Recast youth

Chapter 174

Chapter 174
Kong Jingke has been very tired recently.

These days, she has basically visited all the decoration companies in Dongzhou City to compare decoration plans and drawings. She also went to the market to compare and obtain decoration materials. The decoration style is mainly black and white, simple and elegant.

The material is made of environmentally friendly materials.

Because the music training class is for children, we must pay attention to formaldehyde matters. The second floor is a different practice area. She placed the recording studio on the third floor. She spent less than half of the money on the recording studio.

How could a person who graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music not have some musical dreams?
In addition to the recording studio, the attentive Kong Jingke also left an office for Ye Feng. Watching the office being slowly decorated like a fire, an indescribable sense of accomplishment emerged from his heart.

Therefore, apart from going to the hospital for a period of time every day, Kong Jingke basically spent time in the studio, dragging his tired body home until evening. After returning home, Kong Jingke saw that Ye Feng had not come back yet, so he cleaned up first. Then I started practicing the piano, envisioning what the training class would look like after it opened.

As for Ye Feng, Kong Jingke has been avoiding her these days. Since the last incident, she has started to avoid Ye Feng. She feels that the meeting will be particularly embarrassing and does not want to make it clear.

I'm also giving myself excuses these days.

Ye Feng is a 21-year-old boy who is in puberty.

Well, as long as he doesn't mess around.

Kong Jingke used this as an excuse for Ye Feng.


Ye Feng and Li Jia considered that there was another woman at home. After watching the movie, neither of them went home. Instead, they went to the city's Pliss Hotel to open a water bed room. The price was not low. The average monthly salary per person was only For four, 500 yuan, the room fee cost 260 yuan.

The lights in the room are also warm light.

"Graduation is in one semester, what are you going to do?"

"Maybe we can do some business." Ye Feng thought for a while and said.

Li Jia asked: "Are the plug-ins discontinued?"

"I won't do it." Ye Feng nodded. Now he really doesn't need to do plug-ins. The money earned by the w5173 website is enough for him. It has a good cash flow. The only one who has anything to do with plug-ins is Ge. Zhang's Fengxing Studio.

Li Jia held her chin up and said happily: "Ye Feng, why don't you go to Yanjing with me after graduation? Yanjing is a big city with many job opportunities."

"I can't go to Yanjing yet. Why should I go to Yanjing? Isn't it better to just stay in Dongzhou City?" Ye Feng hesitated and said.

"Then why can't you go to Yanjing with me?" Li Jia was a little unhappy. In her opinion, the cities with the highest upper limit were Yanjing and Shanghai. She wanted to go to such a big city, but Ye Feng actually didn't go with her. Go with her.

But she was a little unwilling to stay in Dongzhou. Although Dongzhou was not bad, it was still far behind international cities like Yanjing and Shanghai.

"I still have something to do here." Ye Feng explained that his current w5173 headquarters is in Dongzhou City, and he can't leave at all, and the training class he opened with Kong Jingke is about to be renovated.

After the business opens, I have to help Kong Jingke think about the later marketing and operations. A good studio operation is very important. "That's okay, I have one semester left to graduate anyway."

Li Jia didn't dwell on this topic, but she felt a little depressed in her heart. She felt like she was locked in a cage and lost her freedom. For her, Yanjing and Shanghai were the ones outside the cage. world.

But she also knew that Ye Feng was her most suitable partner, so she could only try slowly to see if she could convince him. Anyway, cheats couldn't be done now, and it would be the same wherever he was.

Ye Feng didn't say anything. After Kong Jingke's reminder, he couldn't help but think about what he should do after graduation. w5173 makes good money, but there is a limit to the website. There are ceilings. It's not like Taobao and, which are all kinds. Everything is sold.

Moreover, Ye Feng doesn't want to face the problem of account transactions in the later stage of the website, because it is really difficult to prevent account retrieval. In his previous life, Ye Feng had nothing, no car and no house.

So in this life, he really wants to start an industry, but what kind of industry can make money?You have to know that in the next few years, when everything is purchased online, it will be really difficult to do business in the physical industry.

Ye Feng wants to start a real business that can make money and make friends, but he has no idea for the time being. He already has more than 300 million in his bank account, and the feeling of having money but not being able to spend it makes him uncomfortable.

Ye Feng saw that Li Jia was a little unhappy, so he coaxed her and took her to Yanjing to climb the Great Wall and see the Forbidden City during the winter vacation. Li Jia's face turned cloudy.

Ye Feng wanted to use the 300 million to buy two houses in Yanjing to increase their value.

The next day, when the sky was dark, Ye Feng woke up. Seeing that Li Jia was still sleeping, he didn't call her. He got out of bed, opened the curtains, and looked at the street below the Plaza Hotel. It was just now. At early five o'clock in the morning, the road was already popular.

There are passing vehicles.

There were vendors pushing carts selling breakfast, workers stopping to buy breakfast, and a few who had just finished buying breakfast. Seeing that the factory truck was about to leave, they hurried over and got on the factory truck.

Ye Feng couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It was almost impossible for a person to start from scratch without family background. He was probably like those busy people on the street, spending a whole day earning a meager salary.

After standing on the window sill and watching for a while, Ye Feng had a clear plan for his future path after graduation. Perhaps because he had a lot of money in his card recently, Ye Feng had slacked off a lot.

Many things were not done properly.

w5173 is performing well now, but it is actually in a situation where there is a wolf in front and a tiger behind. Now consignment transactions, guaranteed transactions, and overtime compensation are all w5173's advantages.

However, as the game virtual trading platform matures, apprentices and hungry tigers in the game trading industry will also come one after another. By May next year, Taobao will be established. With its own e-commerce advantages, it will also launch professional Game trading platform.

Next, the major online game companies will follow the concept of not leaving the money to outsiders. Kirin and NetEase will also prepare to build their own game trading platforms. Finally, the end game market will stabilize and the mobile game field will show an explosive trend. The characteristics of mobile games It has been decided that there is no need to rely too much on third-party trading platforms, and game trading platforms will gradually decline.

You can see the rise and you can see the decline.

This is the hidden worry in Ye Feng's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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