light, short, scattered

Chapter 172 "The Flaws of Time" ll Chapter [-]

Chapter 172 "The Flaws of Time" Part II
"Are you okay?" I said.

At this time, I was panting nervously, and there were two corpses on the conveyor belt in front of me.

"It's okay, you're okay." Dahai struggled to climb down from the conveyor belt.

"Yeah, okay." I said and quickly reloaded the shotgun.

At this time, Dahai was breathing heavily, and I could feel his exertion even through the chemical protective suit.

I ran towards the entrance of the canteen and prepared to open the rolling door. When I turned around, I found Dahai struggling to walk towards the bodies of the militants.

I asked doubtfully: "What are you doing? What else do you want to do at this time?"

Dahai bent down and took off the assault rifle from the militant's waist and said to me, "Can you use this thing?"

"Maybe." I said.

The sea was thrown directly at me, and I took the assault rifle and observed it for a moment.

It seems to be a modified version of AK47, with slight differences in many places.

Especially at the muzzle of the gun, there is a bayonet floating on it.It seems that they don’t want to suffer losses in melee or long-range combat.With almost no thought, I ditched my shotgun and picked up my assault rifle.

At this time, when I looked at the sea again, I found that he had already arrived on top of another corpse.

With great difficulty, he took off the other person's clothes and looked for something.

"What else are you going to do? Why are you taking off other people's clothes? You don't want me to have cover when I put it on and escape, do you? But you can't put it on either? You can't take off your reverse chemical protective suit, right?" I said.

Dahai didn't pay attention to my words and continued to do his own thing.

He disassembled another militant's assault rifle and pulled out the bayonet with difficulty.

I ran over helplessly and grabbed the shoulders of Dahai's chemical protective suit and said, "What are you still dawdling about?"

Only then did Dahai react and handed me the bayonet and said, "Come here and chop him vertically."

"Split him? Are you crazy? Are you wasting your time doing this?" I said in confusion.

"I'm wearing a chemical protective suit. Come and help me do this. You come and split him. You and I both know that these militants can enter and leave the Time Flaw freely. I just checked his clothes. There is no abnormality at all. Then there is only one explanation for everything, there is something different in his body." Dahai said.

"What's the difference in the body? An artificial person? A robot?" I said thinking.

"What are you thinking about? Don't waste time. Cut him open vertically, and then I'll run away after checking. We agreed, you move faster," said Dahai.

At this time, the sound of gunshots appeared in the ears, and it seemed that militants were nearby.

I gritted my teeth and inserted the bayonet into the chest of the militant.

"That's it." Dahai said excitedly.

I saw the blood flowing out and was a little scared.

Dahai took my hand and started to push it down, muttering: "Just use force and split it."

Dahai and I held the bayonets and slowly moved downwards. Every cut was painful.

When a split as long as my arm opened, I turned my head and vomited.

"You don't know, I often do this when I'm in there. After those cancer patients die, I will study the abnormalities in their body structure." Dahai said and buried his whole hand into the body of the militant. With.

When I came back to my senses, my nausea had improved a lot.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer in all directions, and they were continuous.

"The sound is getting closer," I yelled.

"Right away, I touched it." Dahai shouted and grabbed something.

I picked up the assault rifle beside me and started looking for the safety switch on the rifle.When the thinkers are in a firefight, it's over if they can't fire.

Dahai laughed and said, "I know, I know everything."

"What do you know?" I turned my head in confusion.

At this moment, Dahai held a handful of translucent grass in his hand.

"Did you catch this from him?" I said in surprise.

"I finally know the secret of eternal life. It turns out it depends on this." Dahai said excitedly.

"What do you rely on?" I asked anxiously.

Dahai pointed to the belly of his chemical protective suit and said: "It's the appendix. You also know that this grass is planted in a dark room. Their dependence on light is actually very small, and what they need most is enough nutrients. But who would have thought that, You can plant it on your own appendix." "The appendix at the end of the cecum?" I subconsciously touched my lower abdomen.

"Luqiao, help me." Dahai said.

"What do you want to do?" I said.

"I have two grasses here for me to breathe. I will take off my chemical protective suit in a moment. I will point them to you. All you have to do is cut open the position of my finger, reach out and put the grass in, and then attach the roots to my Appendix." Dahai said.

At this time, the gunshots were getting closer and closer, and my heartbeat began to increase.

"Don't be in a daze. We just took out the plant from his body. The smell has dissipated. I guess you have started to have sequelae. You do this surgery for me now, and I will do this surgery for you. If you don't do it for a few times, You will start coughing soon, and you will be close to death." Dahai took off his chemical protective suit and placed a plant next to his head.He grabbed the bayonet on the side, wiped it on the chemical protective suit and handed it to me.

"Doesn't this need to be disinfected?" I said subconsciously.

"We don't have time. It's impossible to get infected if the organs are suppressed. As long as we eat and provide nutrients from grass, we can maintain immortality." Dahai said.

I leaned over helplessly, and Dahai coughed slightly at this time.

It is estimated that the lack of sealing caused oxygen to be breathed in, making it difficult to breathe.

Dahai pointed to the right side of his lower abdomen and said, "That's where it is, speed."

I picked up the bayonet and made a cut where the sea pointed. It was much easier the first time and the second time.

Dahai didn't scream, and his face was actually full of expectant expression.

Dahai directly pulled out the grass next to his head from the culture pot, shook it a few times and handed it to me.

"Speed ​​up, Luqiao." Dahai fainted after saying that.

I panicked subconsciously, and the grass was stuffed into the cut of the sea without even brushing off the soil.

Adjusting the angle, he struggled to attach the root to the end of the large intestine.After thinking about it, he pulled his hand out and then covered the wound tightly.

Dahai became unresponsive at this time and lay motionless on the side.

I panicked, laid him down, and began to perform chest compressions frantically.

My method is very crude and I don't know if it really works.

In desperation, I raised Dahai's head and started to give him artificial respiration.

At the age of 50, I gave artificial respiration to a man who looked about thirty years old but had just celebrated his [-]rd birthday.

I kept repeating it with a wry smile, and the gunshots around me already felt like they were very close at hand.

As if someone was nearby, Dahai coughed violently and regained consciousness.

I quickly slapped him a few times to help him wake up quickly.

At this time, there was a sound outside the iron gate.

Dahai immediately said: "Go and wear their clothes."

We immediately took off the clothes of the two killed militants and put them on.

The lock position of the iron fence was shot several times from the outside.

After finishing dressing, Dahai picked up another piece of grass in the chemical protective suit and put it in his pocket and said, "I will help you perform this operation when I have time."

I nodded my head and was now finished wearing it. Haihai flipped the direction button of the conveyor belt to open the conveyor belt.

Then Dahai bent down and threw the protective clothing in.

The body and suit were brought back to Time Flaw on a conveyor belt.

The rolling door was opened, and Dahai and I both dressed up as militants.

The militants first raised their guns, and after realizing that they were of the same kind, they shouted: "Why are you here?"

Dahai pointed to the conveyor belt on the side and said: "This machine is connected to the Time Flaw below. We came up from below, and we just arrived here."

"Then follow me and we will continue the search." The militant nodded and went out to continue the search.

Dahai followed, and I followed behind Dahai and whispered, "When will you perform surgery on me?"

Dahai held the gun in one hand and covered his belly with the other, smiled and said: "Follow the militants first, and I will do it for you when I find a safe place."

I followed the sea helplessly, thinking about whether there might be a deeper secret to Time's Flaw.After all, this is just grass. Does the Spring of Eternal Life really exist?

(End of this chapter)

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