Chapter 40

When I saw it, it turned out to be a purchase contract.

The contract amount is 200 million.

The buyers' names are Su Chen, Xiao Lan, and Xu Qing.

Each owns one-third of the property rights.

Xu Qing actually finished this matter so quickly!
Xu Qing said: "I told the landlord on the phone that the landlord was very happy. He caught the plane yesterday and flew from Harbin to Jinling, and he also brought an agreement. He originally said that he would sell it for 220 million, but I bargained for 200 million. , I won’t buy it for a penny higher.”

"Oh... the landlord turned green at the time and said I was too cruel. However, he finally agreed! He will stay in Jinling for the next two days, wait for us to sign the papers, and go to the Housing Authority to transfer the ownership. Am I powerful?"

I said, "Excellent."

Xu Qing said with a smile: "Before, each of us divided 30 yuan. Now we have used 200 million yuan to buy a house, and there is still 10 yuan left. What should we do with this 10 yuan?"

I replied, "You can go shopping for clothes, cosmetics, or delicious food, whatever."

Xu Qing raised his mouth when he heard this, "If I take advantage of you again, I'll be a bastard! My sister won't be able to use up 30 yuan, so you two should use it."

I thought about it.

Fatty Xiao and I make money much easier than her.

Xu Qing has nothing to do now.

Why not use 10 yuan to start a small business?

I said: "Sister, your cooking skills are so good, why don't you... open a small restaurant, and we will have something to eat when we come back."

When Xu Qing heard this, he was stunned.

She thought for a while and replied: "That's right! This way I won't be bored, and you two or your friends will have a place to stay and eat when you come. If I save money, I can withdraw the house shares. "

I laughed and said, "I'll give you money even if I quit."

Xu Qing said: "What if my cooking skills amaze the whole of Jinling, and I will still pay attention to that little money? You are really smart, little brother!"

After things are finalized.

After Xu Qing finished his meal, he immediately started to visit the front door and inquire about the market in a hurry.

I found a problem.


Being poor does not mean incapable.

Many capable people often lack start-up funds.

Or, by family or other constraints.

Sister Xu is a typical example of this kind of person.

Once you give her a chance or unshackle.

She tends to create amazing energy.

In the afternoon, Fatty Xiao called me and told me something.

Wang Datou ran away.

I thought for a while and said, "Normal. That day when we were fighting for red flowers, you had already taken off your sunglasses. Although Brother Pei was not there, the gang of red flower stickmen under him must have told you what you look like. Before Wang Datou You lied to him, and you, father and son, have already been driven out of Jinling. When the bastard finds out that he has been cheated, he will definitely seek bad luck from Wang Datou. If Wang Datou doesn't run away, he is waiting to die."

Fatty Xiao asked: "Why doesn't this bastard come to us, I can wait for him."

I replied: "It's useless to be lonely and brave. You will stay in the country for two days temporarily, take care of Xiao Bo, and don't come back."

Fatty Xiao asked: "Su Zi, what about you?"

I said, "I'm fine for now."

this confidence.

It was actually from Lu Cenyin.

From me whispering to her in the Jianghu shopping yard, to she has been watching us from behind to fight red flowers, and finally she took over the gilt doll.

From the perspective of Lu Xiaoxin and Brother Pei, I must be Lu Cenyin's person.

They won't act rashly until they have a thorough understanding of my bottom line.


The east wind is blowing, and the drums of war are beating.

White, black, muddy.

I think it's time to give them a wrist-wrestle.

That night.

Xu Qing was tired from running the market all day, so she went to bed early without thinking about seducing me.

Sleep until midnight.

Xu Qing suddenly ran to my bed.

She was like a little wild cat, and got into the quilt all at once.

What's more.

She also hugged me very quickly and covered our heads with a quilt.

Xu Qing was wearing silk pajamas!

The touch is just...

My blood rushed to my brain immediately!

Surprise attack.

Play this with me? !

I just wanted to talk.

Xu Qing covered my mouth with his hands.


She was trembling all over.

This trembling.

It shouldn't be formed because I was too excited to hug me.

after all.

She has seen all kinds of scenes.Xu Qing is scared.

I asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xu Qing replied tremblingly: "Little brother... there are ghosts, there are really ghosts, it's so scary..."

Forty-nine years later.

There is no such thing as a ghost.

But Xu Qing's terrified look in the dark didn't seem fake.

I covered her head with the quilt, and quietly poked my head out of the quilt.

The light was not on.

Sure enough, the ear heard a slight ringing sound.

"Blah, blah..."

Like the sound of water falling into the bathroom slightly.

It is also like the slight movement of someone walking on tiptoe.

It's not a ghost.

someone is coming.

This is a small building with two floors covered with glazed tiles.

The layout is rather old fashioned.

The first floor is a hall, and there are two rooms below, one is used for storing sundries and the other is the kitchen.

Xu Qing and I live on the second floor, the door of the room is facing the door, and there is a small public lounge in the middle.

The landlord installed anti-theft windows on the windows of the two floors.


The back of the gate is locked with an old-fashioned lock, a big thick iron square, the kind that runs across the two doors.

This kind of lock, no matter how good the lockpicking technology is, it is useless.

It is impossible to enter through the gate.

Cut security windows do not exist.

I'm hyper alert when I sleep.

The sound of cutting the window cannot escape my ears.


This person climbed in through the short dormer window with glazed tiles on the roof.

But the dormer window is too small, and at most it can only accommodate three or four-year-old children.

How did this man get in here?
Who is he?

Could it be that Brother Pei sent someone to steal the gilt doll?

On second thought.

Sifangzhai will not do this.

I have transferred the gold-plated doll to Lu Cenyin, and Sifangzhai must know everything about it.

I saw a shadow by the door.

In order not to startle the snake, I quietly picked up the lid of the water cup next to the bedside table.

Shadow doesn't move at all.

This man is probing.

To see if we fell asleep.

Xu Qing almost stuck his whole body on me.

Her body was trembling constantly, but she suppressed herself and did not make a sound.

I half-closed my eyes, not having time to feel the softness of Xu Qing's body, and stared coldly at the door.


He came in.

The footsteps were very faint.

Like catkins falling.

Hardly noticeable.

Don't know how he did it.

This person is wearing a black mask, only showing two eyes.

But this pair of eyes is very impressive.

There is a word called "thief bright".

Described is this kind of eyes.

My clothes are hanging on a vertical hanger next to the TV cabinet.

The thief is touching my clothes.

It's not like ordinary thieves groping aimlessly.

He has very clear goals.

There was a sudden sneer in my heart.

Although he wears a black mask.

But I already know who he is.

The smell is pretty much the same.

The earthy smell from the thief in the duck blood vermicelli shop.

skinny monkey

He still misses me!
(End of this chapter)

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