light, short, scattered

Chapter 133 "Good deeds and evil deeds are rewarded" Chapter [-]

Chapter 133 "Good deeds and evil deeds are rewarded" Part [-]

(I don’t know if writing like this will be harmonized, so I can only completely make up my mind. Please don’t take your seat when you read it, thank you.)
Shazhong Village is an extremely poor village.

The village was so destitute that there was no electricity, and the road was not even built to the entrance of the village.

The only transportation equipment in the village is a donkey and a cart.

The nearest road to the village is seven kilometers away, not to mention that you have to walk more than [-] kilometers on the road to see the nearest other villages.

All the young people in the village have gone to work elsewhere, leaving only a dozen old people and children.

Children here want to go to school, and seven or eight years ago they could still rely on support from teachers from other places.But in fact, when the last supporting teacher left, no more supporting teachers were assigned here.There is only one 63-year-old man in the village who holds the position of teacher. This so-called "teacher" only taught Chinese characters for one year with the support staff.

The "teacher" who is slightly Alzheimer's knows only about [-] Chinese characters, and the textbooks are the same elementary school textbooks that the volunteer teachers brought to him that have been torn through.

With slurred speech and a bit of hysteria, the old man can only teach so much.

As for the punctuation marks and pinyin rhymes, even the old man himself cannot recognize them, so cramming them every day is what he has to do.

There are twelve children in the village, half of whom are orphans.Most of them were left behind by their parents when they went out to work, but the adults who went out never came back.

The old man had no choice but to comfort the child. His parents might come back during the Chinese New Year next year.

Of course, children are naive and never realize how bad their lives are.

What the elders think about the future of these children is to imitate their parents and go out to work when they are older.

But what is certain is that once you become an adult and go out, you will never come back. It will only be a matter of time before this place is abandoned.

As for why the children are not allowed to grow up and work as farmers in the village?
The village is just that big, and almost everything is shared by the seven old people in the village.

Twelve children were also assigned to sleep in the homes of seven elderly people.

The crops grown on the four wastelands were only enough for these old people and children to make ends meet.Not starving to death, but unable to do more.

The water is diverted by mountain springs, but it is no longer as sweet as when the village was prosperous.Because I haven’t cleaned the bamboo pipes for seven or eight years.

The old man's idea is also very simple, just muddle along.

As for poultry, there is only the pheasant that runs all over the mountain.

It is almost difficult to catch a young and strong chicken, and it is even more difficult to get an old man to come.Not all children can catch up with the chickens, so they can almost only eat the old ones.

Only those who are almost too old to run away will be caught by the old people, and then they can't bear to kill and cook them.

Eat it once a month, occasionally with a few small pheasants.

Take care of the children first, and the elderly will eat the leftovers later.

In fact, the government came once seven years ago.

We came here to discuss taking the elderly and children to live in a nearby village with electricity, but they were ruthlessly rejected by these conservative old people.

The government's thinking is also very simple. It is a waste to install dozens of kilometers of wires for a village with less than [-] people.But the old people in the village refused to leave, so they could only gradually forget about the village.

The old people actually understand this very well and are thinking about leaving here and going to other cities when these children grow up.

Just dig a few graves and wait to be buried in the place where you were born.

. . . . . .

Twelve children, seven boys and five girls.

My name is Goudan, the fastest kid in the village.

But the big man in the village bullied us. He often said that the four of us were children without parents.

But I know that his parents don’t want him anymore.

But every time we quarreled and the point came up that my parents didn't want him, Da Zhuang would beat the four of us.

I am a fast runner, but my other three friends are not so fast.

They can't outrun Da Zhuang.

The eight people in Da Zhuang's group are all children with parents, and the four of us are all orphans.

So we were secretly divided into two groups, but my grandparents never actually labeled any of us.

This is also the reason why I hate Da Zhuang, he is so bad.

We usually ate boiled vegetables and steamed buns, and every time Da Zhuang and the other seven took away most of them.

