Recast youth

Chapter 112 Li Jia takes the initiative

Chapter 112 Li Jia takes the initiative

Women are very emotional animals. Sometimes they become very happy when they think of happy things, and sometimes they suddenly become sad.

Moreover, women always think too deeply when they think about things, and may even be confused. At this time, especially in the quiet night, it is easy to think wildly and even feel particularly lonely.

Li Jia will also be sad.

But the reason for her sadness is not loneliness, but worry. She is worried that she will become farther and farther away from Ye Feng. She does not reject being with Ye Feng, and she is even willing to give herself to him.

These days, it's not that she doesn't want to meet Ye Feng. On the contrary, she really wants to. She just said that what Ye Feng said in her dream that night really scared her. She was particularly afraid that Ye Feng would ask her one day if he was interested in her. He is still money.

Li Jia felt a little guilty.

When Chen Qingyin revealed that Li Man was Ye Feng's first love, she felt even more guilty. Not only was she guilty, but she was also worried that Li Man would know that Ye Feng was now rich and would look back.

When the time comes, will Ye Feng be able to resist the tearful redemption of his first love?

Li Jia knows very well the destructive power of first love in a man's heart, just as she knows the destructive power of first love in a woman's heart.

Therefore, after driving Shen Yu out of the kitchen, Li Jia decided to take the initiative.

"Why don't you look for me?" Li Jia asked, standing next to Ye Feng.

"It's been a little busy the past few days."

Ye Feng also felt that what he did as a man was a bit wrong, and explained: "Two of my friends fought and got into the police station a few days ago. I have been busy with this matter."

"Fighting? Are they okay?" Li Jia asked with concern.

Ye Feng shook his head: "It's okay, everything has been solved."

"Ah That's good."

When Li Jia said this, she was a little speechless. The next moment, she blushed and stammered like a mosquito: "Well... how did you fall asleep when you went back that night?"

"Why did you fall asleep?" Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what Li Jia meant.

Li Jia rolled her eyes at Ye Feng in embarrassment: "Are you really not understanding or pretending not to be?"

Ye Feng reacted immediately, and then concealed it awkwardly: "You have to sleep even if you can't sleep."

"I can't even sleep...and..." Li Jia's face turned redder and redder, and her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her throat. She was embarrassed and nervous, but she understood very well that men like to hear this... …

Sure enough, Ye Feng took the bait and subconsciously asked: "And what happened?"

"It was just very uncomfortable... Later I had a dream, and in the dream..." Li Jia blushed and suddenly stopped talking in the middle of her whisper.

Ye Feng was not a fool in his two lives. How could he not guess what Li Jia said?His body reacted immediately, and his breathing became much heavier.

"What were you doing in the dream?" Ye Feng was a little uneasy and almost cut his hands when chopping vegetables.

Li Jia twisted and said, "That's right, it's just what I told you in the dream..."

"What happened to that?"

Ye Feng slowly asked in a coaxing manner, as if he had been injected with chicken blood. In fact, this was in line with Li Jia's thoughts. Li Jia rolled his eyes at Ye Feng and said, "Humph, you just asked knowingly."

Ye Feng shouted "Unjust" and said: "I really didn't ask knowingly." "What can a man and a woman do?" Li Jia pinched Ye Feng's waist angrily, insisting that he would be so embarrassed to say such shameful words.

Ye Feng laughed: "How do you think I know?"

Li Jia was in a good mood. She finally felt that the embarrassment between her and Ye Feng was gone. Then she decided to reward him again, and then complained with a blushing face: "It's all your fault, I have to pester you in my dream." He forced me to do that thing, causing me to wake up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, and had to take a shower."

"Actually, I also had that dream, but in the dream you took the initiative on me, and then I got up in the middle of the night and washed it." Ye Feng said, but he didn't say that he was washing pants...

"Bah, how could I take the initiative!"

Li Jia pinched Ye Feng's waist in embarrassment again, and the blow was a bit harsh. Even though Ye Feng was more tolerant, he couldn't help but grin and scream in pain.

Then Shen Yu's voice started shouting in the living room.

"Hey, hey, what are you two doing in the kitchen? Are you cooking or flirting? Can you consider Qingyin and I's feelings?"

Li Jia was so shouted out by Shen Yu that she almost didn't think about finding a sewer to get into.

Seeing Li Jia's blushing face, Ye Feng felt angry again, but this time he was not impulsive, so he suggested in a low voice: "Do you want to stay tonight? There is air conditioning in my room..."

Li Jia understood the meaning of Ye Feng's words and responded in a low voice: "No... If I stay, Chen Qingyin will definitely laugh at me tomorrow."

"Then next time..." Ye Feng thought that was all he could do.

Li Jia turned his head and looked at Ye Feng's stern and flawless profile, and asked, "Then who am I to you now? Am I your friend?"

"Absolutely." Ye Feng nodded. Li Jia's personality is not bad, and they are quite good together.

Li Jia snorted: "That's pretty much it. You didn't even confirm your relationship with me last time, so you just wanted to bring trouble to me. You're a big pervert."

Ye Feng said with some embarrassment: "Then if you stick so close to me, if I don't respond, wouldn't it be the same as being incompetent?"

"Then I don't care. Anyway, you didn't confirm your relationship with me at that time."

Li Jiajiao snorted, then thought about it and said: "When Lin Rui had a girlfriend, he treated everyone to a meal and introduced Wang Yan to everyone. When will you introduce my identity to your friends? ah?"

"I'll make arrangements in a few days." Ye Feng thought to himself that he would be almost done with the company's affairs in the past two days, and it would be good to get together with the people in the dormitory then.

Li Jia asked: "Are we also going to Sunshine Pier? Lin Rui and Shen Yu both invited us to Sunshine Pier. It doesn't seem right if we invite them to go to a different place..."

"Okay, then let's go to Sunshine Pier." Ye Feng didn't care about this, nor did he and Shen Yu. However, he thought what Li Jia said made sense. After all, there were Chen Qingyin and Wang Yan.

What if Chen Qingyin and Wang Yan have ideas?

Also, you have to talk to Lin Rui about withdrawing from the plug-in share. This will not only allow Lin Rui to make more money, but you can also try to avoid things that may cause trouble.

As for Lin Rui's side, nothing is wrong. He is a straggler and no one will punish him.

But it's different for me. Whether it's Fengxing Studio or w5173, it's possible for someone to deal with it. After all, the last time the website was smeared is still fresh in my mind.

These thoughts flashed through Ye Feng's mind, and then he turned on the natural gas stove, poured oil in and started cooking. He stopped thinking about it for the time being, just take it one step at a time and wait until the soldiers come to cover up the water and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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