Chapter 72
I continued: "Tell the companions in the four surrounding cars that you have already caught me. According to your original plan, you can take me wherever you should."

After speaking.

I let him go.

These sticks!

After coming out of the chess room.

I found five vans parked across the road, not unloading or driving, and several drivers in overalls and caps were smoking and chatting.

I didn't take it seriously at first.

But after Xiaozhu and I turned a few streets, these vans passed us slowly, at a very uniform speed, like a military parade.Arriving at the entrance of the Xinjiekou shopping mall, the five vans parked in a very strange position. They were in a semi-enclosed position, separated from each other, and surrounded the entrance of the shopping mall.

Xiaozhu entered the mall.

I made a gesture to go.

Several vans ignited at the same time, showing a gesture of stepping on the gas pedal to start.

To reconfirm, I simply smoked a cigarette on the side of the road and pretended to be standing there waiting for someone.


All these cars turned off.

There are a lot of traffic and people around the Xinjiekou shopping mall, which is very noisy. There are also many stevedores, but they are all busy with their work.In a situation like theirs, if they hadn't come to follow me, they would have seen hell.

I don't know if Xiaozhu has discovered it.

But this time.

It happened to be the best test for Xiaozhu's last skill.

The reason for letting them proceed as planned.

First, I want to find out who is behind the mine. Second, I want to see how Xiaozhu will deal with her if she can't find me after she comes out of the mall.

More importantly.

These big mallets in the van are no threat to me at all.

If they were awesome figures like Mr. Cui, I would have run away long ago.

What kind of flower work to play depends on what kind of eyes you face.

This is the third time I have been secretly watched maliciously.

The first time was Bian Wu, I didn't respond at all.

The second time was at the Jinling Hotel, Huang Muhua sent someone to deal with me, so he could only count himself as a successful predictor.

This time, it was all his own keen discovery.

The level of tracking turned out to be lower and lower every time.

Bao Tongyan looked confused and panicked when he heard me say that the original plan would be carried out.

After a while, he tremblingly took the walkie-talkie next to him: "The big fish has been caught, everyone returns."

Several very surprised voices came over the intercom.

"Damn it! No way, Brother Yan, how did you catch him?"

"This kid just finished smoking and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He was caught by Brother Yan?!"

"I heard that he is very skilled, why is he so badass!"

"That also depends on who you compare with, who is my eye brother, hahaha..."


I signaled Bu Buyan to turn off the intercom, and told him to drive the car forward.

The guy started the car tremblingly.

Maybe it's because you're too nervous.

Bao Zhuyan drove the car, and almost ran into someone riding a battery car several times, causing people to yell at us for being crazy and driving a car with no feathers.

Through the interior rearview mirror, I saw four other vans following.

It's been a while.

I looked at the safe pendant engraved with the words "Sifangzhai" inside the car, and asked, "Did Lu Xiaoxin ask you to come here?"

Bao Buyan replied: "No, brother Pei asked us to come."

I wonder if it's the same.

Pei Xinghai is Lu Xiaoxin's minion, what he does, the final decision is Lu Xiaoxin.

I asked again, "What are you taking me for?"

"I don't know... I really don't know, we just do what we're told."

"Where to go?"

"West freight yard."

Around 2000, the express delivery industry was not so developed, and there was no practice of door-to-door delivery or door-to-door pickup.

If there is freight coming in from outside, or if you want to ship things out yourself, you need to go to the centralized freight yard to handle it, take the order to pick up the goods, or find a less-than-truck truck to a certain place, and pay for the entrusted delivery.

Jinling West Freight Yard is just such a place.

Because of this nature, good and bad people are mixed in the West Cargo Yard. Transport drivers from other places, local three-wheeled delivery workers, small business vendors, and even people engaged in low-end eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and cheating are all willing to hang out in the West Cargo Yard. .

A mixed place.The security situation is quite chaotic.

I nodded and took out a cigarette: "Brother Yan, do you smoke?"

