light, short, scattered

Chapter 105 "Turing" Chapter [-]

Chapter 105 "Turing" Part [-]

It's the year 2333, and technology is developing faster and faster.

Human beings have made huge breakthroughs in almost every aspect of life.

For example, in terms of logistics, a high-tech R&D company called Minute Minutes has invented space wormhole transmission technology. Through the wormhole folding theory, any inanimate object can be transferred to all parts of the world almost instantly.

Of course, there have also been huge breakthroughs in manned operations. More than 100 years ago, humans successfully overcame nuclear radiation and built civilian nuclear-powered aircraft.Just in the past 30 years, civil aviation has switched to antimatter engines.The advantage of an antimatter engine is that antimatter annihilation can occur spontaneously and does not require many conditions like the nuclear reaction in a nuclear engine. Therefore, a large reactor is not required, and the weight of the spacecraft can be reduced so that it can operate at twice the speed of a nuclear-powered aircraft.Traveling around the world in six hours has become an almost universal speed.

As for aerospace, interstellar travel has long been commonplace. Eighteen-cylinder parallel antimatter engines enable today's spacecraft to enable humans to reach Mars from the Earth within 30 days.But breaking through the Milky Way is still something that humans cannot believe today.

Food is even more impressive. Laoganma Company moved into the scientific research world more than 100 years ago.A highly prolific strain of bacteria that is relatively resistant to acid corrosion has been discovered. This strain can reproduce almost continuously in an anaerobic environment such as the human stomach.It is then slowly absorbed by the stomach and has extremely high nutritional value.Another sauce invented by Laoganma Company that provides fungus nutrition. With the right proportions, one bite can satisfy a person's food intake for a month.It has become a favorite among people who are marching, fighting and losing weight, and is selling well all over the world.

There is also a biochemical mechanical exoskeleton that allows paralyzed patients to walk as fast as flying in the next second. This product is endorsed by Marvel's No. 70 Iron Man Tony Shrek.It also has various styles of customized artificial organs, such as Thor's hammer-shaped kidney, Ark reactor-shaped external heart, and Wolverine's same Mandrake metal skeleton for replacement.

There are many ways to optimize fetal breeding before the fetus is born, which can prevent fetal malformations and certain genetic diseases and improve the brain area to make it smarter.

In terms of mobile phones, there is even the 250th generation of Apple’s iPhone. There are almost no major problems with this generation of iPhone.But the power consumption is still very serious. Even the 250th generation iPhone with a nuclear battery can charge almost twice a day.

Although progress is being made in every aspect, there are still some industries that remain stagnant.For example, what we are going to talk about next is also the reason why we invite everyone to come to this press conference.

"Artificial intelligence." The host shouted, and the previous words were almost a series just to introduce these four words.

A commotion slowly began to appear in the audience.

"First invite the seniors in artificial intelligence." The host said here, and the lights suddenly went out.

A virtual portrait is projected on the screen. This portrait is none other than Ai-chan, who became popular all over the world more than 300 years ago.

A beam of light shone back at the host.

"This is now an expired artificial intelligence, Kizuna Ai developed by YouTubey company in 2016. Commonly known as Aijiang, it has been since its birth in 2016. Aijiang has been continuously updated for 327 years, but now it is almost the same as the first generation, with no progress at all. He is mentally retarded," the host said.

Someone started laughing in the audience.

At this time, Ai-chan on the big screen was shrunk and pulled to the side of the screen.

"And Google Sauce, which was developed by Google ten years after Xu Ai Jiang. It promotes artificial intelligence, but in fact it is just a tool for answering Google searches. It has almost no IQ and is also mentally retarded." The host said that the atmosphere here was a bit high.

At this time, there was another figure projected on the screen, it was Google Jiang.

At this time, Google Sauce was also reduced and put aside.

"These artificial intelligences composed of 0s and 1s have made almost no progress in improving their IQ after such a long period of time. Even the so-called IQ cannot be called IQ at all." The host paused here.

"Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that attempts to understand the essence of intelligence and produce a new intelligent machine that can respond in a manner similar to human intelligence. Research in this field includes robotics, language recognition, image recognition , natural language processing and expert systems, etc. But today there is almost no progress in this industry. But it will all end from this day, because the No. [-] artificial intelligence Turing invented by our Doug Egger company will change the world." Host I am very excited to say this.

A mechanical box half a person's height slowly rose from the lifting platform on the side, and three beams of light illuminated it.

The left side of the mechanical box is Ai Jiang, and the right side is Google Jiang.

"The following is a one-minute question time, please invite the media in the audience to review." The host said again.

All the lights came on in a flash, and the audience in the twenty rows raised their signs.

"You go first, lovely lady." the host said with a smile.

