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Chapter 631 Xinlong Real Estate

Chapter 631 Xinlong Real Estate
The next day.

Ye Feng met the person Meng Weihong wanted to introduce at the Qingyunxuan Teahouse on the mountain. He was a middle-aged man in his 40s who drove a second-hand Santana. He was wearing gray, simple clothes and had a haggard face.

After Meng Weihong introduced him, Ye Feng learned that this middle-aged man was called Chen Qiushi, and his origins were not simple. From 1999 to 2001, he was once considered the richest man in Dongzhou City.

I started out as a mold factory in my early years, and my main business was developing stamping dies and making aluminum alloy parts, LCD modules, electronic components, etc. Then, under the policy of the leadership of Dongzhou City to develop high-tech zones and large-scale demolition and construction of buildings, Seeing the profits in real estate, he entered the real estate industry under the temptation of his friends, registered Xinlong Construction Company, and undertook the construction of Xinlong Mansion. At that time, Chen Qiushi was also full of confidence and wanted to create a real estate benchmark in Dongzhou City. He did not expect the subsequent capital chain. Something went wrong, and we saw that the buildings that could be capped were picked by other developers.

Ye Feng finally understood why Meng Weihong asked him if he bought the house in Xinlong Mansion last night. It turned out that there was such a reason.

Under Meng Weihong's introduction, Ye Feng shook hands with Chen Qiushi.

Chen Qiuzhen knew that Ye Feng had bought the house in Xinlong Mansion, and his expression was complicated. However, he did not want to mention the past, and just said with a wry smile that it was a lesson learned.

After they both got to know each other, Meng Weihong said to Chen Qiushi: "Mr. Chen, Ye Feng and I are both very interested in the real estate industry. What I want to do now is to ask you to come out. We will hold the shares, and you will be responsible for the implementation of the company. You see How about it?"

"To be honest, I really don't have confidence anymore."

Chen Qiushi was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Before I entered real estate, I was just like you. I thought I could definitely make money. Unlike you, I personally waded through the muddy waters of real estate. Before I entered, Ambitious people either don't do it or want to be the best in the industry. As a result, they are exhausted physically and mentally within half a year of joining.

I needed to go through all the procedures in various departments, and some departments also required an appointment. If I didn’t make an appointment, I would come to my door. They would just sit there and not help me go through the procedures. Then they would explain the rules and procedures to me, saying that according to the procedure, I had to make an appointment first. Then do it again.

How to do?
He had no temper at all and spoke louder. Next time he would get stuck in my application process. If I delayed it for a little while, I would have to come back next week to go through the procedures. Finally, the house was almost completed, but the medium- and long-term loan originally promised by the bank was gone. "

Chen Qiushi couldn't help but talk about the difficulties he faced at the beginning, especially the loan. He looked at Meng Weihong and Ye Feng and said: "The bank manager told me very well at the time. The loan will definitely be granted. I have a business license as a legal person." Yes, the loan project has land use rights, construction license, commencement license, and commercial housing pre-sale license, and all project approval documents are complete, authentic, and valid, and its own funds exceed 30% of the total investment. The first beneficiary also I wrote to the bank for a loan, but it was useless. When it came time to wait for the rice to be put into the pot, the loan could not be issued. I really understood what it means that changes are worse than plans."

Meng Weihong crossed her fingers and said, "Mr. Chen, let's forget these things are in the past. Every time you learn something, you will gain wisdom."

"Well, the main thing is I'm still a little bit unwilling to accept such a big fall." Chen Qiushi said sadly.

Ye Feng looked at Chen Qiushi and asked, "Mr. Chen, I have no experience in real estate. What are the requirements for registering a real estate company?"

“There’s scoring qualification here.”

Chen Qiushi saw Ye Feng asking about real estate, so he explained it to Ye Feng.The qualifications of real estate development enterprises are divided into four qualification levels: first, second, third and fourth according to the enterprise conditions.

Real estate development enterprises with first-level qualifications are not restricted in the scale of real estate project construction and can undertake real estate development projects nationwide.

Real estate development enterprises with second-level and lower qualifications can only undertake development and construction projects with a construction area of ​​less than 25 square meters. The specific scope of business undertaken shall be determined by the construction authorities of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. They shall not undertake development beyond the scope of qualifications. project, in addition, real estate development companies of all qualification levels must also have a complete quality assurance system. The "Residential Quality Guarantee" and "Residential Instructions" systems have been implemented in the sales of commercial housing, and no major engineering quality accidents have ever occurred.

The fourth-level qualification is the most basic, but it still requires a registered capital of more than 100 million, and has been engaged in real estate development and operation for more than one year, and the quality qualification rate of completed construction projects reaches 1%.

In fact, the registered capital is not the main problem. The registered capital for the first-level qualification is 5000 million, and Ye Feng and Meng Weihong can also raise it. However, the completed area and the time for real estate development and operation have become problems.

According to what Ye Feng and Meng Weihong discussed, that is to say, the construction company they want to own now must have at least level three or level two qualifications before they can develop real estate in the city.

Ye Feng had previously felt that the real estate industry was complicated and troublesome. Now after listening to Chen Qiushi's explanation, he found that there were indeed many restrictions, not to mention the more than 100 official seals after the project was established.

Ye Feng also raised questions about Meng Weihong.

Meng Weihong smiled and gave Ye Feng the direction, which was Chen Qiushi's Xinlong Real Estate. Although Chen Qiushi's Xinlong Real Estate now exists in name only and has not developed any further properties after Xinlong Mansion, Xinlong Real Estate has Level [-] qualifications. of.

Meng Weihong gave Ye Feng two options. The first option was for Ye Feng's Lanshan Company to acquire Chen Qiushi's Xinlong Real Estate, thereby obtaining the third-level qualification for real estate development, and then slowly increasing the qualifications.

The second option is for Meng Weihong and Ye Feng to personally contribute funds to revitalize Chen Qiushi's Xinlong Real Estate, occupying the shares in proportion to the capital contribution, and then let Chen Qiushi act as a legal person to develop the property.

Ye Feng thought for a while and decided to revitalize Xinlong Mansion through personal investment and shareholding. To put it bluntly, Ye Feng did not want to put all his eggs in one basket and have any industry related to Lanshan Company.

In the end, the three people discussed and finally finalized the capital and share ratio, with an injection of 5000 million yuan. Meng Weihong and Ye Feng each invested 2000 million, accounting for 30% of the shares, and Chen Qiushi invested 1000 million, accounting for 40% of the shares. As for professional management personnel with professional titles in construction, structure, finance, real estate and related economics, Chen Qiushi found them.

But at night, Ye Feng thought about it and changed his mind. Not long after arriving home, he called Meng Weihong again.

(End of this chapter)

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