The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 666 The Conference Begins

Chapter 666 The Conference Begins

The game is about to start, and almost everyone's attention is focused on the Sheep Fighting Conference.

All the talk was about the Sheep Fighting Conference.

As long as they can get a good ranking or win, not only can they get generous bonuses, but their rams will also be very valuable and can be used as breeding sheep.

It costs a lot of money to use it just once.

Lin Hai suddenly had an idea and thought of a good method.

The rams sent by the Turks to fight sheep were all the best at home, but fighting sheep had certain dangers.

There is a high probability that he will be killed during the game. Such a huge loss is difficult to accept.

You can take the opportunity to sell insurance, and everyone who participates in the Sheep Fighting Conference can buy an insurance policy for their own sheep.

If you die in a sheep fighting tournament, you can get part of the compensation.

This will make up for all losses.

There are so many people participating in the competition, even if they pay part of the money for compensation, they will still make money in the end.

There will be no disputes over sheep being killed.

Lin Hai told everyone his thoughts, and everyone immediately agreed.

"The method you came up with is really good. If someone's sheep is killed in a fight, they will definitely feel resentful.

Our competition will be counterproductive.

Being able to get generous compensation can prevent this from happening.

As long as the insurance premium is not too expensive, someone will definitely be willing to buy it. "Yuhuashi's eyes lit up after hearing this.

I really admire Lin Hai for having so many wonderful ideas.

"The insurance premium won't be too high! There are so many people participating, just charge a little from each family.

Calculate in advance how many sheep will be killed or injured, and then charge according to the number registered.

The main thing is to ensure that everyone can get reasonable compensation and not lose money. " Lin Hai explained.

Lin Hai ordered this matter to go ahead and find a professional to calculate it carefully.

The insurance business was soon launched.

By purchasing insurance for the price of a meal, you can protect your sheep and get compensation if it dies during the competition.

You must know that the best ram in the family is selected, and if it dies, it will definitely be a big loss.

This insurance business is indeed very attractive.

Most people who compete take out an insurance policy.

The income is actually quite good.

After two days, everything was ready.

The game started enthusiastically.

In the first round of screening, hundreds of competition venues were conducted simultaneously.

A crowd of people gathered around each arena to watch.

Most of the people watching placed bets on this event.

Of course I am very concerned about the results of the game.

The cheering was very enthusiastic and loud, and the scene was extremely passionate.

There are many small vendors setting up stalls around the game.

Sell ​​some food and drink.

Lin Hai has a lot of reference experience for this kind of enthusiastic activity.

The government has long been asked to plan the stalls in advance and recruit vendors to collect the stalls.

Business at these little stalls is booming.

The people watching were so thirsty that they bought something to eat and drink.

The podium was set up next to the competition venue, with Xiang Tianxing and a group of officials serving as judges.

Lin Hai is also watching here.

Looking at the extremely enthusiastic crowd, Tianxing bowed in admiration.

I thought it would cost a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, the stall fee alone cost hundreds of taels of silver.

The insurance premiums also cost thousands of taels, and the money invested has already been paid back.

The amount of the bet shocked Xiang Tianxing.

I collected tens of thousands of taels of silver from my early bets.

It is estimated that the profit from each game is at least tens of thousands of taels.

This was Lin Hai's attempt to make the first Sheep Fighting Conference a success.The proportion of bonuses has been specially increased a lot.

Let those who participate win more money.

Just have fun and wait until next year and there will definitely be more people coming to place bets.

This event must be held lively.

Xiang Tianxing's master and accountant were even more happy.

Although the money earned had to be handed over to the court, the government could withhold part of it.

The county government has plenty of money, and lower-level officials like them have an easier time.

At least there will be more benefits during holidays.

"I heard that people in the imperial court call Mr. Lin the God of Wealth. It seems to me that this is absolutely true.

A total of ten rounds can be played, so after the game is over, you can earn more than [-] taels of silver. "

The accountant handed the calculated account to Lin Hai for review.

Lin Hai raised his eyebrows and looked at the account book carefully.

He nodded slightly: "Sir, your handwriting is really good.

I remember the accounts clearly.

With this money, building houses for Turkic people can make a lot of money back.

If the annual sheep fighting competition is held, sooner or later all the money will be earned back. "

"What Mr. Lin said is that I originally thought that there would be a huge deficit in moving the Turks over.

Now it seems that the business here is really good.

Not only can all the money be earned back, but it can also bring a steady stream of income in the future.

Mr. Lin is truly a god! "

Xiang Tianxing also said with great emotion: "When I was sent here, I was so worried that I didn't even think about food or food.

No one thought that a place that no one was optimistic about could be managed so well under Master Lin's guidance. "

"As long as you work hard, you can get promoted very quickly in a place like this!

Many things have two sides. As long as you think more about it, bad things can also turn into good things.

This is especially true for being an official.

In addition to being strict with yourself, you must never break the law.

You must think more when dealing with things and choose the best way to solve them. "

Lin Hai said seriously.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your advice. The subordinates have all remembered it."

The Sheep Fighting Conference was in full swing, and two sheep collided hard in the arena.

Then back up quickly.

Then he rushed forward quickly.

With a bang, the two sheep collided again.

Every time there was a fight, the onlookers cheered loudly.

It didn't take long for some competitions to have winners and losers.

The winner was so angry that he beat his chest, and the winner was so excited that he was elated.

They all took their tickets and hurried to claim their prizes.

The government has also prepared dozens of veterinarians. After the competition, they can check whether the sheep are seriously injured and treat them as soon as possible.

Those who really cannot be saved, or whose injuries are too severe to recover, can collect insurance benefits without causing any losses to them.

Many people have received bonuses, and the losers are also very unconvinced. They will wait until the next round of games is drawn before continuing to place bets. They must win back all the money they lose.

Those who win the bet have tasted the sweetness and of course they will not give up.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the next round of competition.

During the intermission, the winners found a place to have a drink or two.

It also drives consumption.

Now it was the turn of the vendors setting up stalls to smile from ear to ear.

Business for this kind of event is so good.

All the stalls were full.

Many businessmen regret it very much. If they had known that business was so good, they should have bought more stalls, so that they could make more money.

I secretly made up my mind to have a big stall at the Sheep Fighting Conference next year.

(End of this chapter)

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