Recast youth

Chapter 372 The calculation and analysis of the human heart

Chapter 372 The calculation and analysis of the human heart
Of course Jiang Ming knew that this method of first occupying a woman's body and then her heart was effective.

It's just that he wants to speak it out through the mouths of Chen Tao and Huang Zhifei, and then confirm his own heart. Although Jiang Ming is not very old, he has been in society for six or seven years.

Starting from the operator at the beginning, then the mold worker.

Then I came to Shanghai to work as a mass-market ktv waiter. When I was a ktv waiter, I lived in a collective dormitory. There were more than a dozen people in each dormitory, including waiters, security guards, and some social workers.

An idea appeared in Jiang Ming's mind.

It's impossible for me, Jiang Ming, to be an operator or waiter all my life like the teacher said, right?

So Jiang Ming, who was unwilling to accept it, jumped to a bar and learned bartending. When he learned bartending, he discovered that three and a half glasses of foreign wine with four soft drinks, that is, iced black tea and green tea poured into a pot, was not bartending at all.

That is an ordinary waiter in the bar.

But Jiang Ming still tried his best to please the customers, giving tea and towels, earning tips left over from the customers buying cigarettes or drinks. Then relying on the contacts he had accumulated in the bar, Jiang Ming, unwilling to be mediocre, went to a sales company for an interview.

The interview process was very simple. Jiang Ming did not mention his academic qualifications or where he had worked. He placed in front of the HR manager a stack of business cards from bosses of companies large and small in Shanghai.

In fact, Jiang Ming didn't know any of these bosses, but Jiang Ming passed the interview in this way, and his starting point was not low. Then he spent two years getting familiar with the sales process, and then switched to the current sales company in the fitness equipment industry.

With qualifications, experience, and preparation, my salary skyrocketed, and I became the leader of the sales team in three months.

This is Jiang Ming's life trajectory. Not to mention that he has seen a man and a woman in a dormitory in KTV in front of more than a dozen hot-blooded waiters. A man asked a woman to go home. After playing, he asked his brother in the Internet cafe to come back and continue. Jiang Ming also encountered the above incident.

It’s just that Jiang Ming hid all these things.

Experience makes a person. It can be said that as long as he wants, Chen Tao and Huang Zhifei, tied together, are not enough for him to play alone. Besides, Shanghai stock market, sales, no matter which words are used by people to play with each other .

He wants to possess Li Jia.

He has always wanted to, but he has always hidden his true intentions in front of Li Jia, because he knows very well that getting closer between men and women is a gradual process.

Especially now that Li Jia has a boyfriend, it is even more necessary to proceed step by step. If one step is not done well, it may lead to embarrassment between the two people, and then there will be no way to implement the follow-up plan.

The best plan is to cause her boyfriend to have a little misunderstanding, but make Li Jia feel okay, and then slowly increase the gap between them, making Li Jia feel that her boyfriend is a petty person.

As long as her boyfriend Ye Feng talks more and cares more, he will make more mistakes. At that time, it will be time for him to show good demeanor, be considerate, and take advantage of others' weaknesses.

But now Li Jia's boyfriend drove over in a Maybach, a car worth 600 million yuan, which cut off the possibility of implementing this plan.It is easy for rich people to pry into the corners of poor people, but it is much more difficult for poor people to pry into the corners of rich people, because a woman is an animal who wants both material and emotional things. When she has no material things, , if someone gives her material things and emotions, she will be tempted, but she doesn’t lack both, how do you get into her heart?Unless you are extremely handsome or have a certain talent that attracts her, it will only be possible if you spend some time.

But it still takes time!

Jiang Ming's eyes flashed, and so many considerations passed through his mind. Then he looked at Chen Tao and Huang Zhifei on both sides and shook his head: "What you said is wrong. Li Jia doesn't drink when he goes out to get together with colleagues. It’s probably because her boyfriend told her last time.”

"Isn't it easy for a group of people to have a reasonable reason to let Li Jia drink? She is not our leader. Huang Zhifei pretended to be a bad guy and talked to her a little, but she just drank?"

Chen Tao said with a smile: "Li Jia must have just graduated. She really wants to stay in Shanghai. She cares about the opinions of her colleagues and will not ruin the atmosphere among her colleagues by not drinking."

Huang Zhifei was delighted: "Why should I always be the bad guy?"

"Who makes you look like a bad guy?" Chen Tao said with a smile: "Look at my image, I am also a wise general. At most, you are Zhang Fei who is sworn in Taoyuan. No matter what the elder brother and the second brother say, you will only say it, and so will I. !”

When he said the last sentence, Chen Tao also vividly imitated the scene in the TV series where Zhang Fei wanted to say something talented, but in the end he just suppressed the image of me too.

Huang Zhifei scolded angrily: "I'll knock you down, but I'll show you the wisdom of the general. You're just an insidious four-eyed frog at best."

Jiang Ming was unwilling to take this step as a last resort, so he pinched his eyebrows and said, "If you think about it again, there is no need to rush this matter."

Huang Zhifei turned around and said, "I'm just confused. What's so good about Li Jia? He's not as good as Gao Xuan. Gao Xuan is so exciting."

"You don't understand this, don't you? We, Brother Ming, are called academic scumbags and have a soft spot for top academics."

Chen Tao shook his head and said with a bad smile: "I also have this first love episode, but I succeeded when I was in school. It was so exciting at the time."

"Eat your food, such a beautiful love, but you said it was so dirty."

Jiang Ming scolded Chen Tao angrily, and then said to Huang Zhifei with a smile: "Aren't you giving me some advice? You also want to have sex with Gao Xuan, why don't you implement this method with Gao Xuan?"

"But I can't help it. This woman, Gao Xuan, is as smart as a ghost and won't give her a chance." Huang Zhifei shook his head and recognized the reality.

Chen Tao also nodded in agreement: "Gao Xuan is a very shrewd woman. She knows all kinds of social routines. She is a kind of swan meat that can be seen but cannot be eaten. If you want to get her, you will need a very big boss." That's fine, but Zheng Yue'e, who looks relatively innocent, is the boring type."

Seeing this, Jiang Ming felt a move in his heart. He wanted to possess Li Jia. Assistance from Gao Xuan and Zheng Yue'e was indispensable. These two people were in the same group as Li Jia. With them here, Li Jia would not be able to drink anymore. The psychology of rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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