light, short, scattered

Chapter 167 "7 Friends" Dead Brother Chapter

Chapter 167 "Seven Friends" Dead Brother Chapter
I try not to make the story too difficult to understand, but life is not something that can be explained word for word.

Remember the saying: It takes three years to learn well and only three days to learn bad.

But how can a ridiculously bad person learn to be good?
My answer is seven friends, seven friends who cannot be named.

They walked in front of me one by one and fell into the abyss for me.

Only then did I realize my return from the lost path and know how to cherish what I have in front of me.

Without these seven friends, I might be a complete bad guy now.

. . .

Ask me how I met my dead brother?

Let’s start with my best friend, because my best friend is my best friend’s brother.

My best friend’s surname is Yang, but I dare not say his real name.

A few days ago I said I wanted to write about his brother, and asked him what he should call him if he wasn't allowed to give his real name.

He smiled and said to me: "Call me Yang Dalong."

Yang Dalong's name was given by his grandfather, but he changed his current surname because it was too vulgar.

Yang Dalong's grandfather served as a soldier and fought in the war.

He was stationed on the island for more than ten years. After returning, he was made an exceptional party member.

People who served as public cadres in neighborhood committees in the early years did not read many books.

Yang Dalong's grandfather was drafted into the army when he was just fifteen or sixteen years old. Not being able to read a single word was the thing he regretted most in his life.

When Yang Dalong was born, the custom was for elders to name him.

Grandpa naturally became the most senior one.

At that time, I thought that my grandson’s name must be simple.

When I heard Yang Dalong talking to me about this process, I put myself in the perspective of Grandpa Yang Dalong.

It is indeed difficult for an illiterate grandpa to choose a good name.

Not named Yang Yi or Yang Er is already pretty good.

Yang is a surname that cannot be changed, and that year is the Year of the Dragon.

The two words have been finalized, and I spent a long time looking through the dictionary.

Filled in the word "big".

My first reaction at the time was that if it was not the Year of the Dragon.

Call me Yang Daji in the Year of the Rooster?
Call me Yang Big Dog in the Year of the Dog?
Call me Yang Dazhu in the Year of the Pig?
Well, congratulations to Yang Dalong for having a good zodiac sign, which sounds much better than mine.

After settling Yang Dalong's name, the next thing to talk about is his brother.

The dead brother is not Yang Dalong's biological brother, so his surname is not Yang.

As for the name, I really don't know, I have great admiration for him.

Of course, if the dead brother is like a normal person, then I don’t need to say so much.

That year, Yang Dalong and I were in our first year of high school.

The dead brother was over 25 years old and ran a game console store in the downtown area.

Yes, handheld consoles have it all.

After I stopped going to arcades, I switched my focus to handheld consoles.

At that time, my dream of growing up was probably the same as my dead brother.

Open a game console store of your own, sell game consoles and play game consoles.

He spent his money to buy the latest machines openly, and he worked on them at home day and night.

Brother Shi’s shop is in the city center.

There was a time when I doubted that Yang Dalong and I had such a good relationship.

Eighty percent of the reason is because of the dead brother's game arcade. You can take Yang Dalong there and have a good time.

Brother and brother are a magical bond. Of course, you can also think of that stupid Ou Doudou feeling of déjà vu.

I succeeded again and again by using Yang Dalong's identity as his best friend.

Cheap cassettes and free soda.

Occupying the counter display machine, I tried it out like crazy.

This has almost become our daily routine in the summer.

It was also at that time that I learned about Nintendo, Sony and later Microsoft Xbox.

Of course, before talking about this, did I forget to mention that the dead brother has jet black hair.

Brother Shi’s legs and feet are not very convenient, so he only has two points: the store and his home almost all year round.

This is how I grew my long hair. To be honest, before I met Brother Death for the first time.

Yang Dalong kept telling me: "Don't be surprised when you see my brother. His hair is a bit long. His legs and feet are not good, so don't stare at him."

I really didn’t think much about it, my first reaction was out of interest.After all, I also want to have long hair when I grow up to highlight my artistic flair.

But when I really saw the hip-length black hair, I felt bad all over.

How long is this?It's all up to the butt, okay?

