bang bang bang...

Gunshots rang out, and dense bullets were fired at the enemies on the walls on both sides. One by one, they fell to the ground after being shot, and many soldiers fell from the walls and fell into the sea.

On the sea now, there are many soldiers who were blown away by artillery shells and fell into the sea.

However, the five-story ship crushed them hard, and these soldiers were soon crushed under the hull. It was probably difficult for them to survive.

Once entering the gate, there are artificial coasts on both sides, and the building ship is also heading inside quickly.

Going further inside, the view suddenly widened. It turned out that there was a huge military port inside, estimated to be about two kilometers long and 500 meters wide.

To be honest, if you want to build such a large port in the inner city and be able to dock warships, you can imagine how much manpower and material resources the Wei Empire spent.

Now the large five-story warships of the Chinese Empire can just come in, and the front guns can just bombard the warships docked in the port.

"Prepare the front guns! Let me, the general, sink the warship in front!"

General Cheng Li gave a loud order.

The rumble of artillery fire sounded again, aiming at the warship in front.

At this time, all the soldiers on the warship were having lunch. When they heard the sound of cannons, they all climbed onto the warship, obviously wanting to control the warship and fight.

However, they were greeted by huge cannonballs, followed closely by bursts of explosions.

How could these wooden warships and Mengchong battleships withstand the bombardment of cannons? They were soon riddled with holes. Some warships were hit in vital parts and collapsed and sank.

Lu Hao stood on the bow of the ship and watched the warships in front of him being destroyed one after another. He had no resistance at all and sighed at the power of technology.

In his plan, as long as he unified the mainland, he would focus on Hengyang City and build ironclad ships.

Of course, steam engines must also be vigorously promoted, and railways must be built specifically to transport mineral resources such as steel and coal.

By then, Qianyuan Continent will be able to enter the industrial age and then start the electrical age.

Lu Hao wants to recreate the prosperous times of China in the previous life, and wants to rewrite the history of the Qianyuan Continent on his own and continue to write greater poems.

"Continue the bombardment! Mengchong battleships attack!"

General Cheng Li gave a loud order.

Countless Mengchong battleships rushed towards the sinking warships and cleared away the remaining soldiers.

"The five-story ship adjusted its direction and aimed its starboard cannon at various military camps!"

General Cheng Li ordered again.

The five-story ships were lined up in a row, and the cannons on the starboard side were also aimed at a few military camps.

"Anchor dropped! Cannon ready!"

General Cheng Li commanded.

Following his order, all the warships dropped their anchors and fixed the warships so that they could better launch the bombardment.


General Cheng Li roared angrily.


The cannons on the main ship made a deafening sound.

At this moment, the Emperor of Wei and his concubines who were having lunch also heard the sound of the cannon.

"Is this thunder?"

The Emperor of Wei looked out the window with some confusion.

It's a sunny day outside now, how could there be thunder?And the thunder seems to be constant, what's going on?
"Come here, go and see right away, what is this sound?"

The Emperor of Wei gave a loud order.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The personal eunuch responded and left.

However, before he could reply, Prime Minister Yu Jiangshu and Minister of War Meng Jie came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, it's not good! It's not good! The Chinese Empire is coming!"

"What? The Chinese Empire?"

The Emperor of Wei was shocked.

"Yes, the Chinese Imperial Navy fleet is coming!" Meng Jie, Minister of War, added loudly.

"Naval fleet? Then mobilize the navy quickly and notify the Imperial Guard and the City Defense Army to fight..."

The Emperor of Wei gave a loud order.

"Your Majesty, we have informed the commander of the city defense army to fight against the Chinese Empire, and also notified General Wu of the navy to lead his army to fight..."

The Prime Minister responded immediately.

The Emperor of Wei heard the continuous sound of cannons outside and asked in surprise: "What's going on with the thunder outside? Is it possible that the Chinese Empire is also up to something?"

"Reporting to the Emperor, it seems to be a new type of firearm from the Chinese Empire. It is very powerful, like thunder!"

Meng Jie, Minister of War, responded.

"I want to go out and take a look."

The Emperor of Wei really couldn't sit still.

He took several ministers with him, got on the carriage, and headed towards the seaside.

At the same time, the Fifth Corps of the Central Army of the Chinese Empire, led by General Chen Xiang, rushed for more than ten hours and finally saw the gate of Nanyue City.

Of course, they also heard the rumble of cannons in the distance and knew that the emperor had launched a siege.

It was precisely because the north was attacked by the naval fleet that all the troops in Nanyue City headed north, hoping to block the Chinese Empire's offensive.

As a result, the south gate of Nanyue City and the city were completely empty.

At this moment, the naval fleet was still under bombardment, bombing various military camps in the city indiscriminately.

The soldiers in these military camps are now suffering heavy casualties. Only the city defense troops and the Imperial Guards are still relatively well preserved, but they are also heading towards the northern port.

"Soldiers, use attack formation to kill us!"

Chen Xiang ordered loudly.

Originally there were guards at the south gate, but most of them were transferred to the north, leaving only a few people guarding the south gate.

bang bang bang...

Bullets pierced the sky, and Chen Xiang and his army instantly eliminated several gatekeepers.

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The Fifth Army of the Chinese Empire entered Nanyue City from the south gate.

Now the entire army in the city and other ordinary people have long been attracted by the roaring sound of artillery from the north.

It wasn't until the soldiers of the Fifth Legion rushed into the streets and alleys of the city that they discovered that there were enemies coming in from the south gate.

"Hurry and report to the Emperor that the south gate has been lost and the Chinese Empire's army has entered!"

The leading general shouted an order.

Da da da……

As soon as he finished speaking, he was chased by soldiers from the Chinese Empire, and a hail of bullets sent him to hell.

Several other soldiers also wanted to inform the emperor, but before they could run a few steps, they were overtaken by cavalry and beaten to death on the road.

The Emperor of Wei boarded the tower and looked at the smoke billowing military camps in the distance. Naturally, he also saw cannonballs.

"What is that thing? Why is the explosion so powerful?"

The Emperor of Wei had black lines all over his face.

"I heard it was a cannon and it was very powerful. After several of our military camps were bombed, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties..."

Meng Jie, the Minister of War, responded with a grimace.

"If they only bomb our military camp, it means the enemy has figured out our situation."

The Emperor of Wei said coldly.

"Your Majesty, are you saying we have a traitor?"

Prime Minister Yu Jiangshu asked in a deep voice.

"Prime Minister, look at the places they bombed. They were all military camps. They must have obtained our city defense map."

The Emperor of Wei pointed to several military camps with a very ugly expression on his face. (End of chapter)

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