Only some were left for me and our group of children without parents.

Although Da Zhuang is not particularly strong, he is still half a head taller than us.

We can only be bullied by him, we can't beat them.

What's more, there are more of them, so fights are inevitable.But this kind of fight usually ends with the four of us getting beaten up.

The happiest time is at the end of every month,
Because there was chicken to eat, but the four of us actually ate the leftovers.

The eggs that we occasionally see are all in the hands of Da Zhuang, and we have no share at all.

But even so we had a great time.We have to study every morning, and the teacher is the oldest grandfather in the village.

He said that only by learning these things can we live a good life after we go out.

But I don’t know why, but few boys like to listen to their grandfather’s teaching of calligraphy.

But several girls listened very seriously.

I actually liked these stroke-by-stroke words at first, but I really didn’t know what role these words would play in my future.

And every time grandpa teaches us, he has to look at the only textbook for a long time with his cracked reading glasses.

The pace can be slow, and what is said may not always be correct.

Of course, I discovered all of this later, using a rare and somewhat complicated character.

Every time I ask Grandpa, his pronunciation and meaning are different.

This is also the reason why I don’t like learning calligraphy. Anyway, I don’t know how to teach it outside.

Almost as soon as class started, the boys were all distracted and only the girls listened with interest.

Of course, no one dared to sleep during class except Da Zhuang.

For this matter, Grandpa's beating was indispensable.

My grandfather was very poor at teaching Chinese, but he was very good at mathematics.

I heard that he did business in the village when he was young, but there were only two abacus in the village.

One for grandpa to teach himself, and one for everyone to learn from.

It is conceivable that even if Da Zhuang is not interested, this abacus has never been handed over to the four of us.

But even without an abacus, we studied mathematics very seriously.

At least it was much more serious than when my grandfather taught Chinese, from hundreds to tens of thousands.

We even compete with each other, because if we can't beat Da Zhuang, we don't want to be considered dumber than Da Zhuang.

We grew up gradually, but Da Zhuang's bullying seemed to be getting more and more excessive.

Da Zhuang’s focus changed from bullying us boys to girls.

Because two of the girls among the four of us here are really pretty. Of course, this beauty can only be compared with our own internal comparisons.

We blocked every time, but obviously we were no match for the big guys.

At first Da Zhuang was just teasing, but later he almost started to touch her.

We will also report it to our grandparents, but obviously the effect is not up to expectations.

That night, Da Zhuang dragged Xiao Hong to the woods.

I ran very fast, but the strong men still knocked me down.

My best friend, Dahai, another boy among the four, ran in.

The incident was stopped, but at the cost of a left leg.

Da Zhuang broke one of Dahai's legs alive, which finally put the matter to rest temporarily.

We found out the next day that Xiaohong couldn't control herself and cut her wrist that night.

It was a tile and the wound wasn't deep but it seemed infected.

Xiaohong had already wrapped her hands, but her expression suddenly changed.

The only donkey cart came into play, and it took two days and thirty kilometers to save his life.

Da Zhuang learned well, but the price he paid was really high.

The village had no money for medical treatment. Although Xiaohong was cured, the debt she owed seemed to alarm the local leaders.

Dahai bandaged it himself and said that he was injured by a fall.This also led to Dahai's future disability, which is of course not what we want to talk about now.

The leader came to this forgotten village, asked for help and then blamed his men.

He also apologized to every villager in the village and hoped that the entire village would be moved to another village.

The old people still didn't want to leave and showed their leaders the graves they had already dug.But I hope the leaders can take away the children, because the children still have a future.

The leader immediately agreed, and all the boys except Dahai were sent to serve as soldiers.

Dahai and the girls didn't know where they were arranged.

After staying in the Ministry of Armed Forces for more than ten days, some of us were sent to various military regions.

Unfortunately, Da Zhuang and I were assigned to a troop transport train. I thought about taking revenge for Da Da Zhuang and Xiao Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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