Brother Shi is of medium build, although he is very masculine from the front.Of course, the word masculine must exclude the long hair, and the back view is simply ecstasy.

Yes, the term "back killer" has always been a shadow of my childhood.

Of course, because of Yang Dalong’s advice, I didn’t dare to ask or think too much.

I only think that people without any personality are no different from salted fish.

But every time before meeting his dead brother, Yang Dalong would always mention not to talk about his brother's hair and feet.

Of course, the more things are not mentioned, the more curious they will be. Finally, during a daily inquiry.Yang Dalong told this story. The dead brother was diagnosed with a disease when he was very young.

Hemophilia, roughly speaking, is an inherited bleeding disorder in which the lack of certain clotting factors in the blood causes severe coagulation disorders in patients.

At the time, I didn’t understand why hemophilia was related to the feet, but later I learned that one of the common symptoms of hemophilia is disability and muscle atrophy.Especially after the age of 30, it is inevitable to have some degree of physical disability.

At that time, we were playing games in Brother Shou's shop, and I could often see Brother Shou stretching his left foot on the equipment nearby.

And I can observe Brother Shi getting up unintentionally, especially when he gets up and changes seats, it is always very difficult.Occasionally, when I step forward to receive a package, I walk with a slight limp, which is extremely uncoordinated.

It's embarrassing to say that, but there are quite a few games played at my dead brother's house.But I was really poor at that time, and I couldn't spare the money to buy a game console.So I actually regret that I didn't give my dead brother any help.

Although I don’t know if Brother Shi really likes us, he always greets us warmly every time he sees us coming.I also tried not to mention the problems with my dead brother, and I didn’t even look at his black hip-length hair.

We usually play until five or six in the evening, and we reluctantly leave until my brother-in-law talks about his intention to close the house and get off work.

In the beginning, the time to get off work was not determined by my brother.

The dead brother's father, Yang Dalong's uncle, would drive to pick up the dead brother from get off work.

We would all watch Brother Die get on the bus after closing the store, and then Yang Dalong and I would take the bus home.

Yang Dalong and I are neighbors, but my dead brother’s home is on the other side of the city.

At that time, I heard that the dead brother's parents, that is, Yang Dalong's aunt and uncle, hated the dead brother's long hair.

I have tried many strategies but failed to reduce him. I even heard that my uncle and aunt almost disowned their son because of this incident.

And I asked Yang Dalong, when did Brother Shi’s hair start to grow longer.

Yang Dalong just shook his head. He told me that my dead brother has always had long hair.

Moreover, his uncle and aunt had asked Yang Dalong many times to persuade his dead brother to shave off his long hair.After all, hip-length hair is beautiful on a woman, but it's nondescript on a man.

I remember that we had been in Brother Shi's shop since the first year of high school, and we stayed together intermittently until the second year of high school.

Brother Shi is a very particular person. In the PS2 era, there was a Sony [-]-inch monitor on the front wall of the store.

At that time, tens of thousands of dollars was something I couldn't even imagine.Brother Shi often said something that remains fresh in my memory, such as Sony’s PS3 and its own monitor being a perfect match.

So in my current understanding, Sony is the best monitor brand in the world.To this day, when people ask me what brand of TV I choose, I will call out Sony without hesitation.

Of course, later on, the dead brother bought a new toy.

Logitech racing controller.

It's said to be a handle, but it's more like a simulation racing tool.

At that time, the [-]-inch Sony monitor belonged to Brother Die again, and Brother Die often played GT racing on it day and night.

And we can only watch from the sidelines. I have a very bad impression of GT racing cars.

Because the setting is that this is a racing game developed based on real racing, elegant?Cornering at full speed?These operations are non-existent, you need to honestly apply the brakes before seeing the curve.Then he turned the steering wheel and lightly stepped on the accelerator.

As for the lightning-fast driving skills, those gorgeous throttle and brake movements are drifting.This is a joke in GT racing, it can knock the person you hit off their feet.

Growing up playing Mario Kart, I feel that simulating reality in games has always been a joke.

But obviously, I later realized I was wrong.

In the beginning, the dead brother played games to escape reality.

Later, the dead brother only played games out of necessity.

But I really didn’t know why at that time, but my brother was always happy to play GT racing.

