Xu Shu and Pang Tong did not keep Liu Xie waiting for long.

After Zhuge Liang mentioned this matter, the two of them arrived in Luoyang on the third day.

"It is worthy of being at the feet of the Emperor. I heard that it had been hit by a fire. I originally thought it had been abandoned long ago. I didn't expect it to be so prosperous, and it looked like the arrival of a prosperous age."

Pang Tong was very satisfied with Luoyang.

From here you can see that the current situation is pretty good.

The faces of pedestrians on the street are filled with happy smiles, and they have obviously emerged from the haze of war.

"You need to observe more. Who knows whether the gold and jade are actually corrupted on the outside."

Xu Shu has seen too many dark sides, so when considering things, he likes to look at the whole picture before commenting.

The two of them didn't tell anyone about their arrival in Luoyang, so no one came to receive them.

The two of them started wandering around Luoyang.

You wouldn't know if you didn't turn around. At this turn, both of them were a little dazed, and before they knew it, most of the day had passed.

"It's so magical here. You can't see any garbage or a drop of sewage. Do the people in Luoyang know etiquette so well?"

Pang Tong didn't believe it.

If people with insight can do this, there are still some possibilities.

But everyone will comply, which is a bit difficult.

"Maybe we can ask around, maybe we can get some useful information!"

Xu Shu couldn't understand either.

They have traveled to too many places and have never encountered such a neat city.

Then the two of them found a fly restaurant, sat down and chatted with the boss.

After some conversation, they learned that Luoyang has a strict management system.

Garbage, sewage, street stalls...all have dedicated personnel to manage them.

Although it is impossible not to pick up lost things on the road and not close the door at night, it is not much different.

"This will cost a lot of resources. There are still many places in the Han Dynasty where people can't even afford to eat. The emperor did this a bit too much."

Pang Tong's inner view of the emperor suddenly dropped.

In Pang Tong's view, the court should first care about the people's food and clothing problems, and then manage these so-called face projects.

It's simply criminal to waste most of your resources on a place like this.

"You are wrong. This is the genius of the emperor. As Luoyang City grows bigger, how many homeless people will be produced in it. If you integrate them and give them a meager salary, you can stop them from causing trouble and let the people at the bottom get more. A safe living space.

This is an extremely clever trick. Not only is it not a waste of resources, it is the best way to maintain the stability and harmony of Luoyang. "

Xu Shu holds the opposite view to Pang Tong. In his view, a harmonious and stable environment is the basis for development together.

If we only focus on food, clothing and warmth, the people will only get worse and worse.

Of course, if it is only implemented in Luoyang City, it will definitely be unfair to the people in other places.

But if it is only a preliminary experiment in Luoyang, and if it is really effective and then promoted nationwide, it will definitely be a great good thing.

When the time comes, the great Han Dynasty will be at its peak.

"It's useless to say so much. Let's go to the palace to find the emperor and see what he says."

The king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also become the king.

Pang Tong wanted to see if the emperor was a person worthy of his help.

If not, he would turn around and leave. Even if he was charged with lese majesty and beheaded on the spot, he would not contribute any more to this decadent dynasty.

If so, then use all your strength, even to the last moment, to make the big man stand on top of the world again.

"It's a very light thing to say. You think the palace is your home. Go in as soon as you say. You should contact Kong Ming first. Without his guidance, we can't even enter the gate."

Xu Shu smiled.

Not to mention the palace, even the county government office is not that close.Pang Tong is still too young.


The next day, under the leadership of Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and Xu Shu attacked to meet Liu Xie.

"Caomin greets His Majesty!"

"Be flat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After some pleasantries, Pang Tong raised his question.

"Your Majesty, the Han Dynasty has been on war for years, and there have been constant natural and man-made disasters. The people have been displaced and have no food to eat. Why does Luoyang still put a lot of resources in unnecessary places?"

"Shi Yuan!"

Zhuge Liang shouted, trying to interrupt Pang Tong.

Being so disrespectful in front of the Emperor is simply inviting disaster upon yourself.

"No problem! Please tell me in detail, what's wrong with Luoyang?"

Liu Xie didn't care. People with ability were somewhat arrogant.

Before they were convinced, various things would inevitably happen, and Liu Xie had already been prepared for this.

He is not the kind of person who is petty and doesn't care much about this kind of thing.

"Your Majesty, when the grassroots first came to Luoyang, they were very happy to see that the streets were clean and the people were living and working in peace and contentment.

But after walking around for a long time, the common people discovered one thing. No matter how good Luoyang seemed, it would be difficult to change the difficult life of the people of the Han Dynasty.

And underneath this bustling appearance is a huge expenditure of resources.

With so many resources distributed to the people, no one knows how many people can survive.

The ordinary people are bold and ask Your Majesty to take back these resources to give the people of the world one more chance to survive. "

After Pang Tong said this, he stood aside and waited for Liu Xie to make his move.

"Hahaha! Everyone in the world knows that Crouching Dragon and Fengxiao can make peace in the world. I already know about Crouching Dragon's talent, but I never thought that Fengxiao really lives up to his name and is as childish as a child.

If Luoyang is no different from other places, how can the people in the world rest assured?

How can students all over the world rest assured?

If this is the case at the emperor's feet, will they think that other places are even more chaotic?
Only when the officials in Luoyang govern the country in a clear and transparent manner, and the people live in peace, and set an example to the people of the world, will they follow suit and make the people of the world live a prosperous life.

If I withdraw these resources and make Luoyang the same as before, what about other places?
If the capital of the country is like this, won't the world become even more chaotic? "

Liu Xie responded with a smile.

The reason is similar to what Xu Shu guessed.

After hearing this, Pang Tong's face turned blue and white, looking particularly ashamed.

Although Liu Xie seemed to be humiliating Pang Tong, at this moment Pang Tong felt that Liu Xie was right.

My thoughts are really like a child's. I can only see the things in front of me, but I can't see the deeper core.

This is also related to what Pang Tong learned. He is good at strategy and is slightly weaker in internal affairs.

And he has not been promoted by heaven. He is not very old now and is far from his peak.

It’s not strange to think so.

"Your Majesty, the common people have a question."

Xu Shu saw Pang Tong's embarrassment and immediately stood up and said.

"If you have any questions, just ask and I can answer your questions."

Liu Xie knew that these two talented people were testing him, and only after dealing with them could they truly be of use to him.

"Does Your Majesty have the desire to spread the methods practiced in Luoyang City to the world?" (End of Chapter)

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