Recast youth

Chapter 210 Ye Feng and his family

Chapter 210 Ye Feng’s family
"Are you home yet?"

At around ten o'clock in the evening, when Ye Feng was still an hour away from home, he received a text message from Li Jia.

Ye Feng asked: "No, are you home?"

Li Jia said, "Well, I just got home. I'm exhausted from the car ride and my back is sore. When you get home, send me a text message."

"I'm almost home in an hour." Ye Feng replied.

"Then I'll eat first and wait until you get home."

After reading this text message, Ye Feng put away his phone. Originally, he was sleeping against the car window, but now he couldn't fall asleep again. It was already dark outside. The bus got off the expressway very early and took the national highway, going from place to place. of parking.

There are many black buses waiting to pick up passengers on the roadside. Once the bus stops, people flock to it.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone again, dug out his address book, and stopped at the note number "Zhang Lan's father" and fell into deep thought. He was a person who didn't believe in coincidences.

Li Jia was usually very carefree and rarely cared about anything. Suddenly, she became very angry. Why?Is it just because Zhang Lan's note is "Zhang Lan's father"?

Ye Feng first changed the note to Zhang Lan, then hesitated for a while, but finally chose not to call.


It was past eleven o'clock at night.

After struggling all day, Ye Feng finally got off the bus at the station. He thought about walking back, but unexpectedly he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw his father sitting on a motorcycle across the road. Go up, holding a flashlight in your hand and waving to yourself.

Ye Feng's hometown is a coastal city, close to the sea. People who have never been there can never imagine the coldness at night. The cold wind howls, the humidity is extremely heavy, and it is the kind of cold that penetrates into one's bones.

Ye Feng had already seen that his father's ears, face, and hands were all red from the cold. He felt hot in his heart and said, "I can just go back by myself. It's so late and it's freezing to death."

Dad Ye breathed in the heat and said, "It snowed in my hometown two days ago, and the snow melted. There was water on the road. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to see me, and my shoes would get wet and my feet would freeze, so I came here to wait for you."

"Hold the flashlight for me." Father Ye handed the flashlight to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took the flashlight and got into the car, and said coldly: "Don't motorcycles have headlights?"

"I don't know when you will arrive, I'm afraid the battery is out of power." Ye Dad started the motorcycle. Ye Feng heard what he said, and did not mention such low-level issues as the motorcycle can automatically generate electricity when it is started.

It was obvious that my father was reluctant to part with gasoline.

Ye Feng leaned on his father's back and chatted with Dad Ye over and over as he went back. Dad Ye said that his eldest sister bought the motorcycle after paying him 2 yuan.


It's very easy to use. The electric ignition starts when you press it. It's convenient to go anywhere. It's just a bit expensive, almost 5000 yuan.

When Dad Ye said this, there was a hint of pride in his words. He also asked Ye Feng about the w5173 website. He asked Ye Feng a few words that he didn't understand, so he stopped asking. Instead, he said that he would ride a motorcycle again tomorrow. It’s not cold anymore, so your mother sewed two hand guards for me out of cotton, one on each side of the car faucet handle, so that my hands wouldn’t freeze.

There was still a faintly proud and showy tone.

This 43-year-old man also has his own favorite things and joys.

The old man carried Ye Feng, a man of two generations, through the damp streets and alleys with pride. Ye Feng listened to Ye's father's chatter, and his heart was filled with warmth. After all, this life was different.Under night.

Ye Feng, who was right behind Father Ye, had eyes as bright as stars.

After arriving home, Ye's father pushed the motorcycle into the yard and gave Ye Feng hot food. It was a very simple home-cooked meal. After eating, Ye Feng got into bed. There was actually a hot water cover in the bed, making it warm after getting in. .



The next day, just after dawn, Ye Feng woke up from the cold. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Qing put her hand on his cheek and said with a smile: "Brother, how are you? Is it cool or not? Is it irritating?"

Ye Feng pretended to hit him with a pillow.

Ye Qing immediately withdrew two meters away: "Well, then, I put the hot water in your quilt. Ye Feng, don't be heartless and repay kindness with hatred."

"Give it back to you." Ye Feng took the hot water out of the bed angrily. Being woken up in the morning this winter naturally made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

"I don't want it anymore. If you use it, it must be smelly from your feet."

Ye Qing snorted, then came over, her eyes rolling: "Brother, I heard that you went to Yanjing this time. Is Yanjing fun? Are the buildings very high? There are many blue eyes and white eyes." A foreigner with skin?"

Ye Feng instantly understood what Ye Qing was thinking. This girl was completely different from him and his eldest sister. She had ADHD. He glanced at Ye Qing and said, "Yes, that building is taller."

"How tall is Lao Gao? Is it as high as a five-story building?" Ye Qing's eyes lit up and she became energetic.

Ye Feng said seriously: "That's much higher than the 5th floor. Do you want to count them? I'm telling you, there are urban management officials in the big city of Yanjing. If you go to count other people's buildings, you will be fined."

Ye Feng was actually just teasing Ye Qing, but Ye Qing turned around and snorted: "Hey, who's going to count the height of the building? I'm just asking, so I won't do such an old-fashioned thing."

Say it again.

But Ye Qing's bright eyes still revealed that she really wanted to go to a big city like Yanjing. This girl's eyes are very beautiful, it should be said that they are black and white, very clear, and she also has many evil ideas. Now It's okay when she's older. When she was a child, she was beaten three times a day by her mother. It was hard for Ye Feng to see her when she wasn't beaten.

After Ye Qing made such a fuss, Ye Feng couldn't sleep anymore. After getting up, Ye's mother was cooking, and Ye's father was busy installing the hand guards made by Ye's mother on both sides of the faucet handles.

Ye Qing kept pestering Ye Feng, asking him some interesting things about Yanjing, and then discussed pitifully with Ye Feng whether he could take her to Yanjing to see more. He also said that a classmate in their class had taken the ferry and had been to Zhenjiang. On an island, unlike her, she was miserable and had never been within a five-mile radius of the county. She wanted to brag but was afraid of blowing herself off.

After Ye Feng smiled and nodded, Ye Qing almost jumped up and shouted, "Long live my brother, long live, long live, long live my brother."


In the next few days, Ye Feng had nothing to do and stayed at home. During the day, he would occasionally take Ye Qing out to eat and drink without telling his parents. Sometimes he would think about buying a car again. If he didn't have a car, he would go to his hometown. It's really a bit inconvenient.

But when he thought that it would cost a lot of money to renovate the sports hall after the new year, Ye Feng gave up again. As for the eldest sister Ye Yun, she said that she was a little busy at the garment factory and had to wait for her employer to pay the wages and then pay the workers. She had to wait for her return. If so, it would be around 25 at least.

Ye Feng was looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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