light, short, scattered

Chapter 148 "Female Ghost in the Day" Chapter ll

Chapter 148 "Female Ghost in the Day" Part ll
"I'm sorry, what kind of doll are you talking about? I don't understand what you are talking about at all." I said.

The police took out a photo and I could tell right away.

It’s a picture of vivo dolls entering the factory at the entrance of the newspaper office.

I thought about it, the photo was taken at the door of the newspaper office and not anywhere else.

It means that although the police have found the vivo doll so far, there should be no substantial evidence to prove that I rented it.

After all, the staff member couldn’t see me clearly because he was wearing a vivo doll, so he called the boss to ask.When he took off his clothes and gave me this pile of things, he wanted me to take them away quickly.Apart from paying the deposit, I didn’t even leave my phone number. Of course, such an expensive deposit probably exceeded the doll itself.And since I was so happy and didn't bargain, the employees and the boss just found an excuse to squeeze out the money.

"You don't admit that you rented it, do you? We have no evidence. This kind of downtown video is usually only kept for one month, and it is too late to check it. But you can't defend this, right? Look at this. "

The police took out another photo, which echoed the photo of the inflatable doll just now.

The photos were taken at the entrance of the newspaper office.

One is a photo of the doll going in, and the other is a photo of a man coming out.

The man in the photo is me who went out.

He held a briefcase in his hand and lowered his head.

"What's wrong with these two photos? Were they taken in the same place?" I said.

"These two were taken in exactly the same place. I think you know that."

"I don't understand." I said.

"We investigated for a whole day and searched through the surveillance. This photo is of you coming out, but we can't find the video of you going in at all. But this inflatable doll is completely opposite to you, it only went in but didn't come out. Excuse me How did you come out? Of course, let's not talk about you first, let's talk about this inflatable doll. The name, phone number, and ID card it left for the security guard are all fake. Of course, why can this inflatable doll get in? Because it went in The receptionist of The Times is Wang Xiaomei. Since only the inflatable doll goes in, you have to come out. I would like to ask what your relationship is with this inflatable doll, or whether the one hidden in your briefcase is the inflatable doll."

"I don't understand." I said.

"What don't you understand? How do you explain that you appeared in the newspaper office, and that Wang Xiaomei jumped off the building and committed suicide after you appeared? We have investigated and found that the cause and outcome of Wang Xiaomei's death are completely inconsistent, and you are the suspect."

"No, no, no, I mean why me?" I picked up the photo on the table and started folding it in half.

One of the two policemen reached out to grab my hand, but I didn't stop at all.

"Why are you touching me?" I said.

"Mr. Jock, it's useless to tear off the photos. We have backups here, and there's more evidence than this? If you think we won't have evidence if you tear it up, I won't stop you." The policeman let go of my grip. Hand looked at me, surprised by my behavior.

I faced the photo three times and folded all the corners.

Then he held the blurry photo and pasted it next to his face, pointed at the avatar and said: "Look, show me carefully. Does this person look like me? I don't know where this place is. Why do you say this person is... Me? Can you say so much at once?"

"Mr. Jock, are you trying to say that you are not the person in the photo?"

"What do I want to say? Co-authors, do you think the person in the photo is me? And did you mention that Wang Xiaomei committed suicide? A criminal case? What do you suspect about me? Find someone to say it's me?" I posted the photo Press it hard on your face.At this point my head was parallel to the photo.

The two policemen were still looking at me but did not speak.

"Let me ask first, can you zoom in a little more? Something whose face you can't even see? Why did you say it was me? I think you suspected that you arrested the wrong person and just found an excuse to frame me for something? Murder?" My voice got louder and louder.

"Mr. Jock, please don't get excited, okay? We are just investigating you now, not framing you. Only if you explain these things well can we clear your name."

"Are you helping me? That's too much. I only see you attacking me." I said.

"This case has been going on for three months. We really can't find anything, otherwise we wouldn't have pointed all the fingers at you after so long."

"You just suspect that I committed murder? So much evidence but no evidence? I don't think you are investigating anymore. You are endlessly framing me." I said.

"Now we are asking you questions, and we will not answer any of your strange questions. We have asked all the questions here, and there is one last question we need your help with. Your car maintenance records show that the entire lining of the trunk is damaged. No more. What's the reason? Please calm down your temper and finish this question."

"After answering this question, what will happen to me? Will you let me go? Or will you lock me up for the rest of my life regardless of 21?" I said.

"Criminal cases cannot exceed 72 hours, and we will solve the case as soon as possible within this short period of time."

"What will happen in three days? What will happen to me, go to jail? It's not like I haven't read the news for more than ten years. How many people have been framed and found to have been wrongly convicted after being imprisoned for many years. Will I be like this in the future? "I said.

"Did you know that being released on bail awaits trial? It just means going back and waiting for the verdict. We will not wrongly accuse any good people, you can rest assured about this."

"I know very well in my heart whether I have done it or not. I am only afraid that you will wrongly accuse me." I said.

"That's a lot to say. We shouldn't answer you these questions. Please answer our question. Where is the lining of the trunk?"

"After the car crash, the tire was broken. I took a jack to lift the tire, but when I got back to touch it, it was dirty. I saw a big black area and threw it away. That's all, I'm done. By the way, you don't have to ask me to throw it away. Where is it? It’s been three months since the dumpster was filled." I said.

The policemen looked at each other, and one of them said into the ear of the other: "Are we still going on?"

"Compile the evidence obtained and compare it with her wife's."

The two policemen nodded their heads after asking each other in low voices.

"Mr. Jock, thank you for your cooperation. We need to investigate the evidence at hand to ensure whether you are guilty. Please be patient."

One of the policemen stood up slowly and opened the door.

I was sent out and put into the holding cell again.

I thought, it’s time for my wife’s performance.

Of course she's probably in the other room being interrogated right now, so hopefully everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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