Shen Wanci: "Well, last time you asked Director Yu to persuade me not to give up my hobbies easily. Although I still chose to stay at Bo's, I still thank you."

Nie Yucheng: "..."

Shen Wanci took the car keys and paused when passing him: "I will seriously consider it. Thank you, Yucheng."

Nie Yucheng watched her leaving, and felt a moment of confusion in his heart. He didn't know who it was that asked Mr. Yu to persuade Shen Wanci for the first time, but he could guess it.

But now, Wan Ci clearly misunderstood that it was him.

If he is going to be wrong...

Shen Wanci's hand had already grasped the doorknob and was about to open the door and go out.

"Wan Ci..." Nie Yucheng stopped her, with a warm smile on his lips: "This is my first time."


Shen Wanci suddenly turned her head in shock, and was almost stunned by his words. She looked at Nie Yucheng with a ghostly look on her face. The man smiled warmly, as if he didn't feel there was anything wrong with his words at all: " …”

What nonsense are you talking about?It all made her stutter.

What does 'this is your first time' mean?
Seeing her frightened look, Nie Yucheng couldn't help but laugh: "I was not the one who asked Mr. Yu to persuade you before."

Shen Wanci breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his chest as if he was reborn: "I would have been scared to death if I didn't speak so heavily."

She looked at the dark pattern on the door and was stunned.

The last time it wasn't him, it was because Director Yu couldn't bear her giving up her dream so easily, or...

She thought of Bo Jingzhou, and then suppressed the thought.

He had just taken charge of the Lu family at that time, and his situation was probably worse than now. He had no time to take care of such things.

Seeing that she was distracted, Nie Yucheng smiled a little reluctantly: "I see that you have been looking gloomy recently. I want to make you smile."

Shen Wanci: "Don't make such a joke again. You'll scare me out of my soul."

Nie Yucheng nodded: "Okay."


After thinking about it for several days, Shen Wanci decided to participate in this treasure appraisal program. Mr. Yu was right: it is not easy for people to find their own hobbies in this life, and they should not give up because of temporary difficulties.

The restoration of cultural relics requires concentration and is very time-consuming. She does not have the energy to do it at the moment. If she cannot focus, she will get half the result with half the effort, and it is easy to get distracted and make mistakes.

Those are cultural treasures that cannot be copied and cannot be ruined by her. In comparison, identification will be easier, and there are other experts and professors.

Shen Wanci searched for this program on the Internet and found that it had been held several times before. It was only recently that a teacher quit midway due to something, so this space became available.

The method used is live recording and live broadcast. There is no rehearsal, no reshoots, and the cultural relics to be identified have not even been seen beforehand. The test is to adapt to the situation and have a solid foundation. If the identification is wrong, it will be embarrassing.The program was recorded on Tuesday at the TV station.

Shen Wanci came early, and several other teachers had not arrived yet. She sat in the waiting area and listened to the staff explaining to her the process of waiting and the location of the camera. "Ms. Shen, we are filming live. There is no With filters and photo retouching, you will appear a little fatter in the camera than in reality. When you take the photo, you tilt your face sideways so that it doesn’t show up."

When he was talking, he raised his head and glanced at Shen Wanci, and his eyes met hers. His face turned red and he quickly lowered his head and whispered: "But Miss Shen is so beautiful, she will look good in any photo taken."

Shen Wanci: "Thank you."

"'re welcome," the man said hurriedly: "There are two signs on your left and one on your right, which represent authenticity and fake respectively. After the appraisal is completed, you can just hold up the signs."

While talking, others also arrived.

There were four teachers in charge of the appraisal including her. After the three of them appraised the result, one of the most famous teachers gave the final result.

This approach can maximize the controversy of the show.

It would be meaningless if everyone gave the same answer and there was no suspense.

Although cultural relic identification and cultural relic restoration are not the same profession, they are in the same line of work. Although they rarely come into contact with each other, they are still familiar to some.

Shen Wanci, as the youngest among them and the one with multiple majors, has a very low-key attitude, but she does not make people think that she is flattering at all.

After saying hello and chatting for a few words, the show officially started.

As the new member, Shen Wanci was introduced grandly by the host, "I have seen a documentary filmed by Ms. Shen on the restoration of cultural relics before. The superb and skillful techniques were so amazing that I couldn't even bear to blink. , I really didn’t expect Miss Shen to have such good skills at such a young age.”

After a routine of boasting and praising, the show officially started.

The first one brought up was a jade woman, said to be from the Song Dynasty.

After the owner introduced the origin, he brought the beauty to the appraiser, held it in both hands, and placed it carefully on the table.


A villa somewhere in Kyoto.

Bo Jingzhou was lying on the sofa. He drank a few more glasses of wine while socializing in the evening. Although he was not drunk, he was overcome by alcohol and felt exhausted. He didn't want to move while lying down.

There was no light on in the living room, only a faint light filtered through the cracks in the curtains, dimly illuminating the scene inside the house.


There was a slight sound on the door, and the closed door was opened.

Bo Jingzhou, who had been about to fall asleep with his eyes closed, suddenly woke up. There was no trace of drunkenness or drunkenness in his eyes as he looked at the ceiling. (End of chapter)

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