light, short, scattered

Chapter 155 "Rain Man" ll second chapter

Chapter 155 "Rain Man" Part II
I arrived at the foot of the mountain early in the morning and did not get on the driver's bus.

During this period, Xiaoyu got on the bus. I told Xiaoyu that I had some things to do and would get on later.

I was waiting for the reporter to arrive at the foot of the mountain. After two phone calls, I saw a female reporter wearing thick glasses.

I chatted with the female reporter at the foot of the mountain for a long time until the bus appeared in front of us again.

But this time is not the hour, and it will be a long time before departure.

He stepped forward and begged the bus driver. Knowing that there were usually no people around him, the bus driver relented.Taking the female reporter and I to the mental hospital saved a lot of time.

Xiaoyu was waiting for me at the same place, saying hello and asking the female reporter to wait for me for a few minutes.I ran to Xiaoyu and handed my mobile phone and power bank to Xiaoyu so that she could study by herself.

Xiaoyu took the phone and started reading it consciously. Then Hung Oh took the female reporter into the mental hospital.

"Now we can officially interview." I said.

"I understand, but I have almost finished my interview with you. Now I just need to find a few colleagues you see frequently and ask them about your performance and opinions." The female reporter said.

At this time, a familiar doctor not far away actually walked over with a smile and said, "What? Do you need an interview?"

This doctor was the one who asked me to jump in line that day.

I grabbed the doctor and said, "Brother, do me a favor."

In fact, a few days ago, I started talking in the cafeteria about why I came here to make up for my credits.Almost every doctor and nurse expressed their willingness to cooperate with me, and they were available to help reporters when the time came.

This doctor seemed to be among them, and he just came in handy at this time.

"Hello, who are you?" the female reporter said.

"I am the attending physician here, and my English name is Jiao Ke." The doctor smiled and said.

"Hello doctor, what do you think about Lu Qiao coming to the hospital to work as a free volunteer? Please stand closer, I need to take a photo." The female reporter said with a smile, grabbing the SLR camera hanging around her neck with both hands. .

The doctor smiled, hugged me and said, "It's good that college students can come to us to experience volunteering. It helps us share the workload and enriches the college students' extracurricular life... (balabala)... (Nagging, nagging, nagging)... Anyway, after saying so much, I just want to say that this is a win-win attitude. I also hope that more and more college students can join in and do more things that are meaningful to society and the country. .”

After this period, it seemed that I was prepared to be surprised.

The doctor whispered in my ear: "How is it? I have been preparing for a long time. When I was in college, I was the announcer of the university radio station."

"Awesome." I said with a wry smile.

"Miss reporter, if possible, I can say it again. Don't you want to record it? Put it on TV or something? If you want it, I can give you the manuscript. Do you want to turn on the video recorder and let me repeat it again?" Doctor He said quickly.

I frowned slightly, thinking that I was the one who wanted to be on TV.

"That's good enough. I remember it roughly. Ours is just a newspaper, not a TV news. That's good enough. Thank you, I really appreciate it." The female reporter reluctantly declined.

"Is it done?" I said with a smile.

"Come out with me for a while, and tell me the way down the mountain." The female reporter said.

"Okay." I let go of the doctor's hand and led the reporter out of the mental hospital.

The female reporter looked at the information at hand and said: "It's pretty good. I have some news to cover in the afternoon. So I'm sorry. I'll supplement the other aspects myself. Thank you for helping our daily provide a good piece of news. , I will contact you again for follow-up matters."

"The waiting room for the bus is right in front of you, but it only leaves every half hour. Did you just say thank you for submitting news to you? What I meant was that if I have better news, can I submit another article to you?" I said.

The female reporter frowned slightly and said, "What? Do you have any amazing first-hand information about this hospital?"

Seeing that the female reporter in front of me was actually interested, I smiled and said, "We have a mathematical genius here who can throw any number of objects visible to the naked eye into the air. Before the objects fall to the ground, we can clearly know the number of objects."

"How is it so magical?" The female reporter smiled, completely different from her cold look before. "And she also has a unique skill. She can also make the lottery box. When the machine starts to rotate, she can know the number on the ball that will come out next. The most important thing is that this person is still a child. This year Only 12 years old, right here,” I said.

"12 years old? A child? She couldn't be the little girl you just went over to chat with for a while, right?" the female reporter said.

I nodded my head and said, "Yes."

"That's right, I'm very interested. But after all, I'm just a newspaper. These reports on variety shows will be more powerful than mine. If what you just told me is true, I want to see it with my own eyes. . I actually have a few friends who work in TV stations. If these are true, I will be happy to help you contact them." said the female reporter.

I smiled and understood that I had been tricked.He quickly said: "I can take you to see Xiaoyu now."

. . . . . .

The female reporter canceled all her plans for the afternoon that day.

I stayed in the mental hospital until six o'clock in the evening, and didn't stop until Xiaoyu asked to go home.

From noon to evening, Xiaoyu refreshed the female reporter's worldview almost time and time again.

The female reporter was dumbfounded time and time again, and even asked: "Xiaoyu, are your eyes seeing things much slower than normal people?"

In fact, I have wanted to ask Xiaoyu about this kind of thing for a long time.

But Xiaoyu just smiled and said: "It should be the same."

. . . . . .

That night when I sent Xiaoyu home, the female reporter held my hand and thanked me every step of the way.

He said that he would send someone here to investigate again the next day, hoping to give the little girl a chance to go to the public.

I just smiled and told the female reporter about Xiao Yu’s personality and habits in detail, but didn’t mention anything about her parents.

The next day, the female reporter brought a few friends over and once again pestered Xiaoyu to perform for an afternoon.

On the third and fourth days, more and more reporters came one after another.All kinds of private cars appeared at the entrance of the mental hospital.

On the fifth day, a luxury car appeared at the entrance of the mental hospital. I heard that they directly approached the director and offered Xiaoyu a price to participate in the show.

On the sixth day, I was planning to give Xiaoyu a mobile phone.But she found that she already had a MacBook, which seemed to be the latest version of the top model.

My role seemed to have come to an end, and I didn’t know if what I was doing was right or wrong.

But Xiaoyu's learning environment has improved, at least it seems so.

The seventh and eighth days.The original mental hospital garden was actually transformed into a small space for Xiao Yu.So that she can study with peace of mind, tables and chairs are provided.

I don’t know what happened after that, because my month of volunteering is up.

I received my pay slip and said goodbye to the dean.

Before leaving, I said: "Dean, the money Xiaoyu earns from performing will not be used to build a mental hospital, right?"

The dean said with a somewhat elusive expression: "Xiaoyu earned this money, and of course it belongs to Xiaoyu. This money will be used to study abroad in the future. Thank you for taking care of me this month."

When I knew that the dean would not mess with the money Xiaoyu earned, I felt a little relieved.Geniuses should not be buried in the first place. Making money and studying abroad seems to be the best choice.

After doing this, I returned to my life.

I am about to start my senior year and embrace my college years.

To be continued~
(End of this chapter)

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