Recast youth

Chapter 353 Confucius’ advice

Chapter 353 Confucius’ advice

Kong Zhong has been to many places.

He is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. From his perspective, the "Lanshan Sports Center" is also very good. Even if it is placed in Yanjing or some foreign places, it will not lag behind, but it is very outstanding in a city like Dongzhou.

It can be said that apart from Yanjing, there is no other sports hall of the same level in the country that can compete with the "Lanshan Sports Hall". There is no such sports hall even in Shanghai.

The reason why Yanjing has such places is because there are many young people in Yanjing who have nothing to do and love to play. They like to enclose plots of land and build some clubs, clubs, golf courses and the like.

Kong Zhong visited them one by one.

Finally, he stopped at the door of the archery hall without going in. He glanced at Chen Jianqing, who was teaching the students. Although Chen Jianqing was now one of the managers of the "Lanshan Sports Hall", he still spent most of his time in the archery hall.

"Chen Jianqing?"

Kong Zhong asked unexpectedly.

Ye Feng nodded, a little curious about how Kong Jingke's father knew Chen Jianqing, and then heard Kong Zhong say flatly: "I was at the 96 National Archery Yanjing Championship and met him once."

Ye Feng took Kong Zhong around the sports hall.

From the first floor to the second floor, and finally to Ye Feng's office, there were all mahogany furniture. However, in Kong Zhong's eyes, he had seen too much mahogany furniture, rosewood furniture, and huanghuali wood, and he was too tired of it.

He sat down.

Just by sitting casually, the aura of a superior person was revealed.

Ye Feng also felt very strange. He didn't know if he knew some outline of this person from Kong Jingke's mouth, which caused him to look up to him mentally. He took out a box of soft drinks from his desk and asked Kong Zhong if he could smoke. smokes.

Kong Zhong put Zhongnanhai on the table and said, "I'll just smoke this one."

Ye Feng knew this Zhongnanhai, and it would be sold in every store in the future. It was not expensive, only five yuan a box. It was hard to imagine that Kong Jingke’s father, such an awesome and coaxing man, actually smoked this cigarette.

Kong Zhong seemed to see through what Ye Feng was thinking. He raised his head and smiled playfully: "Do you think it's incredible that I smoke Zhongnanhai? In fact, cigarettes are just that. How many people can really tell the difference between good and bad cigarettes? It’s just the price. When it comes to good cigarettes, I also have a few boxes of commemorative Panda cigarettes produced by the Shanghai Cigarette Factory in 97 and 99 when Hunan, Hong Kong and Macau returned. The tobacco leaves are really good, but you have to remember one thing clearly when smoking. There are two kinds. The first one is to use the brand of cigarettes to earn face. The other one is that when your height is high enough, no matter what cigarette you smoke, people will think you have good taste. Except for Zhongnanhai, I don’t smoke other cigarettes. I want to People who please me will have to prepare Zhongnanhai specially when they see me next time."

Then, Kong Zhong took out a cigarette from the cigarette case again. Without smoking, he turned it in his hand and smiled: "For example, many people want the cigarette in my hand. What's interesting is that they obviously don't like it. They smoked Zhongnanhai, but they also pretended that they particularly liked Zhongnanhai, and they also commented on me like a dog, saying that other cigarettes are boring, but if you want to smoke, you have to smoke Zhongnanhai, which is powerful and exciting. I was watching from the side and they were all eloquent."

Ye Fengxin said, it's because you are a good person and people want to curry favor with you. Otherwise, it would be weird if they didn't hit you in the face with a cigarette case.

"What happened yesterday, A Ping went a little too far, but today it's over." Kong Zhong said.

Ye Feng nodded and said yes.

Kong Zhong looked at Ye Feng, leaned forward slightly, intertwined his fingers, and asked with a smile: "What is the name of the person who fought with A Ping? He is quite powerful."

"His name is Feng Zheng."

"Feng Zheng?" Kong Zhong read his name once, and then asked casually: "Henan people?"

Ye Feng was a little surprised. How did Kong Jingke's father know that Feng Zheng was from Henan?

Kong Zhong smiled and said: "The surname Feng has two origins, one is Ji and the other is Gui. The "Yuanhe Surname Compilation" of the Tang Dynasty said that the Feng family came from Yingchuan. If it is Henan, it may come from the Eastern Han Dynasty. The descendants of Feng Yi, the general who conquered the west, just happened to respond to the expedition to the west, and the expedition also meant killing. Feng Zheng, what a good name."

Ye Feng also knows that there are many origins and explanations for surnames, but he doesn't understand them. However, Kong Jingke's father can infer where Feng Zheng's hometown is based on Feng Zheng's name. In Ye Feng's opinion, it is still a bit high-class.It somewhat coincided with the image he had in mind before.

Then Kong Zhong talked about the business of coming to Ye Feng. He looked at Ye Feng and asked: "Qiyin Culture, how much money did you invest in it?"

"You want to turn down?" Ye Feng understood Kong Zhong's intention.

Kong Zhong said calmly: "Say a price."

"I paid 50 yuan at that time. What I told Kong Jingke was that I would pay for it, she would pay for the labor, and then I would take care of things, and each of us would have half of the shares."

Ye Feng talked about his original investment, and then thought of Kong Jingke's rejection of the man in front of him, and said, "Kong Jingke probably won't agree to my transferring my share to you."

Kong Zhong was not in a hurry and said calmly: "Transfer your shares of Qiyin Culture to me, and I can help you when you need it."

"Why do you want the shares of Qiyin Culture?"

Ye Feng looked at Kong Zhong and asked in confusion: "If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't have ignored her in the past two years. Do you know what her life was like in the past two years?"

"Want to know?" Kong Zhong smiled.

Ye Feng nodded.

But Kong Zhong didn't say anything and stood up. He came to the "Lanshan Sports Center" today just on a whim. As for "Seven-tone Culture", he didn't pay attention to it at all. It didn't matter if Ye Feng didn't sell it.

If it is sold, Kong Zhong will close the door with his own hands.

For some reason, as a father, when he saw that Kong Jingke did not bow to him, but instead crawled out of the quagmire and got better, he not only was not relieved, but felt an indescribable awkwardness.

Kong Zhong lost interest.

When he climbed to the top of the mountain more than ten years ago, he easily became interested in certain things. Ye Feng's appearance made him a little interested. Finally, he stood up and gave Ye Feng a few words.

"It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss sometimes. Just bear with it if you can. It's not a bad thing if you can bear it."

"If you can't help it, sometimes your spine will be broken."

After saying this, Kong Zhong's aura suddenly came out. He was inexplicable and his tone was emotional. In his world, there are not so many grays, and there are not so many black and white.

What is black?
What is white?
No one can tell clearly.

Only the benefits obtained are real.

In the capital market, is there anyone who is the eternal enemy?No, even if they did, they would just put on a show for the people below, and then they would put on a show together, make short work together, and get a group of people to come in to kill pigs and cut leeks.

These two sentences are the advice Kong Zhong gave to Ye Feng for the sake of Kong Jingke, lest he be young and energetic, and then really kick the iron plate and be stepped down along the spine, and then he will really be unable to stand up for the rest of his life. .

It’s just that Kong Zhong didn’t tell Ye Feng in detail that a person’s survival skills can’t be taught, they have to rely on talent. Some people don’t need to be taught, and some people don’t need to be taught a thousand times.

(End of this chapter)

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