light, short, scattered

Chapter 128 "Strike Pandas" Chapter [-]

Chapter 128 "Strike Pandas" Part [-]

Five days later, in Adelaide Zoo, Australia.

Four staff members placed the special container on the ground, and then a staff member slowly opened the door of the container.

The door was slowly opened, and then the staff quickly evacuated and closed the iron door.

Jock climbed out of the container in confusion and looked around blankly.

The originally vast natural park has now become a small room of [-] square meters.

There was a sea of ​​people in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, but Jock was not attracted by these.

Because the bamboo piled in front of Jiao Ke attracted his attention, Jiao Ke, who had been hungry for a long time, jumped on it and started eating regardless of his own safety.

At this time, in front of Jiao Ke, the floor-to-ceiling tempered glass was already crowded with tourists who took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Jock looked at the humans with different skin colors in front of him and began to say to himself in fear: "I'll go, wait a minute, I won't really be regarded as fat, right? So what kind of stupid pear is this here? Fatty learns I haven't learned anything about it, so what should I do? I don't know what I'm doing here, or if anything will happen."

There were many people taking pictures, but one careless person forgot to turn off the flash and pressed the shutter button.

Jock was startled and stared at the human taking pictures in front of him.

Jock looked at the human for a few seconds.

Other humans also saw Jock becoming weird at this time, and blamed the person who turned on the flash.

The words of the adult panda appeared in Jiao Ke's mind.

"All you have to do is look like a panda. Can you do it?"

Joke lowered his head and continued eating the bamboo as if nothing happened just now.

Everyone saw that the giant panda started eating bamboo again and continued to take pictures.

Qiao Ke had almost eaten, piled up a pile of bamboos, lay down on them, and fell asleep leisurely.

I don’t know how long it took before Jock opened his eyes.At this time, all the tourists disappeared, and there was only a man in blue mopping the floor.

"He is a staff member. He will close the door and leave after scanning for a while. Speaking of which, you can really sleep, just like the last giant panda." A strange croaking sound came out.

Jock looked at the source of the sound, and there was a frog the size of his hand lying on the ground.

"Who are you?" Jock asked in confusion.

"I am your liaison, my name is 63. Of course, because my number is 63, I am a tree frog. I am responsible for traveling throughout the park to deliver information to you during the day. We will be partners from now on." said the frog named 63.

"Wait, why is your name 63?" Jock said in confusion.

"It seems that you still have a lot to learn. Didn't I teach you this before coming here? We have a total of 120 animal rooms at the Adelaide Zoo. Your room is numbered 63. For example, the 62 next door to you is a Japanese tanuki. You should remember these from now on so that we can contact you during the day." 63 said with a croak.

"Then what should I do now?" Jock said in confusion.

"It seems that we have to study for a long time. Of course we have to meet our king. When these staff leave, the king will come to see you." 63 said.

"So just wait?" Jock said.

At this time, the staff in the corridor put down the mop, picked up the bucket, walked out of the door, and then closed the corridor door.

"Okay, I should be here soon." 63 smiled and croaked.

At this time, the iron door in the room shook a few times, and a crackling sound came from the crack in the door.

Then with a crisp sound, the door was slowly pushed open.

An anteater stuck its tongue back through the keyhole, held it up and lowered the kangaroo.

A koala walked in slowly.Then three more kangaroos walked in, leaving the anteater standing at the door.

Three kangaroos, all covered in muscles, stood behind the koala.

One of the kangaroos took off the sloth that was holding it and placed it on the ground.

The sloth lay motionless, forming a chair-like angle.

Koala sat down, reached out and struggled to grab a bamboo on the ground, picked a few bamboo leaves and put them in his mouth to chew.

Another kangaroo pulled a few times from its pouch, took out a crown woven from tree vines, and slowly put it on the koala's head.

"Hello, young man. Your food is really weird, it tastes a bit hard." Koala said.

63 jumped on top of Joke's head and said, "Hello, Mr. King, this is the new giant panda."

"My name is Jock, I'm two years old." Jock said in a panic.

"The name is not important. I am the king of the Adelaide Zoo. I know that you are here to discuss and solve the invasion of black house rats. Of course, we all know that you cannot be blamed for the invasion. So we will find a way to solve this together. The koala who went to your place is also my youngest son. I take this matter very seriously, and let me introduce our scientists." The koala king clapped his hands after speaking.

A big mouth behind the door came into Jock's field of vision, followed by the full view of the platypus.

"A doctor would be fine, scientists don't dare to take it," the platypus said modestly.

"Human beings will generally let you stay here for five years, and then transport you back. We will let you discuss effective solutions to the black rat problem here, and then let you go back. Of course, you have to discuss these things with Dr. Let’s talk about it slowly, I’ve seen you before. I think you’ll be a good panda, and this is your medal of honor.” Koala held out his hand.

The kangaroo who had taken out the crown before continued to take out his bag, and a carefully crafted small shield made of straw appeared in the kangaroo's hand.

King Koala took over and slowly came to Jock.

63 jumped on Jock's head a few times and said: "Squat down, squat down a little lower for me. The king wants to crown you, don't be rude."

Jock slowly lowered his body. King Koala tied the small shield to Jock's chest and said: "Now I grant you the title of knight. This is the supreme honor. Remember to wear it at night and take it off during the day. Okay, I'm going on a tour of my country. Doctor, keep talking to him."

King Koala took off his crown and handed it to the kangaroo beside him. The other kangaroo grabbed King Koala and stuffed it into his bag.

The last kangaroo grabbed the lying sloth and let the sloth hug him again.

The three kangaroos then left in a mighty manner.

Only Dr. Platypus and the Anteater at the door were left.

63 croaked a few times and said: "It seems that the king attaches great importance to this matter and gave it to a knight as soon as he came."

The platypus smiled and said: "How about you take a rest today? Are we discussing the black house mouse tomorrow night? My number is 38. If there is an emergency, just ask your liaison officer to find me."

Jock nodded his round head.

The platypus opened its mouth and smiled, then walked out the door.

Anteater whispered: "I am a locksmith, number 93. I locked the door. If you want to open the door at night, ask the liaison officer to find me."

63 croaked and said, "Okay."

The door was closed again, and the platypus raised the anteater and locked the iron door again.

That leaves Jock and 63.

After a moment of silence, Jock said: "What on earth is going on with the black house mouse and species invasion?"

"Aren't you an expert in this field? Why don't you know?" 63 said.

"Well, I want to hear your opinion." Jock said. Jock, who probably knew what was going on, was thinking about playing his role well.

(End of this chapter)

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