Ming's wavering attitude at this time only aggravated her worries.

"Yu Jin, if my child is left in the palace by the Queen Mother, what should I do?"

Jade Jin asked strangely: "Why did the Queen Mother keep your child?"

"Just tell me what to do in this situation, right?"

"The deep palace has too many rules and disputes. It is really not a good place to raise children."

Ke Yiqing smiled bitterly, "What if the Queen Mother insists on staying?"

Yu Jin noticed something was wrong and quickly whispered, "I don't know."

She waved her hand to indicate that she was going to sleep.

The curtain was pulled up by the jade brocade, and her eyes were completely dark.

If you want to know what your child's future situation will be like, the first step is to find out Yan Ming's true identity.

Judging from the news he learned in his previous life, and the fact that he has been in and out of Cining Palace many times without incident, there is no doubt that he is the mysterious Ninth Prince.

But Yan Ming's father is the former General Yan, and his mother is the former Princess Pingyang. I heard that the two have been engaged since childhood. They are both talented and beautiful, and are praised by everyone.

After General Yan surrendered to the people in the city, he was granted the title of Yan Neifu, specializing in managing the internal affairs of the palace. Later, it was said that he angered the emperor and the entire Yan family was executed. Only Yan Ming was strangely left.

Strange thing, what is so strange about it?

She knocked on the jade block next to her. Miss Yuan had given this to her before she left. The quality of the jade didn't look very good, but it was a large and heavy piece. She didn't know what Miss Yuan was doing with it.

Ke Yiqing touched the warm jade and had some doubts in her heart.

When the Dayong Dynasty was about to be defeated, the current emperor first broke through the city gates and slaughtered all the family members of the previous emperor. This move attracted a lot of infamy at the time, but it was indeed effective. When the other cities that had not been conquered heard the news, they were destroyed. To break, to fall, to fall.

It can be said that the military morale of the Yong Dynasty soldiers was easily destroyed.

The city guarded by General Yan was also among them. For the sake of the people behind him, he surrendered together with Marquis Wu'an.

Rumor has it that the Holy Emperor was grateful for his righteous deeds. Not only did he not kill Princess Pingyang, he also allowed the two of them to get married properly.

Suddenly, she was blessed with spiritual blessings. As a royal daughter, Princess Pingyang has been living in the imperial city. Why did the Holy Emperor leave her alone when he slaughtered the family members of the previous dynasty?

You know, General Yan had not yet surrendered at that time.

While Yan Ming was nominally their child, he was actually the ninth prince of the current emperor.

Ke Yiqing covered her mouth, she seemed to have accidentally discovered the royal secret.

There are still two chapters to be updated later. Guigui has to go to work first. You can save them and read them together tomorrow.

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