light, short, scattered

Chapter 196 "Rich People Are Rich" ll Previous Chapter

Chapter 196 "People are rich and people are generous" ll Part [-]
"Did you count? Your father wasn't even born when I was a child. How could you be counted? Then grandma will take care of your money for you first. Of course, this money is not all for you. This is I will get you a wife in the future. Grandma may not be able to see it, but you can’t spend it randomly." Grandma said with a smile.

I nodded my head and said, "Okay, okay, grandma said it is."

At this time, a shout came from not far away: "Are you here?"

Grandma smiled and waved and said, "Xiao Gao, are you passing by to see me?"

I looked into the distance. The person I was sitting on was half a head shorter than the doctor who came over.

At 1.8 meters tall, I stood up slowly. At this time, Dr. Gao, who was wearing a white coat, was actually a head shorter than me.

"Wait? Is this Dr. Gao?" I said, looking down at Dr. Gao who was walking towards me.

Dr. Gao raised his head and smiled, handed me a document bag and said, "You must be Grandma Qiao's grandson. You are such a talented person."

"Excellent." I smiled bitterly and glanced at the portfolio. Grandma's name was written on the portfolio.

Dr. Gao pointed to my grandma and said, "I'll go and say a few words."

Then I watched Dr. Gao walk to my grandma with a smile, patted my grandma on the shoulder and pointed upstairs.I couldn't hear their conversation from my position, but after Dr. Gao and grandma finished talking, grandma said at the top of her voice: "Xiao Gao, I'll go up then."

Dr. Gao looked at me with a smile.

Grandma said to me at this time: "Baby, remember to come up later. I have something else to say to you."

Then Dr. Gao walked towards me slowly, and grandma walked quickly to the inpatient department.

"This?" I said.

"Come back, let's talk about what's going to happen next." Dr. Gao poked the file bag in my hand.

"Is my grandma serious?" I said.

"You know your grandma's previous surgery, right?" Dr. Gao said.

I shook my head and said, "Sorry, I don't know much about this."

"Fortunately, all her operations were performed in our hospital, and these files are recorded on the computer. She had an operation to correct her disc herniation 17 years ago, and she has been in good health since then. Six years ago, she had a four-centimeter removal of rectal cancer. The diseased tissue was found in the lungs half a year ago. We were afraid of metastasis and asked him to have a CT scan every two months. But she went her own way and waited for half a year until she felt uncomfortable. As a result, the location of the lesion was twice as large as we expected. Due to your grandma's age, we don't consider performing puncture and sampling tests. We actually don't recommend surgery, but the lungs are a little higher up, which is very dangerous. If it gets bigger, it may cause it. I think you understand what I mean. ." Dr. Gao said.

"I understand what you are saying, Dr. Gao, but can you tell me something I need to know?" I said.

"She looks good now, but I don't know how long she can last. We suggest you spend more time with her and talk more. Time may be running out, so you have to be prepared." Dr. Gao said.

I nodded my head, and for a moment my grandma and work seemed to be weighing on me.

During the three days of rest, I stayed with my grandma.Talking and laughing reminded me a lot that I hardly ever spend a full day at home.But when she had no memory as a child, my grandma remembered these stories very clearly.

I am very busy working in a state-owned enterprise, so I go to the hospital to see my grandma on weekends.

What Dr. Gao said started to come true little by little.

Grandma's condition began to gradually deteriorate, and the illness came like a mountain.

The time I spent visiting her could not keep up with the speed of her illness, and I defrauded her of the bank card in her bag to pay for the treatment.

That day was the [-]th, and grandma said tremblingly: "I will pay my pension today."

Those were the last words she said to me, and she left HR that night.

Dr. Gao used my grandma’s phone number to notify me when he went to work at nine o’clock the next morning, and said that if I was busy, he could take care of my grandma’s funeral affairs.

After I declined, I took leave that day and went to the hospital.

Under the system of state-owned enterprises, bereavement leave is only available within one generation.

I directly took half a month's personal leave to deal with the next thing.

Fast forward two weeks later, I buried my grandma.

Dr. Gao handed a pack of plastic bags into my hands.

Inside the plastic bag were grandma’s spare clothes and the small cloth bag.My first reaction was not the bank cards in the bag, but those magical newspaper clippings.

The story of the Taoist priest lingers in my mind.

I opened the bag and rummaged through the contents.

There are no clippings, but there is a pamphlet.

I opened the brochure and found it was a phone book.

The first page was my phone number and I flipped back to the last page.

There was something crookedly written on it, and I opened my eyes wide and was dumbfounded.

The handwriting is a bit ugly, but it’s incredible to me that my grandma can write at her level.

I tried to read it out: "Baby, you must be wondering who the Taoist priest is. He is the ancestor of Uncle Wu next door to my house. I have not done the calculation for you. I asked Uncle Wu to do the calculation for your father, and he said that your father will make money. Different money. In the end, I really went abroad. If you want, you can try it yourself. The bank card password is your birthday plus a zero, don’t forget it.”

I smiled wryly and there was no bank card left. At the same time, I froze on the spot, and Uncle Wu slowly entered my mind.

The impact is very shallow, almost non-existent.

Because I didn’t go to that house very often, and I was thinking that tomorrow would be the weekend.I chose to go back to my grandma’s house and look for Uncle Wu.

There was no will, so my grandma’s house was naturally left to my dad.

I made an international long distance call, and my father made a verbal agreement to leave the house to me after I decided to send my grandma off for the last time.

This house is somewhat special. It was a house allocated by the country back then.

A courtyard house, but only half of it.

It should be said that one house is divided into two households, and Uncle Wu is next door.

I took a taxi to the door and tried to knock on the door.

Somewhat unfamiliar, I hope I remember correctly.

The person who opened the door was a woman, she looked to be about my age.

The woman looked at me with some confusion and said, "What's going on?"

"I...go home." I said hesitantly, not recovering from my thoughts for a while.

"Oh, you are Grandma Qiao's grandson?" the woman suddenly realized.

I nodded my head.

"You don't have a key. You should have all your keys at home. My name is Wusu, your next door neighbor." The woman said with a smile.

"Wusu? Your surname is Wu? Do you know the Uncle Wu my grandma mentioned?" I said.

Wusu frowned slightly and said, "My father died long ago."

I said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I was presumptuous."

"What do you want from my dad?" Wusu said.

"You must know my grandma. Before she died, she asked me to find Uncle Wu. That is to say, your father wants to tell fortunes. You know the fortune telling, right?" I said, thinking about pushing this matter to grandma.I don’t know if grandma will blame me if I go down in the future.

Wu Su suddenly chuckled and said, "Your grandma only believed my dad's lies. He also said that he could live to be one hundred and eight. But he died at 58. He was full of lies."

"Grandma's last wish is that she probably has Alzheimer's disease. So I forgot that Uncle Wu is dead. I'm sorry. Then I'll go back and get the key and leave without disturbing you." I said.

"It's okay, come with me." Wusu walked into the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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