Recast youth

Chapter 323 The canary unwilling to be lonely

Chapter 323 The canary unwilling to be lonely
Among other things, Feng Sande's hot pot is really outstanding. He adds a lot of side dishes, especially his mutton. He uses a lot of aniseed ingredients in advance, and when he cooks the hot pot, there is no smell at all.

Even Kong Jingke was full of praise.

To Ye Feng's relief, Feng Sande didn't say a single stupid thing tonight. In Feng Sande's private words, he wasn't stupid, and he would get away with his jokes.

In this society, some people can joke and some cannot.

Ye Feng could only give a thumbs up and sigh, the third master is very discerning, and then told him that Kong Jingke really had the habit of carrying a knife with him, and then Feng Sande's smile became much more sincere.

I have never seen him be so serious, and the only person who is not so serious is Kong Yiji.

Ye Feng was afraid that Kong Jingke would be embarrassed to eat, so he gave him a few pieces of meat, and then told Chen Mengjie and others about the details of the opening of the sports hall and what aspects should be paid attention to.

Who should be entertained?

When the people from the Education Bureau arrived, who would entertain them, and then each person would prepare a gift. In the end, as long as the friends who came to congratulate, everyone would have a gift in return.

Because in addition to the people from the Education Bureau, Li Bing, Lin Rui and the others who stayed in Dongzhou will definitely come over. In addition, Meng Yun and police officer Zhao Tianhe from the police station also need to be invited.

Ye Feng had an idea here, that is, when inviting Zhao Tianhe, he should reveal to him that Meng Yun would be arriving, and then ask him to tell his detective friend. In this case, Ye Feng could naturally rely on Meng Yun to follow him. The people from Xingda got on the line.

There are many things to be busy with and many aspects to take care of.

This is the main reason why Ye Feng has been having a headache. In addition, after the sports hall opens and stabilizes, he has to go to Shanghai first, and then go to Yanjing with Feng Zheng.

Going to the Shanghai Stock Exchange would be okay, just show your face in front of Li Jia's colleagues, declare your sovereignty, and then quietly make Li Jia's junior high school classmates and colleagues give up, but going to Yanjing is a headache. The water is too deep. Even if it passes, Ye Feng has no good solution.

Not to mention the people who are secretly targeting the Qingshan Group, even the Qingshan Group is definitely a behemoth to the current Ye Feng.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

After thinking for a while, Ye Feng felt a headache. The main problem with Qingshan Group was not only money, but Zhang Lan's father was also charged with harming national interests.

This is no joke. Don't even ask, let alone reach out. Otherwise, you might get burned.

Ye Feng stopped thinking about this matter and continued to talk to Chen Mengjie and the others about the sports hall. He also told them that he had found a master of archery who was a national-level athlete in the past.

After hearing this, Feng Sande motioned to Feng Zheng's position. If he wanted to shoot an arrow, this dog could do it.

Ye Feng looked at Feng Zheng, who nodded and said he could give it a try.

Ye Feng feels a little toothache. What is the concept of giving it a try?Is it okay, or is it great?



The mirror surface was covered with water mist, and then a smooth and white arm stretched out, slender palm pressed on the mirror surface and wiped it, and a friendly and sweet face appeared on the mirror surface.

very beautiful.

Very beautiful.

It's Xin Xiaowan's face, and further down, there is the slender neck and delicate collarbones, bare feet, and every inch of the body is so perfect, any more is too fat, and any less is too thin.

"Xin Xiaowan, you have almost become a canary that cannot fly out even if you open the cage, do you know?"

Xin Xiaowan looked at herself in the mirror and said softly.Then Xin Xiaowan looked at herself in the mirror and started drying her hair with a hair dryer. After drying her hair, she put on makeup. Except for the day she first arrived at the newspaper office, Xin Xiaowan rarely put on makeup so carefully.

From the inside out.

Little by little, she applied moisturizer, isolation, and then eyeliner. Finally, she took a lipstick and smeared her lips red little by little. Slowly, Xin Xiaowan in the mirror became brighter.

She rarely goes to places like bars.

But she wanted to go today, and she did not use her previous image of an intellectual, sweet beauty reporter, but a very sexy and bright look. She also wore very sexy clothes, a suspender skirt, long hair shawl, a good figure, and fair skin. Like fresh out of milk.

On her feet were a pair of black high heels.

After finishing dressing up, she stood in front of the full-length mirror in the living room, completely different from the other person, which made men have the strong feeling of wanting to conquer her as soon as they saw her.


Xin Xiaowan is a top student at Communication University. No one knows that she became someone else's mistress when she was in junior high school. She has learned to accept and compromise and not to be jealous. She is like a puppet after get off work every day.

If her job at the newspaper hadn't filled up the gap, she really didn't know what was waiting for her. She would be unremarkable, like a concubine in the cold palace, waiting for that person to come and have good luck from time to time.

Just after being with him, I was destined to live alone.

no ego.

I don’t know where the future direction is.

Unless she left Dongzhou Daily and Dongzhou City, Xin Xiaowan spent six years of her youth in exchange for it. She didn't want to give up. She felt like a bright canary.

in a cage.

The door of the cage is not closed, but I just can't fly out. I have been in a small space longing for freedom outside, and I have to endure that person's requirements and not have a private life.

You can't go to bars or clubs that have a bad influence.

Xin Xiaowan is a normal woman, a mature woman under 30 years old. It is a woman's nature to love beauty and play. How can she stand being locked in a cage all day long?
After she arrived at Zeus Bar, she had a party by herself and ordered a bottle of foreign wine. After drinking for a while, Xin Xiaowan felt a little heady and her body swayed slightly with the rhythm.

The slight dizziness and deafening music made her feel excited.

This was something she had never felt before, a feeling of being cautious, serious, and suppressed nature being slowly released. She thought of Ye Feng, who at the age of 23 had a big company like w5173.

Now that I have money, I have begun to move toward the upper echelons of society and sports halls.

The sports hall is really big.

Why can't I meet such wonderful people?
Do I, Xin Xiaowan, really want to spend my youth and be the canary raised by that man?

Xin Xiaowan felt strong unwillingness in her heart.

She didn't know how disgusted she felt when that man wanted to call him husband. He was obviously married, had children, and was trying to maintain the image of a good husband and a good father.

On his side, he is so dirty and suspicious.

Thinking of this, Xin Xiaowan took out her phone and looked up Ye Feng's number. At this time, she didn't notice someone swaying and approaching her not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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