light, short, scattered

Chapter 118 "Saltpetre and Business" Chapter [-]

Chapter 118 "Saltpetre and Business" (Part [-])

"What the hell is going on?" I said.

"As I said just now, these employees haven't received their wages for two months. They all want to rely on your father's 50 and you to save everyone." Glasses said.

"What's going on with 50?" I said.

"You don't know about 50 yuan?" Glasses looked at me in shock.

"What can I know? I just know that my phone has been blown up. There is such a hopeless factory. I don't know as much as you do." I said.

"You graduated from Peking University, right? Majored in marketing? Organizing finances in a high-end company, with an annual salary of one million?" Glasses said.

"I'm from Peking University, but I haven't graduated yet. Those things behind are not me. Who did you listen to? Could it be my dad?" I said.

Glasses shook his head and said: "Your father took away the last 50 yuan from the company and gave it to you. He said that as long as you have the factory and 50 yuan, we can make a comeback."

"Are you kidding? Why did you let him go out with the last 50 so easily?" I said nervously.

"He said that your company's annual salary is one million, and this muddy water needs to see proper starting capital. So he wants us to give all the money to you, and he is the boss, we have to believe it. So you come, you are us Everyone’s hope.” Glasses said.

"No, I'll sort it out after a while. My dad took the last 50 from the company and handed me the seat. He ran away with 50. Do you understand now?" I said.

"This... can you still recover it? This 50 yuan is the worker's salary. What should I do?" Glasses said nervously.

"It's been almost a day since he ran away. Do you think there's still a chance to find him? His last few words probably meant that I shouldn't look for him, and he won't look for me again." I said calmly and glanced out the window. , at this time employees outside were working hard to build cars.

"Are we finished?" Glasses slumped down and leaned on the narrator's sofa.

"Glasses? How long have you been in the company?" I said.

"I came here in 07, the first year of the company's expansion. I have been working here for ten years now. Who knew something like this would happen." The glasses said, sobbing slightly. He took off his glasses with his left hand and rubbed his face with the sleeve of his right hand.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing now. We can still sell cars, right?" I said.

"By the way, you are a top student studying marketing, right? You must have a solution, right? You are also a savior after all." Glasses stood up and looked at me.

"Is there any way I can find out how deep the water is?" I said.

"This means we still need start-up capital, right? But your father has already defrauded you of the last 50. It's impossible for us to come up with any more money. There's really no other way." Glasses said anxiously.

I took out my cell phone and shook it in front of my glasses and said, "Those who called me are from some bank or another. How much does Lumao owe them? Accurate to the nearest ten thousand."

"I have a notebook and I wrote it down in it." Glasses rushed to the cabinet and rummaged around.

Then he took out a booklet and said: "A total of 360, which is already the lowest amount in the past few years. Thanks to the stores and factories that have been mortgaged one after another to make up for the losses of one of them, 1000 About 300 yuan is a bank loan. There are four major banks, including Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. There are also more than [-] million yuan, which is an individual, a loan shark. I control this aspect strictly, but your dad still borrowed a loan shark with a high interest rate. Just one person , called Brother Luan. A local snake, if this money is not paid back to the factory, he will probably not be able to survive for a few days."

I turned on the phone and the screen was reflected in front of my glasses.

Glasses said in surprise: "Why are you turning on the phone? Aren't you afraid of being blown up?"

I shook my head helplessly and said, "Let the matter calm down first before you can think about making money."

I called the banks one by one in order.

"Hello sir, this is Bank of China."

"Well, I am the legal representative of Lumao Motors." I said.

"Wait a minute, I'll hand the phone over to my manager."

A few minutes of waiting.

"Hello, your company owes more than 400 million yuan to our company and has long since expired. We have issued ultimatums more than ten times and are ready to apply to the court..." "I know what you said. I'm here to talk about these things. Can you allow me to suspend my account?" I said.

"Your amount is so huge, and your company's business seems to be getting worse. It's impossible for us to take such a big risk for you. I hope you can understand."

"The thing is like this, we now owe 300 million yuan to outsiders. The four major banks owe it all. I have persuaded the other three banks to suspend interest rates. The only one missing is your Bank of China. If you don't suspend interest rates, I will I can't get even a cent out of it. Your bank and three other banks will split up my company and you won't get much money out of it, but if I can guarantee us an interest break, I guarantee to repay the minimum repayment amount every month." I said.

At this time, the glasses reached out and grabbed my arm. The hand holding the phone stretched out my index finger and put it on my mouth to make a shushing motion.

I wanted him to stop talking, but he seemed to understand and didn't say anything.

But he still held my arm firmly and had no intention of letting go.

"Are you saying that as long as the interest rate is suspended, the minimum repayment limit can be achieved? 400/[-] of [-] million has to be repaid [-] a month. If you can guarantee this minimum, I can help you apply."

"Sorry for the trouble, the money will arrive on time on the [-]st of next month." I said with a smile and hung up the phone.

As soon as I hung up the phone, my glasses exploded. I let go and said, "No, aren't you lying? How can we pay back 6 yuan a month, and the other three companies have not agreed to our suspension."

I made another call, this time to China Construction Bank.

Before the call was connected, I said to my glasses: "Aren't I asking everyone to stop? If you want the company to continue, just shut up and listen."

Glasses seemed to understand something, and he took out a pen and paper and wrote down the amount of repayment that needed to be repaid in a month.

. . . . . .

I finished checking all the four major banks. I held up the form in my hand and said, "Can I keep the company if I pay 15 yuan next month?"

"Did it become easier all of a sudden? There is also a big head. Brother Ran, do you have a phone number?" I said.

Glasses dialed Brother Ran’s number on his mobile phone and handed it to me.

"What is it?"

"Brother Luan, I am Lu Qiao, the son of Lu Ba. I'm here to pay back the money for Lu Mao. Can you tell your brother to stop calling?" I said.

"340 million, are you willing to pay it back?"

"I don't have it now, but I will pay you back on the first of next month. Do you agree?" I said.

"Are you stupid? Or are you planning to sell the remaining two stores and one factory?"

"If you don't want to sell it, I can pay it back. I just hope you can be accommodating until the first of next month." I said.

"You just said you were Roadhog's son? Do you have this magical power?"

"It's backfired. If you keep urging me like this, I still won't come out." I said.

"Then I'll pay back 350 million next month, which is one hundred thousand less. If you can't take out your right hand, just keep it. I won't call you to keep this rule."

"Thank you, by the way. Brother Ran, you must have chopped off my dad's three fingers too," I said.

"It's okay if you're afraid. We'll meet at your factory on the [-]st of next month."

The other party hung up the phone.

The man with glasses on the side said with his mouth wide open: "Repay 20 million in 360 days?"

I smiled bitterly: "It's pretty good, it's not too difficult."

(End of this chapter)

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