Recast youth

Chapter 296 When the name is corrected

Chapter 296 When the name is corrected
When Ye Feng arrived at Feng Sande's house, Feng Sande was lying on a recliner with his legs stretched out like a corpse. His eyes were wandering around. When he saw Ye Feng coming, he immediately sat up.

"Boss, you're here."

Feng Sande was so aggrieved that he almost burst into tears: "Follow me to the vegetable market."

"What's going on? This face looks hopeless."

Ye Feng wanted to come and tell Feng Sande and ask Feng Zheng to accompany him to Yanjing in a few days, but he didn't expect that he would drag him to the vegetable market as soon as he came.

"Well, if I had known that the trouble caused by a snake would have so many consequences, I wouldn't have picked up that snake."

Feng Sande sighed: "It's so scary. When that snake appeared behind my house, it was just digging a hole for me to jump into."

Ye Feng was a little surprised: "How can a snake dig a hole and make you jump?"

Feng Sande explained seriously: "What do you think, if you pick up such a fat snake, do you have to find an old hen for it to stew? It's late at night, I don't have any chickens, do you have to go out and borrow an old hen?" Come back? This series of chain reactions resulted in me falling into the hands of that stinky woman Zhang Yumei. I was her own mother, and she had fifty kilograms of rice. She asked me to fight back from across the river. Wasn’t this going to kill me? ?”

In the end, Feng Sande's face was full of complaints.

Then Ye Feng found out that Feng Sande had frightened Zhang Yumei as soon as he caught the snake, and then was tricked into stealing the chicken. He had been doing a lot of hard labor under Zhang Yumei's pressure these days.

Ye Feng was a little speechless: "So it turns out that the person Chen Mengjie said stole the local grandmother's chicken was you."

"Shh, keep your voice down, this is the local old lady's house." On the way to where Ye Feng parked his car, Feng Sande pointed to a passing house and said nervously: "I have to ask for it."

Ye Feng emphasized: "It's just stealing."

"Then it's okay to say it's theft." When they arrived at the parking place, Feng Sande followed Ye Feng into the car and defended himself.

"You will try to find Kong Yiji later."

Ye Feng started the car and drove to the nearest vegetable market.

Feng Sande shook his head like a rattle and said: "That doesn't exist. I can't be as stupid as that nerd. People have to adapt to changes. What's the use of stealing books like Kong Yiji? It's better to die of hunger than to live in peace. How can you live like an old hen?"

"If you want to eat chicken, go and buy it. Even if you are scolded by the old woman for days and nights in this neighborhood, you won't feel uncomfortable." Ye Feng glanced at Feng Sande speechlessly.

"Don't tell me, it's really uncomfortable."

Feng Sande sat up straight, sorted out his beliefs, looked at Ye Feng and said: "Boss, you don't know, that local old woman is really capable of scolding. She was so noisy that I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to poke my ears to deafen her. I estimate that in terms of scolding skills, unless Xiao Chen's mother-in-law comes out with her voice, there is no old woman nearby who can compete with that old lady."

The two people arrived at the vegetable market.

Feng Sande ran in and bought four old hens, packed them in his pockets and put them in Ye Feng's trunk.

"After tonight, that stinky bitch will never want to point fingers at Third Master again."

Feng Sande took a deep breath and said, "I have to go to her door to urinate and vent my resentment."

Ye Feng smiled and looked at Feng Sande, who had an angry expression, and said with a smile: "When we were in school, most men would deliberately provoke the girl they liked in order to gain a sense of presence. Third Master, are you interested in that sister Mei?" Interesting?"


Feng Sande laughed three times: "Is it possible for me to abandon the entire forest for a crooked-necked tree? When this storm passes, I will kill a hundred people or kill a thousand people."

"Yeah, you still know how to kill a hundred people and kill a thousand people?" Ye Feng was surprised.

"Boss, have you also seen the island love body art film?" Feng Sande has finally found his kindred spirit. He is so excited that he can't wait to shake hands with Ye Feng. He is a kindred spirit. Ye Feng wants to slap himself in the mouth. He has nothing to do to pick up Feng Sande. Why is this old gangster talking so much? It seems like his taste is similar to his.

Looking at Feng Sande's middle parted head and wretched face.

Ye Feng really doesn't want to have the same taste as him. If he likes Yue Yuexi, he will never watch Yue Yuexi's educational films. If he likes Teacher Cang, Ye Feng will never watch Teacher Cang's educational films.

But in this life, Ye Feng has indeed never seen this again.


After arriving home, Chen Mengjie and Feng Zheng had come back and told Ye Feng that they had hired some security guards. They were all above 1.7 meters and a half, with good physical fitness. Seventy percent of them were retired from the military.

After listening to what Chen Mengjie said, Ye Feng thought about it and came up with a recruitment plan.

Because in addition to security, we also need to hire a lot of staff with better quality and better appearance, as well as cleaning ladies. As for how to get people with better quality to apply for the job.

The first is salary.

However, Ye Feng doesn't want to rely on salary to attract them. He wants to make a short film about his "Lanshan Sports Center" as an advertising effect to attract talents to join.

For all young people today, they still have many dreams.

Ye Feng intends to give them a vision full of longing for the future. In fact, this is indeed the case. If someone can calm down and work well in the sports hall, Ye Feng will definitely give them a matching position.

You know, he is not just an industry like "Lanshan Sports Hall", but because of Zhang Lan's incident, Ye Feng has also aroused many ideas in Ye Feng's heart, and he also plans to implement the idea of ​​​​the territory.

If you want your opponents to be afraid of you, there is no shortcut. Only by being strong can you make them afraid.

Some people have seen wild dogs and wolves hunting sheep, but who has seen them grinning at tigers?All of them ran away with their tails between their legs and whimpering.


Ye Feng told Chen Mengjie some ideas about how the company was looking for people, while Feng Zheng took a kitchen knife to kill chickens. He killed two of the four chickens, put the chicken blood in a bowl, and tied the other two chickens to the edge of the well.

In the evening, two chickens were put in a large iron pot and started to cook. Feng Sande asked Chen Mengjie to get some noodles at home, and prepared to stir the noodles and put a layer of noodles on the edge of the chicken soup in the earthen pot.

Leave a small amount to soak into the chicken soup, and it will have the taste of chicken soup.

Not to mention, the noodles made by Feng Sande were very good and very thin. The four of them ate and chatted around the iron pot, mostly listening to Feng Sande, who told a lot of stories.

It can never be finished.

However, Ye Feng also discovered that Feng Sande only talked about what he saw and heard. As for what happened between him and Feng Zheng, he remained silent and did not mention anything at all.

After dinner.

Feng Sande stretched out and started to go out with the two living chickens. In his words, after tonight, that stinky bitch Zhang Yumei would never want to point fingers at him again.

And help her fight against rice?
I bother!

Ye Feng was quite curious about what Feng Sande planned to do, so he and Chen Mengjie followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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