Recast youth

Chapter 215

Chapter 215
Why do people live?

What is the meaning of rebirth?
Ye Feng had thought about these two questions more than once or twice in private. He might have asked a hundred people and got a hundred answers. Ye Feng also had the answer for himself, but he was just strengthening his heart step by step.

What state was Ye Feng in in his previous life?Passivity, escaping, even escaping from his family, in his words, means that he has accepted it all his life, bowing to life and the world.

However, in this life, on December 2001, 12, Ye Feng was reborn. It was ridiculous, but it did happen. He had the opportunity to start over again, as if someone somewhere heard his murmur. With his words, the clock hand of his destiny was adjusted again.

Ye Feng rarely recalls things from his past life. More importantly, he wants to regard his past life as a dream. He had a dream for more than ten years, and then woke up in class on December 2002, 12.

He has no previous life.

He just had a dream, woke up from the dream, and started all over again.

In this life, Ye Feng has not been expelled from school. He no longer wants to adopt an evasive attitude, and there is no need to escape. To put it bluntly, in terms of money, who can he be worse than Ye Feng?
What does he need to escape from?
He didn't need to escape from anything or anyone, so when Ye Ma asked him to go to his second aunt's house with her for a gift for the second time, Ye Feng agreed. His grandma died early, and only his grandpa and uncle were at home, so he also I want to visit my grandpa.

When we were almost at grandpa’s house.

Ye Feng also passed by Malanhua's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who had a quarrel with their mother in the previous life. However, in this life Ye Feng did not drop out of school and had nothing for them to talk about. Their attitudes were completely different.

Say hello with a smile, the college student is back.

Who would have thought that in their previous life, they would speak so unpleasantly behind their backs, and even say anything about the top of the head being out of alignment and the bottom of the head being crooked?It can only be said that people's hearts are separated from each other, and they have taken the practice of doing one thing in front of others and another behind the scenes to the extreme.

When he arrived at his grandpa's house, Ye Feng took the gifts he had bought in advance. As the old rule, he still bought melatonin. There was no other way. The advertisement was loud. Gifts are hard currency these days, and people know this.

However, Ye Feng was also thinking that this would not be the case when he comes here next year. With a car, he would bring back more good skin care products, such as deer antler, cordyceps, ginseng and the like.

Of course, Ye Feng was inspired by what happened the day his eldest sister came back. When he saw his eldest sister coming back with gifts, she went to her grandpa's house to see her before going home. This made Ye Feng's face burn.

The autism in his previous life really deprived him of his ability to communicate with his family and friends. When he came back from Yanjing, he didn't even think of bringing back some specialties, such as Quanjude roast duck.

At that night, you should have seen something from the longing words of younger sister Ye Qing.

Ye Feng's grandfather is named Zhang Zhimin. He was a cadre in the village in his early years. It was only with this residual power that he could overpower an old woman like Ma Lanhua. In the late 80s, the organization originally transferred him to Xuzhou as a mine director or factory director, but he didn't. go.

In the previous life, Ma Ye's sisters often joked that if your grandpa went to be the mine manager, you would be the third generation of the rich. As for why they didn't go, according to the elders, grandpa had a little girl in the village, and he Can't bear to...

In this way, Ye Feng missed the opportunity to become the third generation of rich people. Otherwise, he still had a small chance to stand up.

There were also many people paying New Year's greetings on the second day of the lunar new year. After a while, a few more relatives and friends came to the house. Grandpa began to worship tea, water and cakes with his aunt. This is the etiquette in Ye Feng's hometown. When guests come to the house, they have to invite them to tea and cakes. , usually fruits, biscuits, sugar, pastries and the like. …

It was almost noon.

Ye Feng, Ye Ma and uncle belatedly arrived at the second aunt's house. There were already many relatives and friends sitting in front of the house. Today is the engagement day of the second aunt's daughter. There are one son and one daughter in the second aunt's family. One year older than Ye Feng, he went out to work after graduating from junior high school.

In Ye Feng's previous life, on the second day of the Lunar New Year in 2003, this was the second unpleasant point.

His second aunt's daughter is Cheng Hong, and her boyfriend is Tang Qiang. They are not highly educated and have not graduated from elementary school. They rely on a relative of his to do waterproofing projects on highways or train tunnels in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places, and they are doing well.

This person is the same as Wang Lei, a classmate Ye Feng met at his high school reunion in 2005. He is a villain with a arrogant attitude, drives a Volkswagen Poussin, and buys hard-charging Chinese cars.

The lighter was a windproof type, and he lit up a cigarette in a coquettish manner. When he saw others serving food, he also especially liked to step on others to promote himself. Ye Feng was a college student who had been dropped out of school at the time. He was undoubtedly the taller among the short ones, and became him. The best person to step on.

Originally, Ye Feng was not related to this person. Ye Feng sat at the same table as his peers. This Tang Qiang sat at the main table with Cheng Hong, the eldest sister of the second aunt's family, and sat at the same table with his uncle and others. He also did the same. When it comes to talking and laughing, hard words are coming out one by one.

But when he finished accompanying the main table, he brought wine to the table where Aunt Ye Feng and his brothers were sitting, and toasted everyone’s drinks. There was nothing wrong with Aunt Ye Feng, and her relationship with Ye Feng was okay. Next to his boyfriend, he introduced that Ye Feng He is the only one among our aunts and sisters who has been admitted to college. As a brother-in-law, do you have a good way to take care of him?

After hearing this, her boyfriend Tang Qiang had a playful look on his face. He glanced at Ye Feng with a half-smile and said, "Okay, college student. Which university did you graduate from?"
Ye Feng was expelled from Dongcheng University at that time. He didn't have the nerve to say that he was a college student, so he told about his expulsion. As a result, the ridicule in Tang Qiang's eyes became even more obvious.

He said: It’s a bit difficult if you haven’t graduated from college. Nowadays, college students are of no use. Look at me, my brother, I haven’t even graduated from elementary school. Now, aren’t I still sitting in the office while those college graduates clean my house?

Ye Feng was already unhappy in the morning because of the quarrel between Ye Ma and others. Hearing Tang Qiang's unpleasant words, he couldn't help but talk back a few times, and then he was targeted all the time.

In the end, Ye Feng vomited so badly that he lost a lot of people. After his grandpa's mother, Ye's mother, found out about this, she was even more angry. She didn't eat for several days after returning home, which made Ye Feng feel even more guilty.


Ye Feng looked at the young man standing with his aunt in front of Poussin's car. He had short hair, a slightly hooked nose, and smoked when he saw his elders. The memories of his past life came to mind one by one.

This person is Tang Qiang.

In his previous life, Ye Feng had a young mind and couldn't understand many things. When he saw this person for the first time, he was envious. He had his own car before he was thirty, and he always smoked Chinese cigarettes.

Now, Ye Feng discovered something. Tang Qiang, in addition to being a villain who likes to step on others and praise himself, is also very utilitarian, because when this person smokes, he basically only sends out his advice to his elders, and almost none of his peers. I only sent it to a young man who drove over in a horse-drawn carriage, and I only talked to him. Even when I chatted with other people, it was in a condescending tone.

(End of this chapter)

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