Recast youth

Chapter 355

Chapter 355
The relationship between people is delicate.

Getting close takes a lot of time.

But alienation only takes a few days of indifference, and then the two people are suddenly alienated. When they meet again, chat, or eat, there will be a sense of strangeness and politeness.

Ye Feng knew this feeling very well. In his previous life, he gradually became estranged from his family. In the end, he rarely returned home. Until his elderly grandfather was afraid that he would have no money to use outside and came to see him with 3000 yuan. He suddenly made Ye Feng realize that he had not been home for several years.

In this life, Ye Feng is really afraid of being alienated from people he knows well. As for the car, whether Lin Rui or Shen Yu, whenever they need it, Ye Feng will lend them the car without saying anything. .

There is no other reason.

Because Ye Feng knows that people are mutually beneficial. If you warm others, others will warm you in turn. Lin Rui aside, at least Shen Yu has nothing to say to Ye Feng.

Whether it is the previous life or this life.

After Ye Feng and Shen Yu separated, they went to Qiyin Culture training class. Now Qiyin Culture should be slowly transforming into a music company. Except for some students who signed up before, most of them are in the adult class.

Kong Jingke is now in charge of the adult class. Many fans are now chasing Kong Jingke as a star. Some music production companies also come to Kong Jingke to negotiate and sign contracts.

Kong Jingke initially had the idea of ​​signing a contract with a music company, but after November 11, she changed her mind. What she wants to do now is to stay in Dongzhou City and run "Qiyin Culture" well. .

When Ye Feng arrived at the second floor of Qiyin Culture, he saw Kong Jingke taking photos with some students, even signing autographs, talking and laughing, and felt quite warm in his heart. After one year, Kong Jingke has changed a lot.

At least now she is no longer in a defensive state with a knife hidden behind her back whenever she meets anyone.

This unworldly woman finally had a hint of fireworks at this time and no longer felt unapproachable. After she signed the autograph for the last female student, she then saw Ye Feng.

"Why are you here?" Kong Jingke walked over.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "Come and take a look if you have nothing to do."

"It just so happens that I have something I want to talk to you about." Kong Jingke hesitated for a moment and finally told Ye Feng the decision he had been thinking about all day.

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "What's the matter?"

"Let's talk about it upstairs."

Kong Jingke took Ye Feng upstairs and sat on a high stool outside the recording studio. For some reason, Kong Jingke felt a little empty when he was about to say something.

Ye Feng could tell that something was wrong with Kong Jingke's mood, but he didn't ask, waiting for Kong Jingke to take the initiative to speak.

Kong Jingke felt strange, her throat seemed to be blocked, and it hurt a little. Then she changed the direction, raised her head, and her cold face softened a lot: "Recently, there are music companies in Yanjing, Hunan and Hong Kong and I Contact me, want to sign a contract with me, and package me as a singer."

"That's a good thing."

Ye Feng didn't have a particularly good sense for actresses, but he was still not that repulsive to female singers. He also pulled up a high stool and looked at Kong Jingke: "What about you, what do you think?"

"I rejected them all." Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng frowned: "Why?"

Kong Jingke said: "There is no special reason. I just feel a little tired and don't want to run around anymore. Once I sign a contract and become an artist, I won't have any time for myself."

"Well, this is indeed true. With one gain and one loss, public figures do not have much freedom." Ye Feng nodded and said.

"Also, I showed the video of my performance at your gym to my mother."

Kong Jingke smoothed the hair beside his ear and said, "I also sang "Climbing" and "Dust in Fireworks" and my mother listened to them."

"What did Auntie say?" Ye Feng asked.

"My mother is very happy." Kong Jingke said a little sadly.

Ye Feng didn't realize it, but he was very happy for Kong Jingke, so he said: "It's good to be happy. Generally speaking, when old people see their children prospering, healthy and happy, they will be happy. In fact, it's also for you. Happy." "I know this."

Kong Jingke nodded, and then continued: "My mother is not in good health right now."

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and he vaguely understood why Kong Jingke was in this mood and what he was going to say to him. An indescribable emotion suddenly arose in his heart.

There is a feeling that I want to smile and speak in a relaxed tone, but I can't laugh or feel relaxed.

"Actually, after thinking about it, I'm quite unfilial."

Kong Jingke had a sad look on his face, and his tone was very soft: "I keep talking about that person and hating that person, but what about me? How can I be better? For more than two years, I have left my mother alone I left it in the hospital and asked the nurse to look after it. I have never been able to fulfill my duties as a daughter and stay with her properly."

As he spoke, the tears on Kong Jingke's face fell like broken pearls.

Unspeakably sad.

"I clearly know that when my mother is most sad, what she needs is not money or anyone to take care of her. She..."

Kong Jingke lost his voice for a moment, and then continued: "All she needs is my company, but what about me, as a daughter, what have I done? I always feel how difficult my life is, and how many people I see. So indifferent, but where is my mother’s happiness? She has obviously endured more than me!”

More and more tears fell on Kong Jingke's face.

But she didn't cry, she kept suppressing herself and blaming her faults.

Crying without sound.

Ye Feng seemed to have seen his past life. Through the crack in the door, he saw his eldest sister hiding herself in bed and crying bitterly. He suddenly felt distressed. He quickly said to Kong Jingke: "Now, it's not too late now. Tomorrow Just take Auntie home, and then stay with her and take her to some places with better scenery, such as some ancient towns in Zhejiang and Jiangsu."

"It's too late." Kong Jingke suddenly said.

Ye Feng was startled.

"My mother can survive for a few months at most."

Kong Jingke had tears on his face as he looked at Ye Feng quietly.

Ye Feng suddenly didn't know what to say. He could feel Kong Jingke's sadness and said reluctantly: "Then you should stay with Auntie well these few months and don't let Auntie have any regrets."

Kong Jingke said "hmm".

Ye Feng said softly: "I will look for a house tomorrow, and then I will move out."

Kong Jingke said "hmm" again, and then suddenly said: "I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry? Are you stupid?" Ye Feng cursed Kong Jingke with a forced smile.

Kong Jingke was silent for a while, then looked at Ye Feng, with tiredness and sadness in his eyes, and asked softly: "Can you give me a hug?"

Ye Feng stepped forward and hugged Kong Jingke.


"Don't say sorry."

"I'm a little sad."

"Will be fine."


(End of this chapter)

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