Chapter 729 Fire Jonin
"It's so violent, this kick probably broke that little devil's balls, right?"

"Japanese brats just want to be beaten, and they won't admit it when they lose."

"Well done, I've turned from pink to black now, what bullshit Nakajima Ichiro!"

People around him said with a joking look on their faces.

Xiangshan Nozawa's face darkened, and a look of anger filled his beautiful eyes.

Although Nakajima Ichiro lost the game, he was also the one invited by her, Xiangshan Nozawa, so how could he be beaten casually?

"Shangjing, teach this hateful Chinese a lesson!" Xiangshan Nozawa ordered the female bodyguard who had been standing behind her.

"Yes, Miss Nozawa!" Yui Uekai nodded in response, staring at Ye Feng with murderous eyes.

The next second, Yui Uye's figure flashed and appeared in front of Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, a dart specially designed for ninjas appeared in her hand, and she waved her right hand towards Ye Feng's chest.

Seeing the dart in Yui Shangjing's hand, Lu Yiyun exclaimed: "Ye Feng, be careful, this woman is a Japanese ninja!"

Ye Feng, a Japanese ninja, knew this. His expression remained unchanged and he took two steps back. At the same time, he flicked his right hand and shot out an air blade.

The air blade came first, and shot Yui Urai's neck with great force.

Kamei Yui's face changed in shock, she stopped her attack, and performed two backflips in succession, barely avoiding the air blades fired by Ye Feng.

The air blade flew past Uye Yui's ear and hit Silber's engine cover.

After a metallic tingling sound, a large gash appeared on the cover of Silber's engine.

Then, there was a muffled "boom" sound, and black smoke was seen coming out of the mouth.

This scene made the crowd of onlookers scream in surprise.

If the invisible attack just now fell on a person, there is no doubt that the person would be cut in half.

"This is the ability of a martial artist. This person is definitely a martial artist!"

"I've also heard of the martial artist. No wonder his driving skills are amazing. He turns out to be a martial artist!"

"It's so terrible. People really can't be judged by their appearance..."

After being surprised, when the people who were discussing looked at Ye Feng again, they couldn't help but have a look of fear in their eyes.

The people who can watch this game here are basically the children of wealthy families in northern Beijing, so they know about the martial arts practitioners.

Apart from anything else, many first-class families have traces of martial arts sects behind them. If there are people from first-class families with martial arts roots, they will be recruited by the martial arts sect as disciples.

Xiangshan Nozawa also raised her slender eyebrows slightly. She naturally did not expect that this young man named Ye Feng was actually a martial artist.

After Yui Kamei dodged the air blade, he glanced at Silber's machine cover, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he reached out and grabbed a few more ninja darts.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Ueui Yui flicked her hands, and a total of six ninja darts shot towards Ye Feng from different directions.

"Golden Light Shield, Yu!" Ye Feng sneered. Without moving, a pale golden light shield appeared in front of him.

"Bang bang bang..."

Six ninja darts hit the light shield, causing a few ripples, and the hit part of the light shield dented inwards.

The six ninja darts were unable to break through the light shield at all, and fell to the ground after losing all their strength.

Yui Uye's expression changed again, and her hands began to form seals.

Ye Feng noticed that the hand gestures used by Yui Shangjing to perform the seals were different from the seals used by martial arts practitioners to perform martial arts. It was a bit more like a Taoist posture. "Ninja Technique, Fireball Technique!" Yui Kamei put his hands to his mouth and shouted.

He saw a ball of fiery red flame spurting out of her mouth.

The fiery red flame turned into a big fireball and attacked Ye Feng violently.

"Fuck, isn't this a ninjutsu that only exists in Naruto!?"

"I never thought that ninjutsu really exists. Today is an eye-opener."

"I estimate that the strength of Japanese ninjas is probably not weaker than that of our Chinese martial cultivators."

Everyone was talking a lot again, especially when they saw Yui Uyei using ninjutsu and releasing fireballs, they all exclaimed.

Looking at the incoming fireball, Ye Feng's eyebrows twitched slightly.

It is said that Japanese ninjutsu is the Five Elements technique passed down from the Chinese Onmyoji family.Since Japanese ninjas exist, then there should be onmyojis in China.

"A master's degree!" Ye Feng sneered.

The Japanese people's tedious Ninja skills such as seal formation have only learned some superficial knowledge from the Chinese Onmyoji, which is not enough in the eyes of Ye Feng, an immortal cultivator.

"Fire Dragon Technique." Ye Feng pressed the technique with his fingertips, and spiritual power surged out of his body.

A winding and swaying fire dragon formed in mid-air in front of Ye Feng. Red flames filled the fire dragon's body, making the air hot.

The fire dragon is far more powerful than Yui Kamei's big fire ball. From a distance, it looks like a fire dragon playing with a fire ball.

"Go!" Ye Feng pointed his fingertips, and the fire dragon roared out.


The crimson fire dragon directly used a arrogant posture to smash the fireball into flames, floated down, and then swooped down towards Uye Yui.

"Is this... the true art of the Five Elements?!" Yui Uye's expression changed drastically.

Yui Kamei didn't have time to think too much, the marks in her hands changed rapidly, which was quite dizzying.

"Fire Shield Technique!" Yui Ueijing shouted deeply, and the changes in the sealing method in his hand were completed.

In front of her, she saw a huge flame shield gathering together. On the flame shield, there were ancient fire monster patterns.

The fire dragon roared down and hit the flame shield.

Uye Yui's body was hiding behind the flame shield. The fire dragon hit the shield, causing her feet to rub against the ground and keep retreating.

This process didn't last long, only a "bang" sound was heard, the flame shield exploded directly, and the fire dragon's residual power violently bombarded Yui Uyei.

Yui Kamei's body immediately flew backwards.

However, after all, Yui Kamui is a fire ninja, and his strength should not be underestimated. He endured the pain and did a 360-degree somersault in the air. After releasing the force, he knelt firmly on one knee and half-kneeled on the ground.

Although Yui Uejing tried her best to maintain her dignity, her black hair was still burnt yellow under the attack of the fire dragon, and there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

After the previous confrontation, Ye Feng could roughly judge that the strength of this Japanese fire jounin was roughly equivalent to that of a low-level military cultivator.

Yui Kamei's defeat caused Kayama Nozawa's expression to change dramatically.

Yui Ue has been protecting Kaoyama Nozawa for nearly ten years. Kaoyama Nozawa is very aware of Yui Ue's power, but she never expected that she is no match for this Chinese.

Uekai Yui stood up from the ground and shook her head slightly towards Xiangshan Nozawa with a miserable expression.At the same time, she looked at Ye Feng with a more solemn gaze, but without fear.

Even if they, the fire jounin, were defeated, they would never be afraid, but would regard death as a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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