light, short, scattered

The first chapter of Chapter 114 "The Subject of Immortal Cultivation"

Chapter 114 "The Subject of Immortal Cultivation" Part [-]

This world is a little different from what you know.

The East is all immortals, the West claims to be magic.

There are endless things here that are difficult to explain scientifically.

Of course, the magic here is only the deepest realization of a person's subconscious mind.

After hundreds of years of scientific intervention, these products that cannot be explained by science have been analyzed and understood.

Cultivation of immortality can only make humans stronger, but immortality is still unattainable.

Cultivation of immortality is divided into foundation building, consecration, golden elixir, Yuanying, out-of-body, distraction, integration, cave, Mahayana, and transcending tribulations.

It sounds very mysterious, but it is actually. . .

A person's spiritual roots are calculated from birth to schooling and kindergarten.

The first and second years are all about building the foundation.

The third and fourth grade are consecrated.

Fifth and sixth grade are golden elixirs.

That’s the end of primary school, and primary school culture has also become a golden elixir monk.

The first day of the lunar month is Nascent Soul.

The second grade of junior high school is the out-of-body experience.

The third grade of junior high school is a distraction.

The nine-year compulsory education has come to an end, and being distracted can only be regarded as uneducated.

Technical secondary schools and high school students are called false combinations and true combinations, but they are all collectively called combinations.

College and undergraduate degrees are called false insights and true insights, but they are all collectively called insights.

The master's degree is Mahayana.

Doctors and postdocs are also called crossing tribulations and post-tribulations.

When you reach the end of the tribulation, you have reached the end of your learning, and you have to rely on yourself to realize the rest of the learning.

Now in the 21st century, cultivation is becoming easier and easier.

Even the combined body dared not make a sound.

Insights are everywhere, and Mahayana is gathered together.

Overcoming the tribulation, only the name is left.

. . . . . .

"You need to eat well for me. You know how many distractions you can't do well in the integration test, and how many integration exams you can't get insight into. It's because I didn't eat nutritious food when I was a child." My mother said angrily.

"Aren't there some people who don't need to eat without eating?" I said.

"Where did you hear these fallacies? At that time, everyone was poor. At that time, it was considered good if your father and I could only eat a mouthful of meat a month. Experts have said that cultivating immortals is pseudoscience. Please give it to me. , did you hear that?" Mom said anxiously.

I controlled the chopsticks with difficulty and glanced at my mother.

Mom didn't look at me, so I simply grabbed the chopsticks with my hands.

But before I stretched out my chopsticks, my mother's chopsticks flying in the air hit my hand.

"How old are you? You still want to eat with your hands? Have you learned the art of using chopsticks for so long in vain?" said my mother.

"My cultivation level is not high enough. It's so slow to eat like this." I said.

"Look at your unsatisfactory look. Look at Wang Gangdan, who is one year younger than you next door. He can make origami at such a young age, and those little hand-made things have won prizes in the city. Look at you again, you It's so laborious to even move chopsticks in the air. What will I do when I grow up? If I'm so stupid, I won't be able to get a wife in the future?" Mom said with a sigh.

"But I've worked hard, what can I do if I can't learn it?" I said.

"There are forty children in the class, except for that idiot with some IQ problems, you are the second to last one. If you can't learn well and repeat the grade, see how I will beat you then. See how you cry then, your dad and I will We've discussed it. I'll sign you up for a cram school in a few days, so be serious." Mom said.

"Don't I want tutoring?" I shook my head.

"No tutoring? It's a good thing that I didn't ask you to sign up for a hobby class. Look at Uncle Chen's daughter next door. She is No. 1 in alchemy training in the city every year, and she always gets face when she takes out her certificate. What about you? You don't even have a ball. I can't even rub it out. I know how to play every day, and I'm so angry." My mother said, her chopsticks flying and stuffing food into my mouth one by one. "But mom? Can't people not cultivate immortality? Doesn't that Yun Huateng who appears on the TV station every day also say that he is only at the level of the golden elixir?" I swallowed and hesitated.

"I'm just a human being, can you learn it? How old are you? Don't you want to become an immortal? Do you want to be a beggar outside, picking up garbage and eating every meal?" Mom said with a frown.

A paper towel floated slowly, followed by a towel.

After wiping my mouth with a tissue, the towel came up and wiped my face.

The newspaper in front of my father began to fold and put aside. He said: "Okay, I'm going to work. You will be good at home today. I will check your summer homework in the evening. School will start in a few days, so I will call your parents. It's up to you."

Dad just finished speaking and without waiting for my reply, he chanted a few words with his left hand.

A long sword flew slowly towards me, and my father jumped into the air and flew out of the window on the long sword.

With a wave of her mother's hand, the bowls on the table flew to the kitchen to be cleaned and sorted by herself.

Mom shook her head and said: "I won't say what your dad said. I went out to buy groceries. Be good, and when your eyes are tired from doing homework, use the Huang Jie Qigong method: eye exercises. Don't watch TV for me, don't give me I'm lazy."

After my mother finished speaking, she whistled and the back door opened.

Suddenly a white crane appeared outside the room, flapping its wings and croaking.

Mom walked over slowly and sat on Bai He. Bai He made a slight adjustment and took off into the distance.

And I reluctantly went upstairs, opened my homework and the TV, and switched the channel to cartoons.

. . . . . .

There were almost no obstacles to going to school, but my grades were really bad.

Some exercises require me to do them several times before I can keep up with them.

I also knew that there was almost no way to improve my cultivation, so I gradually fell in love with some devices invented for people with low magic power.

These devices are collectively called machines, which are driven by electricity and iron for the convenience of humans.

But I didn’t dare to mention this to my parents because they were both civil servants in the Immortal World Government.

They even discriminate against those with poor spells, so they always compare me with other people's children.

I am also really afraid of these, maybe this is also the reason why I can't learn.

Although my grades were poor, they were not to the point of repeating a grade.

But after I finished studying at the level of distraction in junior high school, almost no decent school was willing to accept me.

Parents do not like the pseudo-integrated technical secondary schools at all.

I had no choice but to rely on my body to be strong, so my parents considered whether to send me to the military camp.

After all, when you return from serving as a soldier, you will be at the level of a loose immortal, even if you haven't reached the higher level of an immortal or a golden immortal.

But it would at least be face-saving to say it out loud, but I rejected it.

I held a notebook and said, "Mom and Dad, I want to learn mechanics."

Dad waved, and the pages of the notebook were flying in front of him.

Dad sighed and said, "What is this thing?"

"There are some people who have limited mana. They cannot cast spells, fly or work for a long time. So machines can help them do things that are difficult to do by hand." I said.

Dad shook his head and said: "You are hopeless. You can't learn well. Now you still want to follow the tricks that others do to make it easier for you to learn. You are committing suicide."

Dad clicked with one hand, and a flame rose up.

The small book floating in the air was directly burned into slag, and then disappeared for a moment with the breeze.

Mom stopped Dad and said, "Listen to what he has to say. After all, his cultivation is really bad now."

"You said, you can't explain why. I will do justice to God today and destroy you." Dad said in an aura.

"I've seen it, a fake fusion academy called Lan Xiang." I said.

(End of this chapter)

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