Chapter 152 Emotionless cooking

The biggest illusion in life is: I think I can do it!
This kind of illusion has happened to you, me, and Kojiro Shinomiya.

Let’s take this French vegetable jelly recipe. Even though some students can recite it by heart and know the specific method, there are many things going wrong during the actual making process.

In the eyes of Shinigong, a recipe is a standardized and fixed process.

The more complex this standard process is, the greater the possibility of deviations. To put it more bluntly, the instant noodles made by Zhang San and Li Si will taste different.

Therefore, he always regards the recipe as supreme and cannot allow others to challenge or tamper with it!


Today, this breakfast assessment.

Tian Moshi's cooking used a magical power to give Shinomiya a blow in the head.

"Finally you know where your problem lies, right?"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded outside the door, which brought Sigong, who was thinking a lot, back to his senses.

"Have you seen it all?"

Shinigong snorted and asked calmly.

"I saw it all from the moment she served the vegetable jelly."

A burly figure slowly turned around from the door and appeared in front of Shinomiya Kojiro, and then said: "I thought you would deliberately judge her as unqualified because of your stubborn temper."

"I did have that thought just now, but her cooking reminded me of something, so I finally changed my mind."

When Shinomiya Kojiro heard this, he did not pretend to be mysterious and truthfully stated what he was thinking.

A trace of recollection flashed in his eyes. The student named Tadokoro was actually very similar to his former self. He cooked for others.

To deny her is actually to deny her former self.


Notwithstanding Sigong's bad character, his tone of voice is often annoying.

However, as a senior, Gin Dojima knew that Shinomiya was still very kind in his heart, and he was a typical "sharp mouthed" person.

Well, to put it bluntly, this kind of personality is just like that of a certain God’s Tongue girl: tsundere!

"It's been two years since you received the Prussian Medal, right?"

"At that time, the commander-in-chief and I both believed that your SHINO'S restaurant would continue to be recognized by the WGO Food Organization and win the honor of a three-star restaurant."

"As a result, your performance in the past two years has been unsatisfactory."

"I also heard that all the cooks who used to work hard with you left you not long ago."

"Can you tell me what happened to you in the past two years?"

Looking at Shinomiya Kojiro whose eyes became deep, Dojima Gin couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

He has been unable to tolerate the behavior of dyeing hair gel since he first appeared, and with the elimination rate of nearly 50% yesterday, he more or less understands that Shinomiya has lost some of his enthusiasm for cooking!

"Humph, a bunch of mediocre chefs just can't keep up with my progress."

"The set of standardized processes and recipes I have developed are all the best and most professional. They... they just can't understand them."

"Yes, the fault is theirs, not mine!"

Sigong seemed to have been stabbed in a painful spot, and he actually lost his calm and said to himself angrily.


Whether it's a chain restaurant or an independent restaurant.

Its standardization is the fuel that promotes catering to become bigger, stronger and more popular.

To put it simply, the burgers you eat at any KFC in China will all taste the same, and this is product standardization.

It can make every kind of food and every dish form a standard.

So that no matter where you are, no matter which chef or staff member, you can eat the same portion of food, and even the same taste and texture!
Apparently, after winning a two-star restaurant and the Prussian Medal.

Shinomiya Kojiro, whose ambitions are rapidly expanding, wants to standardize all the dishes in the restaurant.

And he wants to directly follow this set of standards to quickly promote chain stores across France, thereby expanding his influence in the entire culinary industry.

Indeed, his thinking is not wrong.

After all, if a chain restaurant could process, educate, and standardize how to prepare each dish.

Then we can even recruit people with no cooking experience, and after only a short period of specific training, they can immediately make a relatively stable dish.

In this way, it not only saves labor costs, but also improves efficiency and benefits!
For example, there is a Chinese restaurant in Europe, where the employees are all Chinese and cannot speak English or Chinese, but they can make delicious Chinese dishes.

Just because they have standardized Chinese food, for example, when making fish-flavored shredded pork, you only need to take a certain amount of shredded pork and side dishes and cook them directly according to the standards, so that the flavor of the dishes produced every time can be guaranteed to be the same.

