The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 259: Resist with all your strength

Chapter 259: Resist with all your strength
The Turkic cavalry suffered a heavy loss but did not leave Daxia's cavalry behind, and returned to the camp dejectedly.

Tell the story of the battle.

He also brought over an iron caltrop and showed it to the Turkic marshal.

Biduolong's horse also stepped on a caltrop during the charge and could no longer fight.

Once a horse's leg is injured, it is difficult to recover.

And he was also beaten so hard that his head was covered in blood and his hair was disheveled.

The marshal finished reading Caltrops.

"This thing is indeed a great threat to war horses, if too many are made.

From now on, our cavalry charge will be blocked.

Who on earth can come up with these things? "

While he was puzzled, the scouts sent out happened to have returned.

They went around from the flank to observe the situation of the Daxia army.

He came back and reported: "Marshal Qi, Daxia's reinforcements are only about 1 people, and except for [-] cavalry, the rest are all infantry!

They rely on the darkness to lurk behind our army, hoping to launch a surprise attack. "

After hearing the report from his men, the Turkic marshal became even more furious.

A mere ten thousand Daxia infantry actually dared to sneak around and attack.

This is simply an extreme insult to the Turkic army.

"This is unreasonable. There are only [-] troops. Immediately send [-] elite cavalry to destroy them."

He was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and he yelled out orders.

If this matter spreads, many people will definitely laugh at it.

This will be his biggest stain since he led the army in combat.

This matter is absolutely intolerable, and all these Daxia armies must be wiped out with force.

Soon the Turkic army launched a charge.

In the opinion of the Turkic marshal, no matter how many traps were ahead, he had no chance to resist when facing twice as many cavalry.

Rather than paying a greater price of casualties, this nail must be removed.

Otherwise, being behind them would be like a sharp blade, pouncing towards the weak points of the army at any time.

The most taboo thing about a confrontation between two armies is being outflanked from both sides.

We absolutely cannot tolerate enemy troops watching behind us.

The charge of [-] cavalry was very grand.

The whole earth was trembling slightly.

The faces of Daxia's infantry also turned pale, and an invincible aura rushed towards them.

Everyone suddenly lost the confidence to fight.

Lin Hai shouted loudly to encourage them.

"Don't panic, everyone, just follow my instructions. Even if his [-] troops come to charge, they will die here.

Our trap is no joke, it is specially designed to deal with cavalry. "

Let the people in the front row use bows and crossbows, while the people in the second row hold spears and prepare to resist.

Everything else has to be left to the trap.

If traps cannot be used to block the first charge, all these [-] troops will be overwhelmed in an instant.

Lin Hai asked people to put the artillery behind for safety reasons.

Once the front cannot resist, immediately launch an artillery attack.

It is believed that the power of artillery can also repel the enemy.

As for the combat effectiveness of the infantry, it is almost negligible. The front row cannot withstand it, and the infantry cannot withstand the impact of the cavalry.

From the beginning, there was no expectation that these infantry could withstand the charge of the Turkic army.

When the Turkic army came within shooting range, Lin Hai immediately asked people to shoot arrows.

The intensive bows and arrows were shot over, and the effect of the armor-piercing arrows was quite good.

The Turkic cavalrymen in the front rows were hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

But the cavalry behind had no intention of stopping and continued to charge at the fastest speed.

The Turkic cavalry have been fighting for many years and have already developed a fierce and fearless attitude.Once someone is timid and wants to retreat, the people behind him can directly kill the deserter.

Therefore, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of us, we cannot take a step back.

After a shower of arrows, many war horses were seriously injured when they stepped on the caltrops and stopped.

The person charging behind can only try to get around the fallen companion.

Some people even couldn't avoid stepping on their own people.

He was not killed by the enemy, but was trampled to pulp by his own random horse.

Not even a scream could be heard.

More and more people are falling victim to it.

The Turkic cavalry behind them were filled with anger.

This Daxia army is so cunning.

Instead of fighting them head-on, they specifically use these conspiracies.

Seeing that Daxia's army was not far in front of them, it felt like there was a gap in the distance.

It was clear that they could charge over in the blink of an eye, but the casualties were becoming increasingly heavy.

This made these Turkic cavalry really confused.

Who is leading this Daxia army?
Why could he sneak up behind them and lay so many traps in such a short period of time?

Just as they passed through the thorns, another horse suddenly stepped on the air and fell forward violently.

The horse's leg stepped into the trap, and because of the huge impact, it had no time to stop and broke the entire horse's leg.

Both the man and the horse fell hard to the ground.

The same goes for other people next to you.

There were screams and curses.

The Turkic cavalry who followed closely behind became more and more frightened.

How is this fight going?
There are all kinds of traps everywhere on the ground.

The faster the charge, the more casualties there will be.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation in a lifetime of fighting.

Without an all-out charge, the cavalry would not be able to demonstrate its true combat effectiveness.

Those hard-hearted cavalrymen suddenly felt a little confused in their hearts.

In the end, we should continue to charge to face those unknown traps.Or should we retreat first?
However, there have been many casualties so far, and Ming Jin's order to withdraw his troops has not been heard.

They could only bite the bullet and continue charging.

After losing a large number of war horses.

Suddenly I smelled a pungent and unpleasant smell.

Before he could react, he heard a loud roar in the distance to start the fire.

The captured soldiers immediately shot flaming arrows forward.

I saw a fire dragon spreading rapidly on the ground.

The horses that rushed in immediately became extremely panicked, and the flames ignited all the people and horses.

The Turkic cavalry tried desperately to stop their horses.

But seeing the flames, the horse became extremely panicked and ran around.

There is no way to control it.

The Turkic army was immediately disrupted.

The ones behind wanted to rush forward, but the ones in front were already running around in a mess.

The Turks' own armies collided fiercely.

It's becoming more and more confusing,
In addition, there was already a raging fire on the ground, and the horses behind did not dare to continue charging forward.

After all, most animals are afraid of fire.

No matter how hard I beat him, I didn't dare to continue charging forward.

The Turkic marshal in the distance was also shocked and stunned when he saw this situation.

The so-called invincible Turkic army could not even attack [-] infantrymen.

(End of this chapter)

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