Seeing this, the protruding eyes showed a face full of shit, and replied in a trembling voice: "Boss Su... you knock me out, and then you can run? Don't be like this..."

I laughed a little in my heart and asked, "Then I will listen to you?"

Hearing the words, Bao Juyan trembled violently in fright, and replied: "Listen to you."

The West Freight Yard is on the outskirts of the city, so it's a little far away.

It was already dark when we arrived.

The two guys in the back seat woke up too.

But the three of them were in the car, neither daring to make a sound nor to make a move.

The atmosphere is very eerie.

They know very well in their hearts that once they dare to do anything wrong, I can make them show their dead faces in minutes.

The West Cargo Yard is very large. Although it is night, there are still many people busy loading and unloading goods.

The van has been turning around in the West Freight Yard.

After turning around a few times, I found that the four vans behind me stopped following and drove away in all directions.

I asked, "What's going on?"

Bao Tuyan replied: "Brother Pei confessed, I will send you to a secret warehouse... Only the three of us know about this warehouse, and no one else can know about it. They escorted you here and finished the matter, so we left."

I asked, "Pei Xinghai is waiting for me in the warehouse?"

When the people in the car heard the words, they fell silent immediately.

I shouted: "Speak!"

Bao Buyan replied: "No. Brother Pei said, I will directly... kill you, put the body in a container in the warehouse, and transport it away with the goods."

"Where are you going?"

"We really don't know about this..."

"The goods will be shipped by consignors?"


This trick is really ruthless!

I said it before.

Antique smugglers specifically refer to some powerful people who engage in antique smuggling.

The things that are consigned to labor are all things that cannot be seen.

The entire transportation process is carried out underground and secretly.

During the transportation of the goods, the contractor naturally has a way to make the container evade the inspection along the way, and put my body in the container, so that it will not be exposed due to the inspection.Moreover, after the consignee receives the goods, they often cool down for a period of time before starting the goods because the goods have not come from the right way.

This thing is called "hanging frost" in the industry.

There is no fixed number of frost hanging time, as short as a few months, as long as several years.

After hanging the frost, unpacking the goods is called "sun in autumn".

Someone asked, even if the goods are not inspected, isn’t the receiver afraid of asking the workers to switch the package halfway, resulting in the wrong version of the goods?
This situation is relatively rare.

When the upstream merchants pack the goods, they will make unique and complicated marks on different corners of the container.

Where are the marks and what do they represent.

Tortoise didn't know.

After the goods arrive at the destination, the consignee will give the consignor a temporary contact information.The contractor will then tell the upstream merchant the temporary contact information, and the upstream merchant will mark the details and send them to the temporary contact information.After the consignee sees it, he will verify the marks on the container one by one. If all are correct, it proves that this batch of goods has not been unpacked or repacked, and the frost will start to appear.

A transaction is completed.

the whole process.

The upstream cargo merchants and receivers do not know each other's identity, and they all rely on trustees to contact each other.

Deterring upstream merchants from producing counterfeit goods, ensuring that there are no flaws in the transportation process, and supervising the receivers to pay on time, these things are all done by entrusted workers.The so-called half-contracting of profits refers to the consignment of a batch of goods, which can grab half of the profits, while the upstream and downstream can only divide the remaining profits in half.

Guan Erye, who is not a straight-up man, can't do a job.

Like last time the Huangmen had to leave a batch of goods, it is estimated that only someone like Ma Sanniang can complete it in Jinling.

Of course, those who have strong contacts and strengths in other places can actually leave.

Upstream merchants will have relatively more room for choice.

Putting my body in a container and letting the consignee transport it away with the goods is indeed the best way to kill people.

It's like saying.


My body has been transported to other places.

When the downstream receivers open the box every few months or years to enjoy the autumn, my soul has already been reincarnated.

Think of this.

There was a chill in my heart, and a killing intent rose.

(End of this chapter)

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