The two were arguing so fiercely that they didn't even notice Xu Zhinian approaching.

It was Xu Zhinian who stretched out his hands and put his left hand on Sidney's right shoulder and his right hand on Balu's left shoulder that the two of them noticed Xu Zhinian's presence.

After noticing her presence, the two of them had a tacit understanding. They turned around to face Xu Zhinian and said in unison: "Sister Xu, are you back?"

Xu Zhinian looked at them and nodded lightly: "Well, I'm back. What are you guys arguing about?"

Sidney got excited when he mentioned this.With a hint of tears, he complained to Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu, you have to talk to this Balu. He can't just fill up the fuel tank of the off-road vehicle, but he also has to get several barrels of gasoline. The car. There is only a small amount of space in the trunk of the car, and there are gasoline cans. How can we put the supplies we are searching for?"

Hearing what Sidney said, Ballu became more excited.He glared at Sidney, and then talked to Xu Zhinian: "No, sister Xu, you can judge. Our car ran out of gas at that time, and we were parked halfway in the middle of the day. If it weren't for sister Xu, you would have made a plan. Without solar photovoltaic panels, I am afraid that we will all suffer from heat stroke or even faint from the high temperature."

"The importance of gasoline!" Balu said, gasping angrily: "Although other supplies are important, isn't gasoline important? There are also these supplies, I don't understand, I took two What’s the point of a piece of warm clothing? It’s high temperature during the day, but not low temperature!”

Sidney listened to what he said, and then started arguing again: "Haha! You would say, why is gasoline the most important, and our food, drink, weapons, etc. are not important anymore? What you said is really enough Outrageous!”

Xu Zhinian heard the two of them arguing loudly and yelled, "Stop arguing." The two immediately stopped arguing, pursed their lips and glared at each other.

To say that there would be a quarrel over this matter was something Xu Zhinian did not expect at all.

She thought that after she finished dealing with the zombies and returned to the gas station, everyone would have packed their supplies and she would be the only one left to drive away from Yunjincheng.

Unexpectedly, they could argue for so long just because of what supplies should be taken and what should be given up.As a result, the trunk was still empty at the moment, and a pile of supplies was piled on the ground next to the trunk, including the two pieces of cold-weather clothing and several barrels of gasoline.

许知念顿了顿,将矛头引出去,问另外几人:“那你们呢?文涂、伊利亚德和朱四,你们三个又是怎么想的?汽油桶和正常的物资,应该先放Which one?"

Several people did not expect that Xu Zhinian would actually ask themselves questions, and they all lowered their heads to avoid being discovered by Xu Zhinian and asked him by name alone.

Xu Zhinian knew that these people must not stand out.No matter how I asked, no one really answered.

She was helpless and sighed.Then he turned around and stared at Baru and Sidney, and cleared his throat: "In that case, just do as I say and take them all into the car. Although the trunk is not particularly big, it can be put down if it is squeezed. ?”


Balu and Sidney had a tacit understanding and asked in unison: "Sister Xu, are you kidding me? How can this trunk hold everything? There are gasoline barrels and those food Drinks, weapons, and those two pieces of cold-weather clothing, how can you possibly fit them all?"

Xu Zhinian smiled: "You haven't tried it. Just watch and judge here. Just say it with your mouth. Is this possible?"

She also knew that at first glance it was impossible to put all these supplies in the trunk.But that was her plan, to let Sidney and Ballu compete to load as much as they could into the trunk.

Come to think of it, during the scramble, Ballu and Sidney would definitely want to pack more supplies they wanted to put away.After going back and forth like this, when the trunk is full and the remaining items are discarded, the two of them will have no excuse to say "no" again.

Balu and Sidney glanced at each other, and after saying "hum", they started picking up supplies and putting them in the trunk in perfect agreement.

Xu Zhinian looked at the two of them and shook his head helplessly.She really didn't know what to comment on the actions of these two people.Perhaps, nothing should be evaluated.

In short, since they both feel that they should not store each other's supplies, how much stuff each other can hold depends entirely on their abilities.

The final result was that Balu was left with two barrels of gasoline, while Sidney was left with a warm jacket and two barrels of instant noodles.

Balu was still a little unconvinced and started arguing with Sidney: "It's all your fault! Your supplies take up too much space. I moved two barrels of gasoline, but not even one of your warm clothes took up space!"

"Haha!" Sidney laughed out loud: "You are really interesting. How much materials we two can move depends on each other's ability. If you are capable, you can also change the barrel! You still rely on other people's materials to occupy space, but really interesting!"……

Xu Zhinian really didn't expect that such a trivial matter could lead to a quarrel from this angle.

I really didn’t expect it, I really didn’t expect it.She clicked her tongue and pulled Sidney and Balu apart: "I said, do you two want to fight again? It's such a trivial matter, why do you want to make a noise until dawn?"

Sidney and Baru glared at each other, then shook their heads violently: "No, don't."

"I really laughed! How can they argue about anything?"

"I don't understand, but I'm shocked!"

"Really, can this be noisy? Sister Xu was speechless. She thought: No, this can also be noisy?"

"Hahaha, Sister Xu: I'm speechless, don't touch me!"


Xu Zhinian sighed helplessly: "In this case, everyone depends on their ability. Originally, things will not be perfect. The remaining supplies that cannot be loaded into the trunk are piled here! Close the trunk, let's get in the car and set off! "

Sidney and Ballu were still a little reluctant and waited for a while before nodding.

The remaining few people had no objections, but since then, Xu Zhinian no longer dared to let Balu sit in the driver's seat and drive, so he gave the job to Zhu Si.

Zhu Si was stunned for a moment and pointed to himself: "What? Me? Am I driving?"

Xu Zhinian nodded: "Yes, it's you."

Zhu Si still hesitated: "Huh?"

"Don't you know how to drive?" Xu Zhinian was also stunned for a moment and said to him: "If you don't know how to drive, then you really can't be allowed to drive."

Zhu Si shook his head and denied, "No, I can drive."

Xu Zhinian: "In that case, everyone get in the car. Time is limited, let's hurry up!"

After hearing this, several people got into the car one after another.

Zhu Si didn't ask any more questions and got into the driver's seat.

After Xu Zhinian got in the car, he took out the atlas.She stretched out her hand, discussed with Zhu Si, and determined the next destination——

Yelang City.

After determining the destination, Zhu Si stepped on the accelerator and the off-road vehicle drove forward.

Xu Zhinian leaned against the car seat and slowly closed his eyes.

Before going to bed, she said: "Good night, everyone!"

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