
I'm going to open a new book soon
But due to account reasons, I have to open another account to publish new books.

So I plan to open a book club group. Does anyone want to join?

The main reason is... I opened a book club, but not many people were willing to join. That's really embarrassing for Zundu!

So, I will open a separate chapter to ask everyone for their opinions.


Then, the temperature has dropped really sharply across the country recently.

Everyone, please keep warm!
There seems to be a new type of virus recently, please pay more attention!
Being free from illness and disaster is a blessing!

Then it's the end of the month, please support me more and don't keep books.

Raising books is easy for me, my little brother.

Please, help me turn to the last page!Give the author a follow-up read!
Thank you!Everyone, excuse me! (End of chapter)

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