However, it is easier said than done to come up with a set of standardized things?

McDonald's records the thickness and weight of each patty to two decimal places.

Banu hot pot precisely controls the portion and temperature to achieve the slightly curled angle of the belly.

There are also those old restaurants in China that are over a hundred years old, such as Goubuli steamed buns. Just the ratio of ingredients inside the meat filling must be meticulous...

all in all.

Let different chefs make the same dish.

This is making things difficult for others and also making things difficult for yourself!


Difficult to reach!

For the same dish, some people think it is not spicy enough, while others think it is not salty enough. It is difficult to adjust it so that everyone likes it.

Even if they are chefs, their habits and hobbies are not exactly the same.

Some chefs like it spicy, some like it spicy, some like it fresh...

Because of this, we can eat dishes with different tastes in different restaurants.

Therefore, in Dojima Gin's understanding, the success of many chain stores such as McDonald's, Starbucks, KFC, etc. is not due to the value of the food they produce, but to their commercial value.

"There are no two identical leaves in the world, and there are no two identical fish."

"Shinomiya, why do you insist on that set of standardized things?"

Dojima Gin, who probably knew the reason, had no choice but to put it aside and continued to sigh: "Cooking recipes that cannot stand from other people's perspective and cannot consider others will end up being like something produced by an industrial assembly line, without any emotion!"

"I hope you can understand this from that student's cooking."

After saying that, Dojima Ginyu slowly stretched out his hand to pat Shinomiya's shoulder, and finally left the cooking room.

After hearing these words, Shinomiya gradually calmed down. He looked back at the unfinished portion of French vegetable jelly in front of him, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought again!

The headquarters of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association is located in Totsuki Academy.

This place is like an ancient palace. The first thing that catches the eye are two big red doors. There is a sign hanging on the top of the door with four big characters engraved on it:

Chinese cuisine.

Walking inside, the interior is not only spacious, but even the various decorations are particularly gorgeous.

The entire hall is also decorated with some inverted bell-like flowers, and the two dragons on the eaves have golden scales and golden armor, as if they want to fly into the sky!Looking from a distance, it can be said that it is truly carved and magnificent.

"Senior...Senior, why do you come to the Chinese Cuisine Research Association when you have time?"

At this moment, Teruki Kuga, who is the leader of the Research Association, looked tense when he looked at Rgent Kobayashi in front of him.

"What? Can't I come?"

Seeing his timid appearance, Kobayashi Ringtong couldn't help but blink his bright eyes and said with a smile.

"No, of course you can come. It would be an honor for a second-ranking figure like you to come to the Chinese Cuisine Research Association!" Kuga quickly agreed.

"Okay, no more polite words."

"I am here to visit just to tell you that those who understand the current affairs are heroes."

Kobayashi Ringtong, obviously not interested in this kind of flattery, gave a serious warning to Kuga.

"What do you mean?"

When Kuuga heard this, a look of confusion instantly appeared on his face.

From beginning to end, he had no idea what was going on.

"Do you have to let me explain it clearly?"

"During this period, you used various means, even using coercion, coercion, and intimidation to get a group of freshmen to join your research association."

"Whatever plan you are planning can be seen clearly by all the top ten."

"In short, if you continue to behave like this and continue to infringe on the interests of the other ten heroes in Yuanyue, someone will definitely take this opportunity to unite and become your enemy!"

Kobayashi Gentian reminded.

"You mean, some of the top ten have a problem with me now?"

"Hmph, I knew it was that stinky man with four eyes. He must have been coveting my eighth seat for a long time!"

Kuga quickly realized that he wanted to go out and challenge Eizan Ezuya right now.

"Don't make random guesses. Anyway, my words are here. How to do it is your own business."

"Senior, how can I not listen to you?"

"You have given such a warning, so I will definitely restrain myself this time, and will never let the situation get into a situation that even you can't handle."

Kuuga knew that some things should not be overplayed, so he quickly showed a faint smile and agreed.

"Well, it's good to do it yourself."

Seeing that he seemed to understand, Xiaolin Ringtong nodded with satisfaction.

