Chapter 112 Doomsday Crisis (58)

The light arrow seemed to be flying, whizzing past the leftmost one among the six zombies.

Only a heart-rending scream was heard, coming from the throat of the zombie on the far left.

The zombie on the far left suddenly felt that his internal organs were shattered, and green blood spurted out the moment the light arrow touched his body.

What shocked everyone was that the arrow did not disappear immediately after it penetrated the zombie on the far left.

After it penetrated the body of the zombie on the far left, it changed its direction eagerly and powerfully, and attacked the zombie on the second left at an extremely fast speed.

The zombie on the second left couldn't dodge, its scarlet eyes widened, and it screamed.

The speed of the light arrow was so fast that it penetrated the body of the second zombie on the left in a few seconds.

Like the zombie on the far left, his body was penetrated by the light arrow, and green blood spattered outwards.

His body seemed to be broken into countless pieces of flesh, as if the internal organs in his body were torn apart. He made a sound of fear that was sometimes low and sometimes high from his throat.

Immediately, the light arrow flew out of the body of the second zombie on the left and immediately changed its direction.

It headed towards the zombie third from the left, and then rushed towards it with lightning speed.

The zombie on the third left is the same as the first two zombies. It is bound by Xu Zhinian's magic, binding its hands, feet and body. It cannot move at all and can only be shot through the body by light arrows.

Drops of green blood spurted out, and so on, none of the six zombies were spared.

Xu Zhinian paused, looked up at the six zombies who had done their own evil, and nodded slightly.

She snapped her fingers again, and the light arrow that penetrated the six zombies disappeared as quickly as the bow before.

"Holy crap! What did I witness? One arrow killed six zombies!!!"

"Who knows! Sister Xu's scene has already been on our hot search!"

"Hot searches are nothing! Does anyone have a screen recording of the scene where Sister Xu uses magic to deal with six zombies? It should be replayed repeatedly on TV stations!"

"Support! Otherwise, we will open a new one, Sister Xu TV, hahahaha!"

"Look, what are the expressions of the four people behind you? Why can't they all close their mouths from ear to ear?"


After witnessing such a scene, the four people behind Xu Zhinian all grinned from ear to ear.

They looked at Xu Zhinian in surprise, seeing her waving calmly and then just snapping her fingers, and the light arrow disappeared.

Everyone felt a sense of reverence and worship in their hearts and stood silently. No one spoke.

It wasn't until Xu Zhinian felt that there was not enough time and turned around that Sidney, who was always the most impatient, spoke.

He locked his eyes on Xu Zhinian and thought about it for a long time before saying, "Sister Xu, you are so amazing."

"Huh?" Xu Zhinian was stunned for a moment and glanced at Sidney who was speaking: "No more?"

Sidney said angrily: "No... no more."

Xu Zhinian nodded slightly, as if he still had something to say: "It's gone. Are you gone too?"

She turned around and faced the other three.Seeing that they were all stuck together, I was too lazy to ask individually, so I asked directly.

Several people shook their heads: "No... no more."

"It's gone," Xu Zhinian repeated what they said: "If it's gone, then get in the car and take advantage of the fact that the sun is not too strong. We have to find a place to get shade and cool down quickly!"

The repetition of Xu Zhinian's sentence frightened the other four people into trembling. It was not until they heard the second half of the sentence that they all recovered.

Several people did not dare to say anything, and listened to Xu Zhinian's instructions and got into the car one after another.

Eliade sat back in the driver's seat, closed the driver's door, and pressed the start button of the van while stepping on the accelerator.

The car started, and Xu Zhinian, who got on last, closed the door at the back and called Eliade in front: "You can go." "Okay."

Iliad replied, then stepped on the accelerator again.

This pure black van, taking advantage of the light in the eastern sky, drove south along this only road.

Heading south, look for places along the roadside where you can enjoy the cool and shade.

Xu Zhinian originally thought that after solving the zombie problem, avoiding the high temperature would not be a problem.

Unfortunately, she underestimated the difficulty of Kaidan Paradise.

The van kept driving south, passing many trees, bushes, and even small streams, but never saw a man-made building.

It's not that they can't withstand high temperatures without man-made structures.

However, there must be a cool enough natural environment!
However, as they walked along, the trees they passed were only half as tall as a person and not thick, so they could hardly block the sun.

Is there no choice?

Xu Zhinian quickly took out the atlas from his body and studied the clues on the atlas carefully.

I should have seen it earlier!
She was shocked: According to the map, there were no man-made buildings all the way south from that town until the next city.

In the remaining locations, due to multiple factors such as natural climate, it is impossible to have natural cooling resorts.

For now, the only way to avoid the high temperature is to travel at full speed and reach the next city as soon as possible.

Xu Zhinian clicked his tongue: "It seems we have to reach the next city in advance!"


Unsurprisingly, the other four people, including Eliade who was driving, were equally shocked.

Balu wondered if Xu Zhinian had made a mistake and asked without giving up: "Sister Xu, did you say something wrong?"

"Are you thinking that we don't have enough gas, so we have to arrive as soon as possible at night?"

Sidney listened to Ballu's explanation and was willing to believe this: "Yeah, you mean to leave as soon as possible at night, right? You can't, let's drive to that city under the bright sun..."

Xu Zhinian didn't mince words and answered straightforwardly: "Yes, we just want to move forward at full speed under the sun."


"No! If we walk like this, the sun will have already melted us!"

"That's right, Sister Xu, if we can no longer find a cool shelter, when the sun shines and the temperature is high everywhere, we will suffer from heat stroke... or even die from the heat!"


How could Xu Zhinian not know?

But she had read the atlas, and it was clearly recorded on it that there would be no shelter from the shade on this entire road.

Whether it is a tall tree, a deep pit, or a man-made building...

Nothing at all.

How can I escape the heat when I have nothing?
The only way to escape the heat is to move forward at full speed and reach the next place where you can enjoy the cool air as soon as possible.

After she sorted out her emotions, she talked about the stakes word by word to the other four people.

The other four people were silent when they heard this.

Seeing the silence of the four people, Xu Zhinian added, "Do you want to get out of the car? Okay, just tell me, if you abandon the car and don't care about your rear, where can you take shelter?"

The four of them fell silent again, all looking at Xu Zhinian quietly, without saying anything for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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