While the big bosses were sizing each other up, their armies were also in full preparation.

According to the distribution of the battlefields of all nations, no one of these armies can encounter anyone in the first three days.

This is the time left for them to collect supplies and build a military camp.

"That's not right! Which country is that? Why are there so many people?"

At this time, some small countries realized that something was wrong. If the number of troops they sent was several thousand, the number of troops they sent was only a few hundred.

However, there are a few forces on the battlefield that are particularly eye-catching, with tens of thousands of them scattered as far as the eye can see.

This definitely makes these small countries very uncomfortable. How can they fight with such a huge difference in numbers?

They can usually destroy a village with three or five people, capture a city with a dozen people, or fight a war of annihilation with hundreds of people.

The total number of people in some small city-states does not amount to tens of thousands.

As a result, others dispatched tens of thousands of troops. Looking at the strong armor on the soldiers, the weapons with cold light, and the tall horses beside them, one knew that these people must be professional soldiers, which are essentially different from the temporary militiamen.

"Unfair, so unfair. There is such a huge disparity in strength. Is it still necessary to fight?"

"How about we unite and drive these big countries out first, otherwise the war will be impossible to fight."

"Who controls this ruined battlefield? Why aren't there limits on the number of people?"

A group of leaders of small countries started to make a fuss, but the battlefield of all countries was a product under the control of heaven, and they would not listen to what they said.

The rules are the rules. Those who don't obey can leave, but it is absolutely impossible to change the rules.

"Stop arguing, who said there is no limit on the number of people? Look at the one with the largest number of people in the field, that is the mysterious Eastern Han Empire, with a total of 5 people. This is the upper limit stipulated by the Battlefield of All Nations, not the upper limit of the Han Empire.

If there is no upper limit on the number of people, everyone combined may not have as many people as them. "

The speaker was the Xiongnu Chanyu. He led [-] elite cavalry. Unfortunately, they encountered mountainous terrain and could not use them at all.

Fortunately, he could still see the whole battlefield now. As long as he didn't confront a big man, he didn't think there was any problem at all.

After all, apart from the big men, only those in Europa are more powerful.

But what are they Huns? The whip of God is quite experienced in beating Europa.

With the introduction of the Xiongnu Chanyu, the others immediately shut up and even glanced in Liu Xie's direction.

Seeing that he was not looking around, these people felt relieved.

If you are targeted by such a terrifying empire, it will definitely be a disaster in your life.

Those who have this idea are small countries that are relatively far away from the Han Dynasty. The small countries surrounding the big man were already trembling, and they wished they could be dug out of their graves and killed again by those on Sakura Island.

If they had known such a thing earlier, they should not have offended the big man before.

It's okay now. I'm afraid all the country's elite will be lost here.

Some people are sad and others are happy.

The happy ones are naturally the 36 countries in the Western Regions and Beibang.

Beibang was glad that he did not listen to the temptations of those on Sakura Island and stood firmly behind the big man. Now that he had thighs to hug on the battlefield of all nations, he should be stable.

The 36 countries in the Western Regions were even happier because they had already become vassals of the Han Dynasty before the Battle of All Nations began.

As long as you can find your boss on the battlefield, the others are not worth mentioning at all.

"It's amazing how many people there are! Strength is the last word. No matter how many there are, they are just mortals. Compared with us, they are nothing."

Although Dracula expressed disdain, he was already alert in his heart.

The reason is simple. These dark creatures and pollution monsters do not appear in one place, but in the entire world.

Today, more than 70.00% of the place on Blue Star is occupied by them.

A large part of the remaining 30.00% is in the confrontation between humans and monsters.

Only the human race in a small area could be spared and sent out pure human army.

And with the territory and strength of the Han Dynasty, the monsters that appeared on it should be very powerful. However, none of them are seen now. They have obviously been eliminated by the Han army.

In other words, these mortals have the ability to kill extraordinary people.

This is a terrifying thing, after all, there is no such precedent in other countries.

Like the Xiongnu, the 36 Kingdoms of the Western Regions, the White Elephant, the Beibang, etc.... they were able to send out all human armies, not because they also eliminated the corresponding monsters, but because the things that came to them were relatively close to the human race.

As long as you believe in them, you can not only survive but also gain extraordinary abilities.

In essence, these people are no different from being contaminated.

The only army that was neither polluted nor believed in any gods was the Han.

"Interesting! It seems that this Han king is not only powerful, but also has a strong ability to rule. It seems that we have to go to Mahakara and Pharaoh to discuss it, and drive the Han out first and leave it on the battlefield. Sooner or later it’s a threat.”

... (end of this chapter)

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