We were very busy during our senior year of high school, so we rarely visited Brother Shi’s shop.

Even Yang Dalong and I rarely meet.

This busy schedule led me directly to my freshman year. It feels so good to be in college.

At this time, I can still recall what the principal said at the freshman orientation ceremony.

He smiled and said how to spell college English? university.

how to read?The meaning of the music is: You can play for four years.

It is true that university means you can play for four years.

And I discovered that not far from my school was my brother’s game console store.

I planned to go and have a look alone, only to find that my dead brother, who originally had long hair down to his hips, now had short hair.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, I didn't go into the store immediately but called Yang Dalong.

What Yang Dalong told me surprised me a little.

How do you think you can force a man to cut off his hair that has been growing for more than ten years?
The answer is a down payment on a car.

After I hung up the phone, I discovered a Toyota parked at the entrance of the game console store.

The reason why I can recognize Toyota as a dead brother's car at a glance is that it is covered with pain stickers.

Yes, yes, they are all kinds of cute girl stickers.

Yes, yes, it is plastered everywhere you can see it.

My first reaction at that time was that my dead brother’s feet could actually drive.

I didn't go into Brother Death's shop that day, but chose to visit him with Yang Dalong on a weekend.

It was said to be a visit, but in fact it was a visit to the old place.

Coincidentally, that day was actually my dead brother’s birthday.

Probably even Yang Dalong didn't know what day it was.

We didn't say a word as usual, sitting on the sofa in the store playing Street Fighter 4 with our [-]-inch Sony.

It wasn't until the delivery boy delivered a cake in the evening that we understood something.

By the way, there were no delivery boys in those days.

Taobao has just started, and the express delivery industry is booming.

The cake should have been ordered separately by the dead brother to celebrate his birthday alone.

Yes, Yang Dalong and I were both shameless.

I was so shameless that I rubbed two pieces of it.

While Yang Dalong was eating cake, I was lucky enough to play a few games of Street Fighter with my dead brother.

Only then did I really know what it means to be someone outside the world, and there is a world outside the world.

Although I am a new player, I think I have played a lot in the KOF series.

And I lost all the three fights I had with my dead brother that day.

I was on full fire, but Brother Shi only used one right hand.

Pushing the remote sensor while pressing the heavy foot, he beat me to pieces.

I remember that day, Brother Shi picked up "Video Game Software" and said: "This is the last issue of the Electronic Game Journal. This company seems to have gone bankrupt."

Yang Dalong, who didn't understand anything at the time, still said with a playful smile: "Brother, lend me this book."

Of course I borrowed it.

When he went back, he asked Yang Dalong to read the book hastily on the bus.

Finally, it fell into my hands by accident.

At that time, I only knew that this was the last issue of "Video Game Software" and that it was my dead brother's birthday.

But what Yang Dalong and I didn't expect was that this was also the last day that the Dead Brother Game Store would be open.

Don’t think I’m going to show you a tragedy, the story may be more inspiring than you think.

Half a month after this incident, I discovered by chance that the game store was closed.

At that time, my first reaction was to call Yang Dalong.

Yang Dalong said: "If you sell genuine Japanese game consoles and cartridges in China and never come into contact with piracy, they will go bankrupt sooner or later. Faith will only be faith after all. No matter how good Nintendo and Sony are, they will be covered in dust and cannot be sold."

I know that those profound words must have been said by the dead brother.

When I asked where the dead brother had gone.

Yang Dalong said seriously: "I'm driving to Tibet."

. . . .

I hope everyone can relate to the following words.

Game otaku, left foot handicap, car loan, self-driving in Tibet.

By the way, when I learned the news.

The dead brother should be on his way to Tibet by car.

That's right, the dead brother sold all the game consoles for cheap.Including that Sony monitor, exchanged for money and necessities.

All the way west, bound for Tibet.

When I heard Yang Dalong tell me this, I felt unbelievable.

The dead brother left us and the virtual game.

He may have matured and found his passion.

I never saw my dead brother again after that.

The only news came from Yang Dalong's dictation half a year ago.

Yang Dalong said: "Do you know rally racing?"

Brother Shi became a driver in the China Rally Championship (CRC).

. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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