Recast youth

Chapter 258 Sometimes there is no choice

Chapter 258 Sometimes there is no choice
There is no choice but to call the police.

Ye Feng also wanted to bring hundreds of people to the door, beat the twenty or so people to the ground and beg for forgiveness, and slap them with a big mouth if they made a wrong look, but this kind of thing was unrealistic after all.

First of all, Ye Feng doesn't know so many gangsters. Second, this is illegal. It can be said that once Ye Feng finds so many people to take revenge, he will be on the blacklist of the anti-gang office the next day.

In reality, it does not mean that there are not hundreds of people gathering to fight, it just means that they are taking the road of society. Ye Feng is taking the road of businessmen. Revenge by hundreds of people does not apply to him. This kind of thing still mostly exists in movie plots. For It doesn't matter if you get knocked down. Anyone who wants to do business when going out will basically have to go through this.

In Ye Feng's previous life, he even heard that a foreign investor was invited to invest in a commercial building complex in a certain place. As soon as the building was completed, peach pickers came and there was a dispute over the property rights. Not only did the building have nothing to do with you, you also had to After being imprisoned, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of money were thrown into the water in vain, causing the world to respond, causing the earth to fail, and even the lawsuit could not be won.

If something like this happened, Ye Feng would really be heartbroken and would not rest in peace until death.

After calling 120 and the police, the ambulance came first. Chen Mengjie was fine, and Ye Feng was carried on a stretcher. It wasn't that he couldn't stand up at all because of the beating, but that he really didn't want to move.

Physical pain is secondary.

The key is that Ye Feng is a little tired. He has just started, and there are local snakes like this coming to him again and again to cause trouble. He bought the house by himself and hired a designer to design and decorate it. It is wrong not to transfer the shares to others. ?
Ye Feng knew that he was right, but he also knew one thing, that is, many rights and wrongs are not black and white. Many things are black and white mixed together, which turns into gray.

This is the so-called gray area. Just because you are reasonable does not mean that others will be reasonable with you. If everyone was reasonable, there would be no need for law enforcement agencies in this world.

Therefore, if you want others to reason with you, you must have the capital to be reasonable. What is the capital to be reasonable?


Fist is the capital of reason!
Ye Feng raised a hand and shook it. He was not angry, nor did he blame others. At least he had a direction and knew how to strengthen himself and make himself so hard that others would have a bloody head if they touched him. .

to the hospital.

Ye Feng and Chen Mengjie checked the items that should be checked, including B-ultrasound, brain CT, X-ray, etc., inside and out. There was no internal injury or internal bleeding, and some only serious damage to the subcutaneous tissue.

That means it will hurt for a few days.

Chen Mengjie was found to have a mild concussion. Not long after checking these items, Ye Feng was lying on the hospital bed for infusion. He suddenly had a headache, and then ran to the bathroom to vomit.

When he came out, his face was a little pale.

Seeing his ugly face, Ye Feng was a little worried: "Why don't you leave tonight and stay in the hospital overnight to rest."

"I'm fine, just a slight concussion. The doctor said I'll be fine in about two weeks." Chen Mengjie sat on the table and chair next to him and said, "My mother-in-law is still at home. I have to cook for her in the morning. Clean her up."

Ye Feng rarely had time to chat with Chen Mengjie, so he asked: "Is it embarrassing? Your girlfriend's mother, you are a boy."

"Yes, there's nothing we can do about it, right?" Chen Mengjie pressed his head, which was slightly dizzy, and said with a wry smile: "It's because of this that I was always scolded so badly by her. My mother-in-law was not like this before. She spoke very politely. , at the beginning, she refused to let me clean her up, and the excrement was left in the quilt for three days. She had no choice but to allow me to clean her up and change her pants. Then she cried very hard. She must have felt particularly embarrassed and worse than death. Thinking of this, I don’t blame her.”

"No way, any woman would feel embarrassed if she asked a man to change her clothes, especially if you are her daughter's boyfriend."

Ye Feng sighed and stopped talking about this. Every family has a difficult scripture to recite. Chen Mengjie's mother-in-law felt embarrassed, so why didn't Chen Mengjie feel embarrassed?It's just that sometimes, people really have no choice and no choice at all.Chen Mengjie nodded when he heard this, then apologized to Ye Feng, and said guiltily: "I'm really sorry today. It's all my fault. If I had been a little more tactful that day, I wouldn't have offended them."

"You can't say that." Ye Feng said: "Then I won't let you come to work at my place. You haven't had this problem yet, right? You won't even run into them. When things happen, they happen. Don't think too much about it. .”

Chen Mengjie nodded with a heavy face.

Ye Feng chatted with Chen Mengjie for a while, and soon the police came. They came from the High-tech Zone Police Station, because Ye Feng's sports hall was within the jurisdiction of the High-tech Zone Police Station.

three people.

One policeman and two auxiliary policemen.

The auxiliary policeman had a law enforcement recorder on his chest. The policeman was responsible for asking what happened, who was the name of the person who hit him, whether he recognized him, and whether there was any festival. Ye Feng answered one by one. He only knew the name of Chang Wei. As for the other one, The man's name was added by Chen Mengjie, saying that Chang Wei called him Dongzi.

Then the police asked Ye Feng to follow them to the police station.

The "Public Security Permit" was issued at the New District Police Station. Now after calling the police, the police did not arrest Chang Wei and his group, but asked Ye Feng to go with them to the police station. Chen Mengjie was not happy.

He stood up and said with a hint of dissatisfaction: "My boss is injured now, why should I go to the police station with you?"

The policeman glanced at Chen Mengjie and said: "Dialing 110 is only to deal with emergencies, which requires the police to be present. When the police arrive, they still need to go to the police station to report the relevant situation to the police officers. The police will record it and form a transcript, which will be used as evidence in the case. No further progress will be made." The case filing and investigation cannot be carried out, do you understand?"

"Then let me go." Chen Mengjie said with a pinched neck. Anyway, there was a knot in his heart that he couldn't get rid of.

"It's better for me to go. I have nothing serious, just a skin injury. Don't you still have to take care of your mother-in-law?"

Ye Feng pulled out the IV and pressed the needle hole with one hand to prevent blood from flowing out.

At this time, Ye Feng's cell phone rang. Ye Feng couldn't answer the call, so he asked Chen Mengjie to take the phone, put it to his ear, and it was Kong Jingke's call.

Kong Jingke asked him on the phone: "Aren't you going to come to the recording studio to sing? Where are you now?"

Ever since Ye Feng sang the song "Dust in Fireworks" to Kong Jingke in the recording studio again, Kong Jingke welcomed Ye Feng to sing in the recording studio when he had nothing to do. She would listen to it and sometimes help Ye Feng harmonize.

Ye Feng said: "I can't go."


"I was beaten. I'm currently in the hospital. Now I'm going to go to the police station with the police uncle to take notes." Ye Feng didn't intend to hide it from Kong Jingke, because his trauma wouldn't go away in a day or two, and he couldn't hide it.

Moreover, there was nothing to hide between him and Kong Jingke, and they had no scruples about getting along because there was nothing at stake.

(End of this chapter)

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