Chapter 248

Bo Jingzhou's movements stopped for a moment, and he felt a little frustrated. He rested his chin on Shen Wanci's shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice with a little bit of grievance: "Don't you like me kissing you? But... Yes, you don’t like me, so how can you like me to kiss you?”


This was the first time she saw Bo Jingzhou so drunk. There were times when he was drunk before, but at that time he always fell asleep, let alone talking, even if Nanny Rong came, she couldn't wake him up.

She said nothing, and neither did Bo Jingzhou.

There was a brief equilibrium between the two.

However, this balance did not last long, and the man began to unbutton his shirt: "Then I won't kiss you, let's do it directly."

No matter how dull Shen Wanci was, she understood what he meant by "just come on", and said with a cold smile: "Okay, go to bed, it's uncomfortable to stand like this."

Bo Jingzhou was obviously drunk, but he still knew where the bed was. When he walked over, he still remembered to hold Shen Wanci in his arms, for fear that he would run away.

As soon as he reached the bed, Bo Jingzhou completely lost his strength and fell onto the bed with Shen Wanci in his arms. However, at the last moment, he still held on and did not press his whole body on her.

The shirt with only two buttons still buttoned fell down with his movements, revealing the man's well-proportioned and tight chest and abdominal muscles. It has to be said that with Bo Jingzhou's appearance and body, he would definitely be in double digits at the Cowherd Restaurant. The price is low, the kind that rich women are rushing to get.

Bo Jingzhou lowered his body and approached her, his breath smelling of alcohol brushing her face. Shen Wanci took a half-human-high doll rabbit from the bed and gave it to him, while she crawled out from the gap.

On the coffee table in the living room, her noodles were really lumpy. Each noodle was soaked at least twice as big, and she lost her appetite just looking at it.

Shen Wanci turned his head and stared at Bo Jingzhou, who was holding a rabbit on the bed and talking to himself, with an unkind expression. Nothing good would happen if he met him. This was the last pack of instant noodles at home.

She ordered takeout on her phone, then went to the room to touch Bo Jingzhou's phone, unlocked it, opened Chen Xu's WeChat account and sent him a message in Bo Jingzhou's tone: "Come pick me up at Shen Wanci's apartment."

Chen Xu replied quickly: "Young madam, I can't leave. My girlfriend said that if I don't work overtime day and night and ignore her, she will die."

Just kidding, if he couldn't tell who was sending him a message, this special assistant would also be made.


Chen Xu couldn't get through here, so Shen Wanci had to call Gu Chenye, but the person who answered the phone was a woman. She was stunned for a moment, and realized that the other party should be the girl named Yan Ji in Nie Yucheng's mouth.

Her voice was cold, with an ethereal feeling like mountains and flowing water, "Are you looking for Gu Chenye? He is dead."

Shen Wanci originally wanted to hang up the phone. She didn't know Yan Ji, and she didn't understand her. She was afraid that if she spoke out, she would misunderstand her. At this time, a woman called her man and asked him to pick her up at a certain apartment. How? It feels fishy even looking at it.

But the other party has already spoken out, so hanging up again would be a bit cover-up.

And when I heard this, it seemed that the two of them were quarreling.

Yanji affirmed: "You are not Bo Jingzhou."

Shen Wanci reported his name, "Bo Jingzhou is drunk. I originally wanted Mr. Gu to come and take him back."

"You can just throw him out when you are drunk," Yan Ji said nonchalantly: "They are both the same species. If you expect Gu Chenye to come and take Bo Jingzhou away, you might as well expect a boar to give birth to cubs."

"..." "A man is sure that you will be soft-hearted, so he will touch your bottom line again and again. If you kick him out this time, he will promise not to use drunkenness to win sympathy next time."

Shen Wanci looked at Bo Jingzhou.

The man who just now was clamoring to try again with her was actually - trying to reason with Rabbit.

The wine-soaked voice was low, with obvious hoarseness: "If someone you don't like makes such a request to you, you must firmly refuse and slap the person out. If you encounter an animal that wants to be violent, just You can smash things hard, even use a knife. If something happens, I'll take care of it for you. You can't be so casual and agree without resisting at all."

What if the two bastards Qin Heyi and Nie Yucheng took advantage of me?
"It's normal for women of your age to have physiological needs, but please restrain yourself and at least wait for me..."

Shen Wanci sneered and kicked Bo Jingzhou to the ground.

At her age, what is her age?She is only 25 and will not turn 26 until October.

The biggest beast she has ever encountered in her life is him.

Before Bo Jingzhou finished speaking, he felt his body suddenly suspended in the air, and the next second, he fell to the ground.

Before falling, he subconsciously protected the rabbit in his arms and used his own body to cushion it.

Shen Wanci looked at this scene condescendingly, hehe, what a dog, he treated a doll rabbit better than her, and even used his body to cushion it.

The bed was not high, and there was a thick plush carpet on the floor, so it wouldn't hurt much if he fell down. However, Bo Jingzhou seemed to have sobered up a little, and he stared blankly at Shen Wanci sitting on the bed with his eyes open.

Shen Wanci threw the phone to him, frowned, and raised his hand to slap his nose in disgust. The smell of alcohol in the room made him very annoyed: "Get out of here when you sober up, or call someone." To pick."

Bo Jingzhou subconsciously took the phone: "Wanwan, I have a friend who is not very good with his wife. His wife divorced him. If it were you, can you accept that a man... um... has flaws in that area?"

He said the word 'defect' very lightly.

Shen Wanci didn't think about Bo Jingzhou at all. Although he had never touched her, he still had the reaction he should have every time he kissed her, but he didn't really do it in the end, and he would go to the bathroom for a long time after each time. , the bathroom was cold after coming out, and I knew what he was doing in there.

He didn't have many friends, Shen Wanci only knew one or two, and his first reaction was Gu Chenye.

Just now Yan Ji said that he was dead.

Shen Wanci's impression of Gu Chenye was not very good because of her hatred of the house. "No, if I were his wife, I would also get divorced. Why should a woman waste her abundant youth on a man who can't do anything well and is No. 1 in eating?" On the body? After a divorce, a large amount of property will be divided. Wouldn’t it be delicious to have a little fresh meat? Men are all stumbling blocks on the road to women’s success. "

Bo Jingzhou: "..."

His face was completely blue.

Every word Shen Wanci said danced on his tense nerves.

He clenched his back molars tightly and spoke word by word: "Shen Wanci."

Shen Wanci looked at him sideways. This action made her look a bit condescending. She spoke even slower than him: "After all, at such a wolf-like age, how can I tolerate being without a man?" What’s the day?”

(End of this chapter)

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