light, short, scattered

Chapter 216 "Ghost Market" lllLast Chapter

Chapter 216 "Ghost Market" lll Part [-]
A week passed after that, and things went smoothly.

But the old woman was not found, and Dahai inherited the family's property one by one.

No one would have thought that the entire Pang family had so many assets before they got it.

How terrifying it would be to have more than 200 people integrated together.

Not counting foreign countries, there are real estate properties in almost all third-tier cities in China.

All overseas items are temporarily frozen due to procedural issues. If Dahai wants to retrieve it, he needs to fly to anywhere in the world to prove and sign.

Forget it, if you keep flying and signing, it will take less than half a year.

Who would have thought that a family could blossom and bear fruit all over the world.

Of course, this is all because of Laosi. Almost [-]% of Dahai's current assets of [-] billion come from the Laosi family.

The fourth child received several hundred houses of land left by his father in Beijing.

The land deeds of Laosi were firmly in his hands until the reform and opening up.

As time passed, the worthless land in his hands became more and more valuable. The fourth master immediately understood and established the ancestral precept not to sell off the property unless absolutely necessary.

Since then, house prices have only gone up.

The subsidies for government enterprises are astonishingly high.

The extra money was used as a subsidy and turned into real estate in other cities.

Later, after the concept of property rights came into being in houses, the Laosi group directly switched to the real estate business.

Along the way, the poor have become poorer and the rich have become richer, which is perfectly reflected in the Lao Siyi faction.

At that time, all the housing agencies on one street were owned by the Laosi family, and the Laosi family even took their steps abroad because of this.

They only deal in houses and never touch other businesses.

As for the overseas seas, they are not in a hurry, and I am even less anxious as I can only be regarded as a follower.

Dahai and I were still living in Pang Guang's house at this time.

Dahai hired someone to pry open the three safes, and there were piles of bank cards and cash inside.

The management of dozens of stalls in Guanggui Market can make Pang Guang make a lot of money.

Dahai has been eating, drinking and having fun almost every day these days.

And I was lucky enough.

We two bachelors lived together, but whenever we stopped from busy work, we would sit in the hall and look at the watch blankly.

After the watch arrived home, Dahai took a toothbrush and cleaned it again.

The surface that had been cleaned was black and green, and the eye paint on it had fallen off.

But even though the whole thing is dark green, the eyes look at us as if they are alive.

During this period, we did several experiments, and Dahai bought some hamsters from the flower and bird market.

I took a group photo, cut it out and stuffed it into the table.

Before putting it in, the sea checked several times to see if there was any light shining on me and him in the photo.

Watching the pointer reach twelve o'clock, all the mice died invariably.

We can confirm that all this is brought about by this watch.

Dahai changed his mind and gave each real estate agent a portrait of the old lady I drew.

On the afternoon of the day it arrived, someone actually said they knew the person in the photo.

And such calls began to come in almost all the time, and within a few minutes someone would say they knew each other.

But it doesn’t matter, the old woman is dead and I am his son.

The old woman is my relative and can contact me.

The sea can only add some conditions, such as photos.

Even with this, the average number of calls comes every half an hour.

Photos and portraits will be sent even if they are only [-]% similar.

I thought that maybe it was because of Dahai's fame at this time, so everyone wanted to have something to do with this old woman.

Three days later, Dahai and I were almost tired of answering these calls.

A family photo came into our eyes, and the old woman in the middle was the old woman who visited the ghost market that day.

Dahai and I went to the real estate agency that belonged to Dahai that day.

The employee in the agency pointed to the portrait and said it looked like his grandmother.

I took out the family photo from my phone, and Dahai and I nodded.The employee immediately agreed to take us to find his grandma.

But Dahai kept an eye on it and said, "Have anyone died in your family very frequently?"

"What does intensive mean?" the employee asked in confusion.

"A lot of people died all at once?" Dahai said again.

The employees looked at us almost in confusion.

Unfortunately, Dahai stopped asking and the staff took us home.

The moment I opened the door, I saw the old woman in front of me.

The old woman was cooking at this time and was shocked when she saw me.

"Do you remember me?" I said nervously.

The old woman said nervously: "Why did you come to me?"

"Do you still remember that watch? Can you tell me its origin?" I said immediately.

The old woman pointed to the wall and said, "My wife's."

The employee immediately said to the side: "My grandfather participated in World War II and was a soldier."

Dahai and I almost immediately ran towards the wall that the old woman was pointing at.

It is a merit wall filled with various information.

The old woman pointed to the wall and said, "My wife was killed by this watch."

At this time, there were two diaries and a lot of commemorative medals on the wall.

I picked up one of the books and said, "Can I read it?"

The old woman didn't speak. The employee nodded and said, "These are grandpa's diaries during his lifetime. You can just read them as you like."

Dahai and I each looked at the contents of the diary. The one in my hand was all about the war that year.

There are descriptions of the postwar period because they are notes.It mentioned repeatedly the captain's taking credit, and there was a photo inside that made my hair stand on end.

It was a black and white group photo of soldiers, and the head of a person in the front row was cut out.

According to the size, it just fits inside the table. It is probably the captain who steals the work that the old man hates.

And the old man can cut off his head, which shows that the old man knows how to use it.

I held up the photo and said, "Is your grandfather in this photo?"

The employee pointed to someone in the second row and said, "This is my grandpa."

At this time, Dahai patted me on the shoulder and said, "This gold watch was captured during World War II."

World War II? Gold watch?

The watch seems to be from Switzerland, which is related to World War II.

"Did Switzerland participate in World War II?" I asked.

"I'm a military fan, and Switzerland is always neutral. I didn't participate in World War II. What's wrong?" the employee said.

I immediately checked the information, and as the agency employee said, Switzerland did not participate in World War II at all.

And this evil watch is a Swiss watch captured during World War II?

We looked at the woman, who was crying.

"What's going on with this watch?" I asked.

The woman cried and said: "There is a gathering of old soldiers every year. My wife watched the squad leader getting better and better. He kept telling me about the gold watch and their affairs. Later, he stuffed the squad leader into the gold watch. The photo said it could kill the squad leader. But my wife died that night, and it was this watch that killed my wife."

The employee said at the side: "Didn't grandpa die last month? Why do you say it was your cousin who killed you?"

"Did your wife use this watch last month?" I said.

The old man nodded.

"Did you break the needle above?" I said.

The old man nodded.

"Then why did you come to me to buy a villain again? What are you buying a villain for?" I said.

The old man said: "My wife has always been in good health, but he died that day after inserting the photo. The squad leader is indeed alive and well until now, and there is nothing wrong with him. I bought the villain with the intention of stabbing the squad leader to death."

I felt chills all over and looked at the sea.

Dahai's eyes widened and he looked at me in disbelief.

To be continued~
(End of this chapter)

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