Chapter 778 Witch Gu
"That's natural. I have the true biography of the Miao Gu master!" Gu Ji said with pride.

Wang Jian showed a very interested expression on his face, and continued: "I have heard about the weirdness and magic of Miao Jiang's Gu magic since I was a child, but I don't know much about it. Can you explain it to me?"

"Do you know about the Five Poison Sect?" Gu Ji asked.

"Isn't that a fictional religion in Jin Daxia's martial arts novels?" Wang Jian asked rhetorically.

Guji shook his head: "The Five Poison Sect was not invented by Jin Yong in martial arts novels. In the QDN area, the Five Poison Sect can be said to have a long history and has been passed down since thousands of years ago."

The Five Poison Sect is also known as the Five Immortals Sect. The Five Poisons include toads, spiders, scorpions, poisonous snakes and centipedes.The Five Poison Sect calls poisonous snakes, centipedes, scorpions, spiders, and toads the "Five Saints."

The fight between the Five Saints is an important study course of the Five Poison Sect.

The five poisons were arranged on the big plate according to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. After wandering around for a while, each of them bent down and gathered strength, bared their teeth and claws, and wanted to fight each other.

The poisonous spider kept spinning its silk and formed a web in a corner of the sand table.The scorpion couldn't hold its breath and rushed towards the web, breaking many spider threads, and then backed away.The spider stared at the scorpion for a few times, then spun silk and made a web. Before the web was properly tied, the scorpion charged again.

After several times of making and running the web like this, the scorpion's body was covered with spider silk, and its movements were very slow. Its two feet were stuck together with the spider silk and could not break free.The spider took the opportunity to fight back, spun out soft silk, and formed several layers of thick web around the scorpion. It quietly walked up to the scorpion and stretched out its feet to tease it.

The scorpion suddenly flipped over its poisonous tail and struck with a snap.The spider was as fast as lightning and had already retreated.After teasing him like this several times, the scorpion became so angry that he missed a single hit and chased forward. Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap set by the spider.

The scorpion struggled desperately on the web and saw it broke a big hole in the spider web.The spider was busy spinning silk, and the scorpion was gradually unable to struggle.The spider pounced on him and bit him, causing the scorpion to squeal in pain.The spider was enjoying the delicious food. Suddenly, a burst of toad sand sprayed out. The poisonous toad broke through the formation, turned its long tongue, rolled the scorpion out of the spider web, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The spider was furious and rushed towards the toad.The toad stretched out its long tongue and tried to reel in the spider. The spider opened its mouth and bit the toad's tongue.The toad's long tongue retracted quickly.The spider slowly crawled to the left side of the toad, spit out a thick thread, stuck it to the plate, suddenly jumped up, took the thread, flew through the air, and bit the toad hard when it passed by.

Toad turned around hastily, but the spider had already flown past.In a moment, the toad's body was poisoned by spider venom, and it lay on its back, revealing a big white belly, and died on the plate.

The poisonous spider pounced on him and opened his mouth to bite.On the other side, the green snake was being driven away by the centipede. When it swam past the toad, it suddenly raised its head, opened its mouth, swallowed the poisonous spider into its belly, and then bit the toad.The centipede grabbed the toad from the side, and tightly clamped the toad with a pair of poisonous pincers in its mouth, and the two sides pulled hard.After pulling for a while, the green snake gradually lost its strength and was pulled all the way by the centipede.

The green snake wanted to leave the toad and escape, but it didn't know that the teeth in its mouth were all inverted, and the hooks were inward. After biting the food, it could only swallow it inward. It couldn't spit out anything, and it couldn't escape even if it tried. extremely.

In a short while, the centipede bit the green snake to death, sucked the venom from the green snake and toad, and then paraded around for a week, feeling proud and contented.

This is the battle scene of the five poisons fighting each other. It is really creepy, and the results of each duel are also different.

The Miao people use this method to train the Five Poisons. When the training reaches a certain level, the power of the Five Poisons increases greatly and has many shocking uses.

In addition to the Five Poison Sect, there is also a witch sect, which is divided into white witches and black witches.In the QDN area, the name of the Witch Cult is not as loud as the Five Poison Cult, but its strength and influence are definitely no less than that of the Five Poison Cult, and its inheritance is also quite long.According to legend, witchcraft existed as early as the time of the war between Chi You and the Yellow Emperor.

Witchcraft is not the same as a cult. The white witches have a positive meaning. They pray for blessings, divination, cure diseases, and eliminate disasters for the tribe. They play an important role in the management and stability of the Miao people.

Of course, there are good and bad, and this is the case with the black witches.Among the black witches, the most frightening one is the witchcraft. The Chinese witchcraft and the Thai witchcraft are both famous.

This witchcraft is mysterious and terrifying, and basically only does things that harm others and benefit itself.

The art of witchcraft has existed since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the laws of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty both explicitly prohibited the art of witchcraft.

For example, the law of the Han Dynasty stipulated that if a Gu worm raised in a person's home had formed and caused death, that person would be sentenced to death and his family would be exiled for three thousand miles.The Tang Dynasty also made similar regulations, those who were not formed by raising Gu were exiled, and those who were formed were beheaded.

In layman's terms, voodoo is actually a kind of poisonous insect. The so-called voodoo technique is to use the toxins of these poisonous insects to harm people.

The popular method of making witchcraft voodoo is to put the five poisons of spiders, scorpions, toads, poisonous snakes and centipedes in a container and seal it for ten days. The one that survives after opening is the most poisonous, and it is also the first choice for voodoo voodoo. Then after being reared, it becomes Gu in the end.

This kind of Gu is the simplest and most basic, and most Miao people can make it.

There are three most mysterious and terrifying kinds of witchcraft:
The first type is called medicinal voodoo. The production of medicinal voodoo is relatively simple. It is to mix the collected poisons in a special way and then harm people.

The second type is called insect voodoo. Different from the five poisonous voodoo making method above, this kind of insect voodoo is directly selected by the black wizard and refined using secret methods. After a long period of gestation and cultivation, it is finally cultivated to be able to A weapon to kill or control people.

The third type is powerful and is called spiritual Gu.This is a targeted voodoo technique that first obtains the target's hair or nails or other things that have the target's aura, and then uses the spiritual voodoo technique to use the hair and other objects as a medium to remotely control and damage the target.

Even if people who have been infected by this kind of poison return to normal, their spirits will be severely damaged, and some may even become dementia.

The last thing related to Gu is the Ghost Cult.

The Ghost Religion has almost been submerged in the long river of history several times, but its influence in the Miao and Dong areas of QDN and its believers have surpassed the Witch Religion several times, and is even more powerful than the Five Poison Religion. let.

The followers of the ghost sect act extremely secretively and rarely appear in the public eye. The scarce information only briefly records some rumors that are not true or false.

People will eventually die. Followers of ghost religion believe that the final destination of people is to become ghosts. After becoming ghosts, they will no longer face death and will be able to obtain eternal life.

(End of this chapter)

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