The first lord of the poor family

Chapter 230 Peony’s murderous intent

Chapter 230 Peony’s murderous intent

The maid next to her looked puzzled. Shaoyao had always been very calm, how could she lose such a temper.

It seems that what was recorded on the note is indeed not good news.

"Don't be angry, princess, you'll get mad!"

"Huh, so what if I'm so angry! In order to find out the news, this princess lurked in Daxia and made such a big sacrifice. In order to destroy the Daxia Dynasty as soon as possible.

But they were lucky enough to provide Daxia with so many cattle and sheep for a little profit.

All my efforts were in vain! Shaoyao said angrily.

"Although I shouldn't inquire about these things, what else can make Her Royal Highness so angry?" The maid looked puzzled.

"Daxia sent a caravan to the Turks and used some tea and wine in exchange for a large number of our cattle and sheep.

And according to the news, all these cattle and sheep were sold to the border defenders.

The defenders of Daxia who could not even eat meat were now living very comfortably.

But our herdsmen have to starve and freeze in winter. What do you think they are doing!

Can’t you live without drinking tea? "

Shaoyao said angrily.

After hearing this, the maids were even more puzzled. They also drank tea frequently, but it seemed to be a dispensable thing.

If sheep were exchanged for wine, there should be many people willing to exchange.

But how could tea leave so many people rushing to buy it?

"The letter says why the herdsmen want to buy tea? Even if their caravan goes to the grassland, it should be easily intercepted by the army, right?"

"You don't know, our herdsmen eat mutton every day, and mutton is their staple food.

If you eat too much mutton and don't eat enough vegetables, your body will become unbearably hot.

But drinking this tea after eating meat can avoid dryness and heat.

That's why herdsmen compete for it, and the price of that kind of tea is very expensive.

A pound of tea can be exchanged for several sheep. "

The maid looked shocked when she heard this: "How is that possible? The tea in Daxia is not that valuable!"

"The news talks about a special tea brick. As long as this tea brick is stored in a cool and dry place, it will not deteriorate even if it is stored for two or three years.

It seems that this kind of tea is different from the boiled tea we drink.

Even the taste is completely different! "Shaoyao explained.

“That’s no wonder, Her Royal Highness the Princess has no shortage of vegetables due to her noble status.

The life of herdsmen is really very difficult, even my subordinates experienced it personally when they were young.

If he hadn't met the princess, he would have endured that kind of pain. "The maid explained.

"Now our Turkic army has united with several surrounding small countries to launch an attack against Daxia.

I have spent countless efforts on this matter, and finally got them to be willing to send troops to support.

It looks like success is about to happen.

It's good now. Daxia's army has got so many cattle and sheep, and their morale must have been boosted.

It's probably not that easy to defeat Daxia in a short time.

Winter will come in a few months, and everyone will have to retreat by then.

Can't we wait a little longer and wait until Daxia is defeated before buying their tea? Shaoyao said helplessly.

The maid stood nearby and did not dare to speak.

This kind of thing is not something she can discuss at will.

What's more, the herdsmen just want to live a comfortable life and don't care about whether they can defeat Daxia.

Ordinary people don't have such a long-term vision.

What's more, even if some people are willing to endure it, most herders and people hope to be relieved of the pain as soon as possible.

If you suddenly feel that the army has intercepted this caravan and prevent them from trading.The Turkic royal family may also lose the support of the people, and the consequences will be more serious.

After all, all the Turkic armies are supported by herdsmen and common people.

And it is composed of many tribes.

They would rather make it more difficult to fight, and hope that their tribal people can live a better life.

You must know that losing popular support is equivalent to losing military morale.

Then there is no point in their fighting.
But this kind of thing cannot be said to Shao Yaoming. After all, she is just a maid.

After Shaoyao vented his anger, he said with a solemn expression: "The person doing this business is Yuhua Shi, and the person standing behind him is Lin Hai.

Yuhuashi has been in the capital for so many years and has never thought about doing tea business.

I think this idea must have come up with Lin Hai.

Once Yuhuashi has established a firm foothold, it will use the trade between the two parties to continuously provide cattle and sheep to the heroes' army.

So he has become our biggest threat.

We must get rid of these two people at any cost! "

The maid was shocked when she heard Shaoyao's words: "The princess wants to get rid of the two of them, but I'm afraid the current conditions won't allow it.

Originally, all our assassins had been killed when they went to assassinate Lin Hai.

There is no way to send help now! "

"Don't worry, I will personally deal with them both this time." Shaoyao said coldly.

"Absolutely not, it's too risky!" The maid quickly dissuaded him.

"Don't worry, we will leave the capital immediately and return to the Turks as soon as we are done.

There is no point in continuing to pry for information now.

As long as they can be eliminated, Daxia will feel like a broken arm.

In the future, we will still rely on the army to defeat Daxia. "

Shaoyao's eyes burst out with strong murderous intent, and he was already murderous.

"Then we need to plan carefully first. After killing him, we must escape intact.

The lives of subordinates are worthless, but the safety of the princess must not make any mistakes. "

The two then began to discuss how to deal with Lin Hai.

At this moment, Shaoyao has no intention of improving his reputation, and even Mr. Mu from before is too lazy to invite him.

Naturally, there was no need for Lin Hai to show up in another identity without being invited.

Shaoyao planned to invite Lin Hai and Yuhuashi to meet respectively, drug them directly to confuse them, and then kill them.

By letting others think they are staying at Baihualou overnight, they can buy themselves time to escape.

By the time others noticed something was wrong, they had already left the capital far away on fast horses.

It was too late to pursue him.

At this moment, the people in the Yu family have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Yugan stayed at home, thinking about things without saying a word.

His son's performance is really outstanding. With such ability, he can lead the Yu family to prosperity.

However, he was so infatuated with a brothel girl that he finally broke up with the family and was kicked out of the house.

Yugan suddenly felt that he had gone too far.

Such a son should stay in the family and become the next head of the family.

Except for Yuhua Shi, he looked down upon any other disciple.

There is no qualification to inherit the position of the head of the Yu family!

(End of this chapter)

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