light, short, scattered

Chapter 179 "Gate of Truth" Chapter [-]

Chapter 179 "Gate of Truth" Part [-]

My name is Lu Qiao, and I am an orphan.

The memories of my childhood are gone. As far back as I can remember, I was in an old church.

I am surrounded by friends who are the same age as me, but I know there are still many differences between me and them.

They are picked up and dropped off by their parents at nine o'clock in the morning every day, and taken home by their parents at five o'clock in the afternoon.

And every time I wait until all the children have left, and then go back to the priest's house with the priest.

I also asked the priest where my parents who came to pick me up were.The priests always shook their heads in embarrassment.

At that time, the priest who took me home was different every day, and the home I went to was also different.

Some are big, some are small.Sometimes I can have a separate room, but most of the time I sleep on various crowded sofas.

There are soft and hard sofas, long and short sofas.

When the weather gets cold, there will be a quilt. Of course, the quilt is different every day.

Five priests, I don’t even remember their names.

I only remember Friday’s priest, his name is the sea.

Because the Father of the Sea on Friday is responsible for my accommodation for two days more during the weekend than the other four priests.

Father Dahai has a wife and a daughter. On weekends, Father Dahai takes me and his daughter to the park to play.

Although I also slept on the sofa at Father Dahai's house on weekends, I think the sofa at Father Dahai's house is more comfortable than the bed.

Later I became more sensible and understood the reasons for all this.

Only then did I understand why some people always said that I was a child of Christianity and that I was a child chosen by God.

This is an old church that is only used for worship on weekends.

There are five priests in total, and they set up education classes when they were bored during the weekdays.

It sounds like an education class, but in fact it is just a kindergarten with children.

She specializes in helping believers take care of their children, and by the way, they have been exposed to Christianity since they were young.

This matter lasted for several years, and gradually gained benefits and results.

Once you have a bit of a reputation, it's time for something to happen.

Father Dahai told me three times in total. Of course, we all talked about it after drinking too much at home on weekends.

He said he remembered that it was a Sunday, and he served as the chief priest and finished the two-hour service.

After everyone left, he was about to close the door when he heard a strange cry.

Looking for the cry, I saw a bamboo basket in the last row of seats.

The bamboo basket was covered with three layers of blankets, making a whimpering sound.

The person in the bamboo basket was me, and I had a piece of paper with me.

According to Father Dahai, no matter what the words on the paper look like, he is a literate person.

However, the piece of paper was not kept later, which probably meant that the child no longer wanted it.

Father Dahai did a lot at that time. In the first week, he even published newspapers to look for parents who had lost their children.

But even if parents find this kind of planned abandonment, they may not recognize it.

After several priests discussed with each other, they chose to use the church's savings to buy milk powder to feed me.

In the beginning, he was still fostered in Father Dahai's house, but Father Dahai gradually had his own family.

He proposed to stay in the church during the day and five priests each to share a day at night.During the weekend starting from Friday, he stayed at Father Dahai's house.

Days passed like this, and I watched every child younger than me leave the Christian church and never come back.

And I grew bigger and bigger but never left. My name is Luqiao.

Not because of what was written on the note, but because this church is in Taizhou.

It is an administrative district in Taizhou, and Luqiao in Luqiao District became my name.

I don’t have a household registration or even an identity.

There was only an adoption form that was later applied for at the police station and a few pages that resembled copies of the identity.

The only proof I have is a clean certificate.

As a result, I was unable to study, and the savings from the church could barely sustain my food, clothing, housing, and transportation.I also need the support of all the priests to become who I am now.

The priests all have their own plans in mind and hope that I can follow their path.So when I was very young, I memorized the Bible and learned the piano.

Each hymn is clear to the heart, and opening it is the truth of God’s love for the world.

Almost everyone in the church wanted to groom me as a candidate for this church.

At the age of 21, I successfully became the pastor of this church.

I have a salary of [-] yuan a month, and the church is responsible for my three insurances and one fund.

My faith is Christianity, but I know my faith is not pure.

Because the orthodox Christianity from the West basically changed when it was introduced to the East, I gradually grew up and discovered that we were just liars who followed the rules under the guise of Christianity.But the neighbors and villagers all believe in us and form this ecological circle.

Churches are only opened to attract believers, but the real money comes from taking care of the children of believers from Monday to Friday.

The kindergarten was opened in the name of the church, and I was only responsible for teaching the children to recite or study the contents of the Bible.

Although I have never gone to school, I am more than enough to deal with these children.

It just goes on day by day, but sometimes I feel like I'm not limited to that.

Because I always find some strange things, I was thinking about the origin of this church.

Since we are all false priests, why is there such a church here?
I once asked insinuatingly why the five priests became priests, but I couldn't get a satisfactory answer.

The church is very large, and the oldest renovation that can be found was in March 1906.

But this is only the oldest renovation time that can be found, and the construction time cannot be investigated at all.

No matter how many times it has been renovated, the west tower has never been touched.

This information is basically not available online. The information I can find is that this church existed after the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China.

The government seems to have no property rights in this place and has been unable to demolish this ancient building to this day.

Since I became a priest here, I have been working from Monday to Friday.

We still let professionals like Father Dahai come for weekend services. To put it bluntly, I am actually more like a kindergarten teacher than a priest.

Of course, sometimes when there are not enough people, I will also participate on weekends and play the piano to make up the number.

All priests will be full-time one day a week, that is, one priest will be chosen to stay until the end of the day.

I was on duty every Wednesday, and when I got tired of the job I kept coming up with an idea.

What's behind the door to the small attic on the west side?

I've seen one before, the door is metal.

The texture can be found on Baidu, and it is exactly the same as the Tree of Life on Encyclopedia.

I have been thinking that this door could be the door of truth.

I have also decided that I must take a look at what is behind the door in this life.

The priests will definitely object, and my idea is very simple.

Break open the door and take a look, then leave Luqiao District and go to other cities to do other jobs.

I was on duty Wednesday, making sure everyone was gone.

I closed the church door and took out my flashlight.

I walked to the lounge and took out the ax I had prepared long ago from my cabinet.

Step by step, I walked towards the west and went up to the attic.

I have asked the priests more than once what is behind the door, but no one seems to care.

Storage room or just an empty room?
But it doesn't matter, I'll find out soon.

When we arrived at the attic door, the door handle was locked with three thick chains.

Glancing at the rusty lock, I tried to pull it.

I picked up the ax, pointed it at the lock, and struck it.

The sound was a little loud, so I knocked a few more times.

I knocked open the lock and the handle, and I conquered the last line of defense.

I slowly opened the door of Ximen Attic, and the dark room was extremely dark.

I raised the flashlight and looked into it.

(End of this chapter)

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