Recast youth

Chapter 224 National Event

Chapter 224 National Event

Chen Mengjie is a grateful person. Since his Achilles tendon injury, he has realized how difficult it is for a person to engage in a job he loves. Therefore, when the sports hall decoration was started, he behaved more than Zhuo Xing, who came from Hunan and Hong Kong, was more active. Basically, when Zhuo Xing came, he also arrived.

He felt that since the boss was away, he had to help him keep an eye on the decoration of the sports hall.

Early in the morning.

After Chen Mengjie took care of his mother-in-law's daily life, he came to the construction site. As soon as he entered the construction site, he found the boss and Zhuo Baixin squatting beside a partition wall, touching the wall, knocking here and there.

"What's wrong, Master Zhuo?" Chen Mengjie came over curiously. Now the area is being partitioned according to the drawings, and the framework is being built first.

Zhuo Jiji frowned and said nothing. Then he went to the side and took a hammer and started knocking on the partition wall.

Just when the designer Zhuo was knocking on the wall, people from the construction team also came. Seeing this, the person in charge with a hard hat quickly came over to stop Zhuo. He said angrily: "Why are you knocking on the wall?"

Chen Mengjie also didn't understand, but he could see that Master Zhuo was a little angry.

Zhuo Xi looked at the person in charge of the construction team expressionlessly, pointed at the wall, and said in a stern tone: "What did I say when I came to you for construction? You just made something like this for me?"

"What's wrong with this wall? Is there any problem?" The person in charge of the construction team also refused to give in, which increased their workload.

"What's the problem you say?"

Zhuo Jiji was a head taller than the head of the construction team, and he spoke in a domineering manner. Zhuo Jiji used a hammer to knock on the wall, making a hollow sound in some places: "Do you want to hear it yourself? According to my request, this wall was hammered. It should sound like a heavy sound, what kind of sound do you make?"

The person in charge of the construction team frowned and said, "It's just a regional partition wall. It will be painted with Nippon Paint or something later. Does it need to be made into a solid wall? It's not used as a load-bearing wall."

Zhuo Jixi looked at the person in charge of the construction team and laughed.

"Okay, you don't have to do anything. Let your boss bring over another construction team."

After saying that, Zhuo Baixi stopped talking nonsense to the person in charge of the construction team and asked Chen Mengjie to go out with him to smoke. Everyone stopped working today. The person in charge of the construction team was dumbfounded when he saw this.

I quickly caught up and explained, saying that such a wall is also acceptable. Some stores use foam partitions on their walls. As long as the space is separated and cannot be seen, it will be fine.

Zhuo Baixi didn't even listen, and asked his boss to replace the construction team with the same words.

After going out.

Zhuo Baizhi's attitude softened, he took out his cigarette and explained to Chen Mengjie, who was a little confused, that our investment in this sports hall was not 20 yuan, nor [-] yuan.

But upwards of 200 million.

It's also a high-end route.

What is a high-end route?High-end infrastructure is called high-end. For an ordinary place, this wall is enough. It has a cement wall inside and Nippon Paint on the outside to block the line of sight.But what do those with money want?
What they need is absolute privacy, not only the separation of sight lines, but also good sound insulation. If they are playing tennis here and the sound from the other side keeps coming, won't they feel uncomfortable?
Then Zhuo Xiba used a very vulgar metaphor to tell Chen Mengjie that even if the rich people were having sex here, they couldn't hear it there, so the effect they wanted was achieved.

Chen Mengjie somewhat understood the meaning of Dian Zhuo's baptism. He glanced at the helpless workers at the venue, thought for a moment and asked, "They have been doing this for so long. Are they really going to be replaced?"

"No, just teach them a lesson."

Zhuo Xixi said with a smile: "With such a big project, they are reluctant to leave this piece of meat behind. Let's wait for their boss to call."

Chen Mengjie was thoughtful.

Zhuo then taught Chen Mengjie some basic knowledge about decoration, such as the possible causes of hollow walls or hollow walls, such as the wrong ratio of gravel to cement, insufficient mixing, or insufficient water absorption by the bricks. It may cause the brick mortar to shrink and affect the bonding strength.

10 minute later.

Zhuo received a call from the boss of the construction team company. The boss apologized on the phone. Not long after, the head of the construction team also came over to apologize and asked Master Zhuo to give them another chance. All the workers under them had worked for five years. If a master master who is more than [-] years old is doing it again, he will definitely be able to do a good job.

Zhuo Baixi manipulated them for a while, and then said: "I work for money. Think about it, the boss plans to spend millions on decoration. Do you think you can surpass him if you don't do the details well?" Eyes?"

The person in charge of the construction team nodded like garlic.

The wall could be renovated, but in the end it was demolished and rebuilt under Zhuo Xiba's unkind demands. Since Zhuo Xiba and Chen Mengjie stayed at the construction site day and night to supervise the work, everyone in the construction team felt tremendous pressure and started working. There is no way not to work hard.

This has also led to a significant increase in the progress and quality of renovation projects.



Chen Mengjie would report the progress of the construction site to Ye Feng every day, including the conflict between Zhuo Baixi and the construction team. Ye Feng had always wanted to go, but he was held back by another thing.

That is, as w5173's business becomes more and more extensive, the company needs to expand its model, and various departments also need to be established, such as the expansion of the customer service department, as well as the design department, R&D department, planning department, editorial department, and marketing department. Operations.

These departments all need to be set up.

Currently, He San and Li Dahai are in charge of the operations department, but they are not good at this. To be precise, they should be technical positions belonging to the R&D department and testing department.

As the company expanded, the shortage of generals and soldiers became a problem facing Ye Feng.

At the same time, after entering mid-March, housing prices skyrocketed, not only in Dongzhou City, but also in all cities, with Yanjing and Shanghai experiencing the largest increases.

(End of this chapter)

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