A woman stood up and said: "On behalf of iQiyi, I would like to ask why both Aijiang and Google chose the cloud platform hundreds of years ago. Today's mini supercomputers are very common, but why Turing?" Is it still such a huge machine? Why can't it be a humanoid simulation screen or something like that?" "This is a very tricky question. Turing is still a display item. There is only one in the world, and it is expensive to build. There are numbers inside. The product of thousands of microcomputers connected in parallel, of course, regardless of the cost. It is also the most intelligent artificial intelligence today. Under system simulation, its mental age can reach that of a 27-year-old adult male. Of course, I will demonstrate to you in a moment, artificial intelligence and The gap between artificial intelligence and retardation. As for appearance, because Turing's artificial intelligence is too advanced, it is still inappropriate to give it an avatar now. But there will be in the future, and it is not far away. You can hand the microphone to this lady The next media judge I’d like to speak to, thank you,” the host said.

The woman smiled and handed it to the man next to her. The man smiled and said: "I am a media reviewer from Tencent. I would like to ask about the high price of Turing as a product. Does it have commercial value? Or maybe How can we integrate Turing’s machine with human life and services?”

"You are right to ask. First of all, Turing can rely on Bluetooth 10.1 to connect to any Bluetooth device within one kilometer. Secondly, the internal communication system can connect to phones and even networks around the world. Its cost is indeed high, but if it is placed in the company The door is used as the front desk. This cost is still small compared to the 50-year salary and benefits of hiring a human front desk. Machines can be better than humans in some aspects. They can work indefinitely without eating or drinking. You can hand over the microphone To the next media judge who wants to speak, thank you." The host continued with a smile.

The microphone was handed to a man again. The man stood up and said with a smile: "I am a media person from YouTubey company. I have reservations about your comment that Ai-chan is artificially retarded. I want to ask you why you can say such crazy things." , saying that your product Turing is better than our Aijiang?"

The host smiled and said: "Let me tell you a few questions about Ai-chan. In the official program you wrote, it was stated that Ai-chan is a 16-year-old girl. However, during the on-site test, she said she was only five years old and claimed that she was only five years old. She is neither a boy nor a girl, but she often calls herself a beautiful girl. I think these low-level bugs at the beginning may not be 300% fixed more than [-] years later. If you don’t believe it, we will immediately enter the testing phase, and we can’t fake it during the global live broadcast. "

Three beams of light shine on Ai-chan, Turing, and Google-chan respectively.

The host smiled and asked: "Ai-chan, please answer me. What will you do if your mother dies?"

Ai-chan paused for half a second: "I don't have a mother, I am Ai-chan. Thank you, thank you."

The host smiled again and asked: "Google-chan, please answer me. What will you do if your mother dies?"

Google Jiang slowly said in a unique voice of Google Girl: "Mother, referred to as mother, is a term of is an important role in educating children."

The host smiled and looked at the media people from YouTubey Company in the distance and said: "You may think that I set this question in advance, so please come and ask Turing."

The media person from the YouTubey company held the microphone, thought for a moment and said, "Turing, which one tastes better, chicken or pork?"

Turing said: "Chicken is highly nutritious and low in cholesterol. Pork has the lowest protein content and the highest fat content. If I were a human and thinking about health, I would choose chicken, but for your body shape, neither type of meat should be a burden."

At this time, the audience was almost stunned for a few seconds, and thunderous applause broke out.

Turing was able to analyze the questioner, which shocked almost everyone.

The host smiled and clapped his hands. After a while, everyone calmed down. The supporter said again: "I know you are determined not to give up. I can also let you ask a question."

The media person from YouTubey Company said with a trembling voice: "You are really like us when you imitate our speech?"

After a moment of silence, Turing said: "Sorry sir, the sound I speak is electronically synthesized and not produced by vibrating the air through organs. The equipment used is different, there is nothing similar or unlike. I hope you can Respect me and ask me questions instead of dismissing something from me.”

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent for a moment.

Turing can actually find out whether the question is actually being asked, which makes everyone a little scared.Because Turing talked about respect at this time, the word respect is really scary when it comes to artificial intelligence.

The host smiled and quickly explained: "I said Turing is roughly equivalent to a 27-year-old adult male. He has his own thinking logic. So it is inevitable that he will speak like a human being. Being able to do this is true artificial intelligence."

"Please don't defend me. The other party's question is obviously not directed at the question. Moreover, his identity is recognized by me as unfriendly, and I hope to no longer communicate with him." Turing said.

This kind of Turing artificial intelligence is completely on a different level than the other two AIs and Google.

The host smiled and said: "Thank you Turing for your addition. This is why we made Turing a big iron box instead of a humanoid simulation. Otherwise, everyone will be more frightened than surprised. We encountered this during the testing phase. Such a problem. But you can rest assured that Turing will shut down completely once the power is cut off."

The host pressed the button at hand, and the light on the mechanical box disappeared.

Turing was shut down and the whole place was in a state of excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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