Mr. Bo, my wife is going on a date with someone again.

Chapter 414 Addressing Physiological Needs

Huo Tingdong loosened his tie and began to unbutton his shirt. His sexy Adam's apple crossed his slender fingers. Qin Yuezhi couldn't help but swallow when he saw it.

He has such a good figure, and he must feel good in the hand. He doesn't seem to be at a disadvantage if he touches it. I just don't know if size and height are directly proportional...

Qin Yuezhi suddenly realized what he was thinking about and slapped his forehead mercilessly, "Lawyer Huo, who do you want to kill? I'll go right away. Please don't seduce me. Afraid that I might be tempted to do something crazy."

She stared at Huo Tingdong's gracefully curved collarbone, feeling a little weak: "How long will the sentence for rape be? Let me first calculate whether it is worth it."

"..." Huo Tingdong buttoned up the unbuttoned buttons, "I'm just a little hot, your phone rang."

The call was from Shen Wanci. She answered it and slipped out of the rest room, touching her nose before leaving.

Fortunately, no nosebleed.


Lu Yanchi's car was parked on the first floor below the club. He did not get in immediately, but lowered his head and lit a cigarette. His cold and hard features were softened by the warm flames. The man took a deep breath and slowly exhaled gray-white smoke. of smoke.

He lowered his eyes and landed on the palm of his left hand.

Just now he touched Shen Wanci's belly with this hand, and the soft touch seemed to be still wrapped in his palm. It was only early October, the weather was not too cold, and the air conditioner was on in the club. Shen Wanci She was only wearing a thin base layer, and her body temperature could be felt through her clothes.

Lu Yanchi tightened his fingers, as if he wanted to grasp something, but it seemed to be just a meaningless movement. He closed his eyes, and his mind was blank and dull for a few seconds.

His tall and elegant figure was shrouded in incandescent lights, making him look particularly dull and lonely.

The monotonous cell phone ringtone rang in the quiet parking lot, instantly diluting the breathless depression. Lu Yanchi slowly opened his eyes and looked down at the caller ID on his cell phone.

It's an unfamiliar number.


"Mr. Lu," it was the club manager's voice: "As per your instruction, this swimsuit party has been cancelled."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble, I will make up for the damage you caused. Just send the bill directly to my mobile phone."

"It's okay, it's okay. We have arranged other programs to make up for it. We haven't received any news from customers asking for refunds yet," the manager dared not say anything in anger. He was really smiling on his face, but in his heart, MMP, their swimsuit party was held. It has been popular with customers for several years, so why is it so immoral?

The newly appointed Mr. Lu must have been picked up from some nook and cranny by the Lu family. The footband was wrapped around his cerebellum and wrapped several times.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanchi stubbed out his cigarette and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can nearby. He waited until the smell of cigarette smoke dissipated from his body before he opened the car door and got in.

Instead of going home, he went straight to the hospital.

On the 7th floor, Department of Orthopedics, in a single ward near the toilet, Tang Qi was lying alone on the bed, with a plaster on his leg and gauze on his hand.

He wanted to sleep, but as soon as the anesthesia wore off, the throbbing pain from the wound kept him from sleeping at all.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned and looked towards the door. As soon as he saw Lu Yanchi, his face wrinkled and he said painfully: "Mr. Lu, who do you think is so wicked that he threw it into the safe passage of the company?" Marbles? Are the marbles greased with oil? Are they so slippery?"

Lu Yanchi pulled up the stool next to the hospital bed and sat down, shaking his head: "The security guard said that the monitoring of the safe passage was broken. He had reported it before, but no one took care of it." Tang Qi: "..."

So his leg was broken in vain.

Lu Yanchi looked sincere: "I'm sorry, if I hadn't had to take the stairs, I wouldn't have caused you to break your leg. You can recover well during this period. Don't worry about the company. I have arranged for someone else to take your place. This is a work-related injury, so your salary will be three times the usual rate."

Tang Qi lay there for several hours, with soreness in his waist and back. He wanted to turn over, but when he moved, his wound was pulled, and he felt another burst of heartbreaking pain.

"Mr. Lu, you are in a hurry to leave in the afternoon. I fell and didn't delay your business, right?"

Lu Yanchi raised her eyes and glanced at him: "No."

Tang Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Lu left in such a hurry at that time, was there something urgent?"

Lu Yanchi: "Yeah."

Seeing that Tang Qi was still staring at him, as if he would not give up until he found out the reason, the man said calmly: "You want to follow me to solve your physiological needs?"

Tang Qi: "..."

Lu Yanchi just came over for a formality, sat there for a few minutes, then got up and left.

When he went downstairs and passed the trash can, he threw the empty cigarette case in his hand.

"Bang" sound.

The cigarette box hit the bottom of the trash can, the lid opened, and a few greased marbles rolled out.

He took out his mobile phone, replaced it with another card, dialed a set of numbers, and his deep voice dispersed far away in the night wind: "Hello, Director Yu, I have something to ask you."


Cafe near Kyoto Museum.

Shen Wanci held the cup and looked down at the dark brown rippling liquid inside. She pursed her lips tightly and said after a long while: "Director Yu, I'm sorry, I can't go back to the museum right now. "

She didn't expect that Director Yu would actually come to her and ask her to go back to work in the museum. After all, Director Yu personally approved her resignation application.

Curator Yu sighed: "What a pity, Wan Ci, you are a good prospect and a talented restorer of cultural relics. As long as you persist, you will definitely make a difference in this industry. It is a pity that you give up now." ”

He had already seen Bo Jingzhou's disappearance on the news, and he roughly guessed the reason why Shen Wanci gave up his dream and went to the mall. "If Mr. Bo knew about it, he would definitely not want you to do this."

"My choice has nothing to do with him." Shen Wanci didn't want Bo Jingzhou to carry such a heavy burden. She raised her head and said, "Director Yu, may I venture to ask why you suddenly came to persuade me to return to work in the museum?"

It has been three months since she left her job, and she would have tried to persuade her earlier. (End of chapter)

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