Chapter 8 Su Wan Harvests Bricks and Repays

Open the supply box.

"Materials obtained: cornerstone*1, stone block*3, metal piece*5, tub manufacturing drawing*1."

"It seems that four supply boxes have been opened today, but there is no food at all. What kind of luck is this?" Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Fortunately, he still has sea fish!

Speaking of sea fish, Xiao Yi just remembered that he can make the grill first!

"Grill Manufacturing Diagram (Level C): Metal Sheet*10."

Now Xiao Yi already has 22 metal plates, so it is more than enough to make a barbecue grill, he doesn't want to eat burnt sea fish anymore.

Find the production page of the island monument, click manufacture, the materials disappear, and a barbecue grill appears on the island monument.

Choose an open space and put the grill out.

"Su Wan asked to talk to you, do you agree?" Daobei suddenly issued a reminder. "Agreed!" Xiao Yi responded.

Su Wan's excited figure appeared on the screen.

"Xiao Yi, I successfully captured a material box, and the cornerstone came out of it!" Su Wan said happily.

"Then expand the island quickly!" Xiao Yi said with a thumbs up.

"It's two yuan in total, let's each get one piece!" Su Wan replied, according to the previous agreement, each of them will get 50% of the catch.

"My current island has enough area, you can use it yourself!" Xiao Yi refused.

"No, it was agreed before, half of each person!" Su Wan insisted.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and asked, "Apart from the foundation stone, what else is in the supplies box?"

"There are still 6 metal pieces." Su Wan replied.

"Then I want all these 6 metal pieces, you just need to keep the cornerstone!" Xiao Yi replied.

Su Wan hesitated for a moment, then said, "Thank you!"

She knew that Xiao Yi must have taken care of her, so he chose not to ask for a cornerstone.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Now I need a lot of metal pieces here, as long as you find them, keep them for me!"

"No problem!" Su Wan replied, after trading the metal pieces, she hung up the call, and then began to use the cornerstones to expand her small island.

Seeing that the area of ​​her island had increased by two square meters, Su Wan widened her eyes and said, "Is it really possible?"

"I'm going to continue fishing for supply boxes, and I must find more metal pieces to repay Xiao Yi!" Su Wan swore secretly.

If Xiao Yi hadn't told her the rules here and just groped for himself, he might have drowned before he finished groping.

Calculated in this way, Xiao Yi was kind enough to save his life.

Xiao Yi has already started to process his own sea fish and is ready to roast it.

Remove all the viscera and gills of the fish at the seaside. This time there is a toolbox, which makes it much more convenient to handle!

Finally, rinse it with mineral water for a while. The amount used is very small. Before the water purifier is built, it can only be saved.

After rinsing, Xiao Yi put the fish on the grill.

"Grill (Grade C): The firepower is relatively stable, and it can be used to make do with it, but you must pay attention to turning it over, otherwise it will still be burnt, and you need to add wood."

"One piece of wood can last for 2 hours of barbecue!" "So wood is still a daily consumable!" Xiao Yi muttered, and then added a piece of wood to the barbecue rack.

After igniting it with the ignition device in the multi-function toolbox, Xiao Yi began to carefully turn the fish over.

After a while, the smell of grilled fish came out.

"Tsk tsk, the grill is much more reliable than building a fire by yourself! Grilling fish isn't difficult!" Xiao Yi said proudly.

"Should I remind Su Wan to pay attention to handling food that smells of blood?" Looking at the grilled fish, Xiao Yi thought of the shark.

Then he immediately left a message to Su Wan on the island tablet, explaining the situation.

After finally finding someone to chat with, Xiao Yi and Su Wan probably didn't want any problems with each other.

"What? The cornerstone of your island was attacked by a shark? How are you? Are you okay?" Su Wan quickly sent a video and asked nervously.

"It's okay, that's what happened before, and it's been resolved!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Hearing that Xiao Yi was fine, Su Wan felt relieved, and at the same time her stomach growled, Su Wan said shyly, "Since it's fine, that's fine, I'll continue to fish for supply boxes!"

"You go ahead, wait a minute, I'll treat you to grilled fish!" Xiao Yi also heard Su Wan's stomach growling, so he said.

"But I didn't catch anything to exchange with you!" Su Wan was even more embarrassed.

"It's okay, maybe the next supply box you catch will have what I want!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, then I'll go fishing first!" Su Wan replied, and then left the island monument.

After leaving the island monument, Su Wan looked at the supply box more than 20 meters away from her, and said to herself, "I must catch you!"

According to the direction in which the material box is drifting, it will be the closest to you after about 1 minute, about 20 meters away.

20 meters is already the limit of her current fishing net. If she can't seize this opportunity, she probably won't be able to net into other supply boxes today!

There is indeed another material box on the sea, but that material box is a full 50 meters away from him. According to estimates, even if he drifts to the closest distance to Su Wan, it is at least 40 meters away!
There is no chance at all!

Su Wan looked at the supply box closest to her, secretly calculating.

"That's the point!" Su Wan shouted secretly, and then threw out the fishing net in her hand with all her strength.

The fishing net flew into the air, and then spread out, accurately covering the supply box!
"It's done!" Su Wan said happily, and then began to pull the supply box to her own island.

"It's so heavy!" Su Wan thought to herself, "I hope I can gain something more."

After spending a lot of effort to pull the supply box to the shore, Su Wan was almost exhausted, so she supported her exhausted body and opened the supply box.


Su Wan saw the bottle of mineral water at a glance. She licked her chapped lips, opened the bottle of mineral water immediately, and drank half of the bottle.

Then she walked to the island monument and asked to speak to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi just finished grilling the fish right now, and it looked pretty good, at least the description text was no longer burnt fish.

"Grilled fish: 2kg, although there are no seasonings, it is a good thing to fill your stomach!"

"I just netted another supply box, which contains 2 cornerstones, 5 bricks, a 500ml bottle of mineral water, and a 100g pack of instant noodles!" Su Wan said shyly, "However, I'm too thirsty. I've already drank the water, if you don't mind, I can give you the remaining half bottle!"

"If he really doesn't mind, do you really want to trade the half bottle of mineral water to him? Isn't that the equivalent of an indirect kiss?" Su Wan shook her head, as if she wanted to get rid of this untimely nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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