Chapter 125
The operation to clean up the evil ghosts in Taiping Town was not smooth sailing. In order to train the young ghost masters in the town, Chen Zhijiang chose to let the young people face it alone.

For unknown reasons, most of the young ghost masters in the town are very cowardly. Even if they have mastered powerful supernatural powers, they will still be in disarray when facing terrifying ghosts.

This made Luo Wensong very angry.

If it were his subordinates from the Supernatural Society, he would have killed them long ago.

He spent so much effort and financial resources to build the Ghost Controller Organization and he will never raise idle people.


The man who was targeted by the ghost was forced to use his supernatural power to fight. At first, the effect was remarkable. The reflection in the puddle could limit the ghost's reflection without any pressure.

But the situation took a turn for the worse. Li Gui seemed to have found a way to restrain himself, and his figure became transparent, unable to form a reflection in the water.

The man's supernatural means failed, and instead his body was instantly taken over by a ghost.

Everyone's hearts trembled when they saw it, and they suddenly felt a sense of fear.

Only Luo Wensong frowned and said solemnly: "He is not strong enough, and it would be a pity to die."

There was ruthlessness in his words.

Chen Zhijiang was a little restless, and his face was obviously uneasy.

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you hurry up and help!"

After shouting angrily, other stunned ghost masters stepped forward and used various supernatural powers to imprison this ghost.

The supernatural power displayed by the man transformed into a ghost instantly increased a lot after being invaded. Without the restriction of the ghost's recovery, its rain supernatural range expanded rapidly. Originally it was only a small area that could only cover him, but it instantly became hundreds. square meter range.

The density of the rain was also increasing, from a drizzle to a downpour, and there were even gusts of wind.

This sinister wind seemed to have some kind of supernatural power, blocking most of the supernatural attacks from other ghost masters.

Not only that.

The number of puddles on the ground increased rapidly, and everyone's reflection appeared in the water.


The ghost's reflection began to move and began to wander around the water scene, carrying out wanton slaughter.

"We must keep moving, and the reflection in the water will also move! So we won't be caught up by the ghost!" A ghost controller found a solution in a panic, and immediately shouted.

Perhaps he was familiar with this man's rain powers before, so he reacted immediately.

After hearing this, everyone immediately wanted to move, but just as they were about to lift their feet, they felt a coldness surrounding them, and their muscles became numb and sore.

Every step he takes will be extremely difficult, as if his legs have been frozen into ice at this time, and forcing them will cause them to crack directly.

They couldn't walk away, so their reflection couldn't move, and they could only be hunted by the ghosts in the water.

From the outside, it's an eerie scene.

Everyone, including the ghost, stood stiffly, as if nothing happened.

But under the water, the ghost's figure quickly shuttled through every puddle, attacking their reflections.

Someone died soon. His figure was shaken, and he fell to the ground as if unconscious. Then he was forcibly pulled into a puddle as big as a foot by some force.

These people wanted to call for help, but the numbness affected their upper bodies, their throats seemed to be blocked by a cork, and they could no longer make a sound.

The rain is still spreading, and it has reached the point where it affects the view.

Luo Wensong frowned, looked at the situation in front of him, and then turned to look at Chen Zhijiang.

The latter looked very embarrassed and frowned deeply.

After sighing, he waved his hand, and the spirit of the ghost shroud suddenly appeared, forcefully dispersing the downpour.

The light immediately brightened, and the cold atmosphere disappeared instantly.


A strange cyan shroud came out from behind him and moved quickly towards the fierce ghost. The fluttering clothes had no physical support, and the two sleeves kept shaking as he walked, as if jumping.

But the clothes were full, as if someone invisible was holding them up.

The ghost was currently attacking other people in the reflection, so the bodies outside were also frozen in place.

The green shroud looked very strange. He quickly came to the ghost's side. A pale arm stretched out from the two full sleeves. The arms were covered with corpse spots of different sizes, and he directly grabbed the ghost's shoulder. .

Subsequently.As the two arms stretched to both sides, the ghost's body was torn in half in an instant.

The source was suppressed, and the world of reflection ended instantly. The puddles on the ground quickly evaporated, and the trapped ghost master also regained his freedom.

They fled here in horror, never wanting to experience the feeling of waiting to die again.

After the shroud decomposed the ghost, he stuffed the two halves of the body into his clothes.

Although the process was somewhat laborious and seemed very inconsistent, the result was successful.

The two halves of the corpse were easily restrained into the shroud, and there was no more movement.

As Chen Zhijiang activated his supernatural power, the cyan shroud returned behind him and got under as much of the gown as possible.

"When will these guys be like this old guy like you, Taiping Town will finally stand up?" Rowan's tightly locked eyes relaxed slightly.

"It's just a little trick." Chen Zhijiang said politely, "They still need some time."

After a brief supernatural confrontation, all the remaining ghosts were sent back to the dungeon, and the farce ended.

the other side.

In the medical clinic in Taiping Town.

Zhang Bohua followed the voice in his head and groped around in this dilapidated room.

The medical center is older than other buildings, with serious damage in many places, and the furnishings in the room are much simpler.

There is only a set of tables and chairs for medical treatment, and a medicine cabinet attached to the wall behind the table.

These furniture are made of ordinary wood. The dark brown surface has been covered with pulp by Li Jishan, and it feels a bit smooth.

"Do you usually practice medicine here?"

Zhang Bohua twisted his head slightly, as if he was talking to the person behind him, but in fact he was asking Li Jishan who was in his mind.

After a few seconds.

He smiled and nodded.

Immediately after sitting on the wooden chair, I noticed that there were two drawers under the table, but from the front, the table only had a thin layer and no drawers at all.

The voice in his head told him the secret.

"It turns out that only by sitting in this chair can you have access to the things you commonly use, but not just anyone can sit down. It must be approved by you."

Zhang Bohua nodded thoughtfully and opened the drawer.

There is a wrinkled ledger in the drawer on the left. The cover of the ledger is made of some kind of leather and the paper is yellow paper.

After opening.

Dense handwriting came into view, which recorded the patients Li Jishan had treated over the years. The names of the patients, their symptoms, the symptoms of the evil ghost's awakening, the prescriptions prescribed, etc. were clearly written.

A very interesting point is.

The names of all patients cured by Li Jishan are in red, but if the treatment fails and they die, their names will be black.

And even if the treatment is successful at first and the person dies later, the name in the ledger will still change and become black.

This is a supernatural item that can actually show the living status of the people in the ledger.

"So now all the names in red font are still alive in the book, but the names in black are dead."

Zhang Bohua looked through it patiently, talking to Li Jishan in his mind from time to time.

Most of the names have become black, only a few are still red.

He saw several familiar figures in Taiping Town, such as Chen Zhijiang, Mr. Liu, and the owner of the paper figurine shop.

the strange thing is.

The owner of the paper figurine shop has never revealed his name before, but there is actually a name named Liu San noted in the ledger.

Zhang Bohua frowned, and soon he heard the answer in his mind, and his brows relaxed again.

"It was so"

(End of this chapter)

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