Just when she stood up and wanted to leave, Kuga hurriedly called out: "Senior, you're already here, why don't you let me make some food to entertain you?"

"It just so happens that I can let you analyze it. What's wrong with my cooking?"

"Kyuuga, I have to say that among all the ten heroes, you are the one who understands my thoughts best!"

As a big foodie, Kobayashi Ringtong is indeed easy to manipulate in this regard. As soon as she heard that there were dishes to try, she really didn't want to leave.

"Then wait a moment, I'm going to the kitchen now."

After saying that, Jiuga followed the instructions and hurried to the kitchen of the research association to get busy.


Tofu should be said to be a great invention.

Just various derivative products related to tofu include: dried tofu, soybean curd, stinky tofu, qianzhang, yuba, bean juice, tofu skin, etc.

If you look at it from a higher perspective, making tofu is actually food technology and deep processing of food.

And the leadership in this aspect is enough to illustrate the height of Ming Dynasty's ancient farming civilization from the side!

In the Celestial Dynasty, soy products should have been available in the early Han Dynasty.

According to legend, King Huainan, the grandson of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, was elegant and fond of Taoism. He wanted the art of immortality and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to recruit alchemy practitioners.

He often accompanied this group of sorcerers, climbing Beishan Mountain to build furnaces and refining elixirs for longevity.

One time, soybean juice was ground with clear water, and the elixir seedlings were cultivated with the soybean juice. Unexpectedly, the alchemy failed, and the soybean juice and salt were brine to form a fragrant, white and tender thing.

At that time, some people dared to take it and eat it. They found it very delicious, so they named it "tofu".

Nowadays, there must be at least thousands of dishes using tofu as the main ingredient.

But among the many delicious tofu dishes, perhaps the most famous is mapo tofu.


First, Kuga cuts the tofu into 2cm cubes.

Put it in a pot, add salt and simmer thoroughly. Do not boil it in boiling water, just keep it warm.

Then, mince the beef.

Wash the green garlic and cut into short sections 1 cm long.

Chop the watercress and black bean sauce finely, heat the oil in the pot until it is [-]% hot, add the minced beef and stir-fry the water.

When crispy, add cooking wine, stir-fry the bean paste until red, add chili powder, minced ginger, and tempeh until fragrant, add soup, tofu, soy sauce, and refined salt.

Then use low heat to cook the tofu until the flavor is fully absorbed. When the soup is slightly dry, add the green garlic and slowly reduce the juice until it becomes thick and shiny.

Finally, put it gently into a bowl, sprinkle with peppercorns and serve!

When a plate of mapo tofu with rich aroma was placed in front of Xiao Linlong.

A frightening fragrance began to linger with the heat, constantly wafting out from the plate and filling the entire magnificent hall.

"Kiuga, do you have bad intentions?"

"You let me eat such a heavy meal so early in the morning?"

Seeing the Mapo Tofu in front of him, Xiaolin Ringtong was speechless.

Jiuga looked at the situation and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Then he could only lower his head and reply softly: "Senior, it's not like you don't know that I can only make spicy Chinese cuisine."

Well, it is true that this dish is not suitable for eating in the morning.

But no matter how it looks, or the fragrance wafting out, it is enough to make people salivate!
Unable to help himself, the greedy Kobayashi Gentian could only reluctantly say: "Okay, I'll just eat and see."

She brought a pair of chopsticks, and when eating, she picked up a piece of tofu and dipped it in more hot sauce on the plate.

Then, put it gently into your mouth and chew it slowly.

First of all, what you can feel is its delicate taste, as light as clouds and as smooth as silk.

Then the spicy taste of chili pepper and bean paste spread instantly, stimulating every taste bud. The spiciness made her nose sore and made her take a deep breath.

You must know that this kind of spiciness is not a simple spiciness, but a mellow, multi-layered spiciness.

Finally, when you swallow it, there will be a faint sweetness, which is produced by the fusion of tofu and various seasonings in your mouth.

Gradually, the spicy taste in his mouth seemed to be relieved a little bit, so Kobayashi Ringtong continued to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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